No Internet Connection - iphone

I am a little confused on how to go about and do this....
On each page of my app i connect to PHP file to drag in data from my server. I have about 10 pages. Now if there is no connection to the internet then of course now data can be received.
Often the app crashes and we are putting this down to not having the data due to a change in connection or wifi whatever.
Now i have setup the reachability thing and that works, but i dont know how to link this in with the PHP calls. Should i check the reachability and if no connection then dont run the call. If so, what about all the variables, they will still be null and cause an error then?
I dont really know what is the best solution.
Hope you can help

Are the php calls just to receive data from a database without using a built in DB framework such as SQLite? If so, I went the same route to avoid the headache at first, but running SQLite in your app is a better solution overall, and reduces multiple dependencies (such as internet connection).
Now if the php calls that give you data back are receiving this information from yet another source and then feeding it into its own DB.....
Should i check the reachability and if no connection then dont run the call
Yes you should. This is done in multiple apps already. What variables would be null in this case? Pop the code that makes the call in an "if" block below this check, and only run it if true. Error handling other variables that might be null because the php call isn't setting them is up to you. You can do this is multiple ways.

You should certainly cache the data so the App doesn't HAVE to connect to the internet to display something, other than that I would make sure to use asynchronous requests and the timeout feature of NSURLRequest to control your attempts to request data in the background. If you don't get the data, just keep using what you have cached.


Problem using signalr for chat application flutter

I had made a whole chat application using signalr as a socket with the online and offline facility. I am facing a few problems,
Signalr connection is always time out after some time, to overcome that I had condition if hubconnection is not connected then create new hubconnection (onResume app), but still it get hubconnection._callback got increased when sending message and not moving to server side socket. Again need to refresh whole app.
Can someone tell me whether this is problem because there are lot of operations going on and so signalr loses its connection as flutter is single thread and it cannot handle much? or should I use Isolate or inherit widget.
Summary problem:
I cannot send message in chat after sometime. It stores all message in hubconnection._callback and not going for server.
Is anything better solution to keep alive in both Android+iOS.
I had used package.
Please do not mention about firebase.
Any other logic suggestion is appreciable.
Thank you.
I've been using a different package,, which works fine without any particular issues what I have observed at the moment.
I'm only running about 10 listeners simultaneously, not sure if that is more or less than you. In the package I'm running you can establish connection with automatic reconnect. It looks like this:
It seems like your package have the same functionality... Have you tried that?

How to handle connectivity while posting data?

I'm trying to find a way to post data, while checking for internet connectivity. My problem is, if I have 50 photos to send to my server, say it takes 15secondes, how do I handle the case where I have a bad connection, or where I loose my connection in the middle of the process ? How do I wait until connectivity is back ? How do i try again in 10seconds ? And should I send the data all over again, or is it possible to keep where it stopped (when the connection was lost) ?
I already know of the connectivity plugin, i'm just trying to figure out if I should use a StreamBuilder, rxdart with a listener, etc... Is there a proper way to deal with it, or am I supposed to come up with my own solution ?
If you know of any articles or videos talking about this, thank you for letting me know ! I'm having a hard time finding these.
Ps : i'm not using Firebase, Firestore, etc...
Thanks !
Instead of posting all photos at once, break them down one-by-one. You can put them into a queue of Future or using [StreamQueue][1].
In queue object model, you can add an extra field to determine whether it succeeds or fails. If the result of posting a specific photo is failure, put it into queue again.

Bonjour Avahi daemon TXTRecord

I try to use txt-records to share information between multiple devices. Therefore I am using bonjour/avahi. The server-side works fine as wireshark proofs. Information is added to the txt-record and sent out using MDNS.
The problem occurs on the client side, where the daemon/service does not seem to get the information change all the time. It is stuck with information that is already outdated and does not automatically update it when I try to resolve the service again.
On the client side I am using DNSServiceResolve in combination with a callback function where I call TXTRecordContainsKey and TXTRecordGetValuePtr to make sure the data is available before use. This all works fine except that, as already mentioned, the information is not always updated.
Am I missing something, or are there any additional API-function calls that I can use to force the daemon to update its record except DNSServiceResolve?
Thank you in advance.
Solved, always make sure you deaktivate your firewall when dealing with such strange problems...
This completely solved my issue.

Is there a reliable alternative to NSURLConnection?

My app is calling a web service to retrieve some data, and I want to make the experience as best as possible. I figured out that using NSURLConnection it's very hard to give good timely feedback.
Sometimes my iPhone tries to load the data for a minute or two and I see no way of figuring out what is taking so long, or why the download is so troublesome. Then after a few minutes I sometimes end up with an error code.
I'd like to display exactly what is happening. Messages like:
"Establishing internet connection"
"Trying to connect to server"
"Downloading data..."
"Download complete!"
And when there is trouble like server not reachable or DNS could not be resolved, it would be nice to just try again a few times and not simply quit and throw error.
Are there replacements for NSURLConnection which handle these things more gracefully and give better in-time feedback about what is happening?
I've been a big fan of the AFNetworking library. Very easy to use and wraps all your networking calls in blocks that are very easy to work with.
It is also is kept very current, so you should be safe in getting all the updates it needs as your project progresses and ages.
I think you should be misusing NSURLConnection and NSURLConnectionDelegate, since you can do most of you needs with them.
But, what about MKNetworkKit? I've been using it and it really makes those kind of issues easier to deal with.
Something that can help you achieve what you want. Since ASIHTTPRequest is no longer being supported MKNetworkKit would be your best choice. To check for connectivity, you can always use Reachability.

Iphone SQLite initializing and closing

I'm new to working with iphone and SQLite i have my app working fine with SQLite but i would like to know what you all think is the correct / best way of opening an sqlite connection and closing it..
Would you
Initialise a DB connection on app load and close on app close..
Open and close connections when is needed..
Also is it good practise to constantly update db entries as you go or store all information in an object and write out at the end when needed..
There is not to much information on this via google just some useful small tutorials that cover delete / insert / update but not as a general overview of the best practise in using SQLite with iphone..
Thanks guys
Keep the connection open.
Whenever you execute a SQL query, it has to be compiled into a prepared statement. Once it's compiled, you can use it over and over and it doesn't have to be compiled again.
However, the query is compiled against the database pointer, so if you close your connection, you have to release all of your prepared statements. When you re-open your connection, you then have to re-prepare each statement as you use it again.
Save an object whenever you make a set of changes. If you are changing several things on an object (name, address, etc.) make all the changes first, then save it. Don't wait to commit several unrelated changes all at once, though (i.e. at the termination of the app). Related changes can be delayed until they are all made, before saving them.