I am using a Dalphi based program on Windows 7 64 bit system and it does not display properly - windows-7-x64

I use a finanical planning program http://www.visionsystemscorp.com/ProductOverview.aspx?pid=1 that is based on Dalphi programing, 32 bit system. It worked fine on a XP system but when I got a new system with windows 7, 64 bit and a larger screen I am having trouble with the display. In some cases the font is over sized and when boxes pop up the box doesn't expand enough to display all of the text (or the text doesn't shrink enough). I am not a programer, just a user. Does anyone have any suggestions?

You need to change the compatibility settings for the program.
To do this you need to locate the program (probably in c:\program files\something-or-other)... once there find the name of the executable file (ends in ".exe").
Right click on it, select properties, and find the compatibility tab. Set the program compatibility for Windows XP.
This should fix it.


How to remove Window 11 Start Menus bloatwares via Powershell?

In the new Windows 11 Start Menus, there are apps like "TikTok" and "Prime Videos" that are not actually installed on the system, they would start installing when you clicked on the icon. This means that usual way of uninstalling via Powershell (ie: Remove-AppxPackages) does not work. In Window 10, I would get a round this by just replacing the orginal Start Menus layout config file with a blank one (effectively remove all pinned apps), then manually repin all the apps I wanted; but, this does not works on Win11 either.
So... does anyone know how to remove all of this visual bloats on the Start Menus via PowerShell (or any other command-line tools/languages, for that matter)?

very small fonts and icons on 4k screens

I'm using CFeclipse on Windows 10 OS.
With the adaptation of new 4k resolution laptops. Eclipse displays small icons and fonts. Its also reported as a bug in https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=451693.
The mentioned bug has been fixed, Eclipse automatically scales images on high-DPI monitors on Windows since Eclipse Neon (4.6). So, make sure your Eclipse IDE is up to date.
If upgrading does not fix your issue, in eclipse.ini add the following line below the line -vmargs (see Tweaking SWT's auto-scaling):
(In contrast to the compatibility mode of Windows, this is the way to get the double-resolution icons.)
To solve the problem in Windows 10.
Right click Eclipse Icon
Select Properties
Compatibility Tab
Under Settings Section check
Override High DPI scaling behaviour. Scaling performed by.
Select System.
Then Apply or Ok
I haven't encountered it yet in other application but this solution might also work for other apps that displays small icons and fonts.
This solution also works in Ultraedit,FastStone capture
The steps also helps for Coldfusion installer that appears too tiny to be readable or other Application installer in a 4k screen that shows everything too small.
I was having problems with a Windows 10 RDP connection using a Surface Pro machine. A recent update made Eclipse virtually unusable.
This solution worked perfectly :
Right click Eclipse Desktop Icon
Select Properties
Compatibility Tab
Change high DPI settings
Override High DPI scaling behaviour. Scaling performed by. Select
Then Apply or OK
I then had to slightly adjust the font size within Eclipse itself. I found I could use a slightly smaller font

How to increase font size/font family of NetBeans IDE? (not the text editor's font)

I'm having a problem with NetBeans fonts on my computer which for some reason are getting distorted. I decided to open this question because all searches I made ended up on how to change the fonts of the text editor but not of the IDE itself. As you can see on this printscreen, it is kinda hard to read because of this missing parts of the characters. I was having exactly the same problem with burp suite then I increase the font-size (didn't found a option there to change font-family) and it solved a little bit. I think that if I change these configurations it will be easier for me to read. Thanks in advance.
The solution came from http://wiki.netbeans.org/FaqFontSize
There's 2 options to do:
Run netbeans with the additional --fontsize X parameter from the commandline
Edit the netbeans.conf file located in the %NETBEANS_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY\etc directory and at the part that says netbeans_default_options=.... append --fontsize X (Be sure that the option -J-Dsun.java2d.dpiaware is set to true. Netbeans will ignore the --fontsize instruction if is false).
This should change the default GTK font size. As noted in the link, it may not work in Gnome desktop environments because the font there is controlled by Gnome.
The netbeans.conf file for 10.x seems to have a slightly different syntax than previous versions.
In 8.2, adding "--fontsize x" worked. I couldn't get it to work in 10.0.
But adding "--fontsize x" to the start cmd works fine and doesn't compromise the font crispness when using a HD screen.

Can't change PowerShell font and window size on Windows 8.1

My PowerShell window opens with a very small font (and window size). This is a common problem, and I found a bunch of suggestions for how to deal with it, but none of the suggestions seem to work. Specifically, the common suggestion that one should open PowerShell with admin privileges, change the properties, and then close the window, doesn't work. It's still small the next time I open it. The only way I managed to get it to open with the right font and window size, was by opening the application directly. Any invocation via a shortcut doesn't give the right properties.
I'm running Windows 8.1, which seems to be the main difference between my situation and that of the other users who had this problem. Any idea how to fix this?
For Windows 8.1, in Start, find PowerShell.
Open file location. Open shortcut Properties (right click menu). Security tab → Edit your permissions to Modify.
Select Font tab (skip errors - nothing is set hence the problem). Select Font (I set Lucida Sans Size 16).
Apply (changes). Security tab Edit permissions remove modify. Apply. All done.
Is it possible that you are adjusting the Properties rather than the 'Defaults'? Also, I am with Keith; the Consolas fonts give you much large sizes than the Raster, and the Lucida Console give people problems.
I'm on Windows 8.1 and the only thing I ever do is start PowerShell via its shortcut then edit the console properties to my liking. I then launch PowerShell elevated and set the same settings. Usually that has me pretty well covered on Windows 8.1. Of course, if you then launch the x86 console for PowerShell you may need to configure it as well.
I had the same problem. As stated here I select a non-12pt font, and it works. So I choose 14 pt Consolas. And it works. I'm using Windows 7 and Windows Server 2012. Both acts like the same.
Run PowerShell as Administrator, set the default font properties, and close the PowerShell window.
Then run PowerShell as the normal user, and you should see the same font as you did before.

Eclipse/GTK+ wasting screen real estate

Eclipse on Linux (GTK+) has rather large UI elements which wastes screen real estate. Compare the Linux version (taken on Ubuntu 9.10):
with the Windows version:
Note the vertical size of the Project Explorer tab, the menubar, and the toolbar. Is it possible to tweak this somehow? How does this look in other Linux distributions?
There are some blog entries for making Eclipse GTK gui less "clumsy". Note that you have to modify the gtkrc file in most cases:
Making Eclipse good on Linux
Tweaking Eclipse UI
Smaller font sizes for Eclipse on Linux