How to increase font size/font family of NetBeans IDE? (not the text editor's font) - netbeans

I'm having a problem with NetBeans fonts on my computer which for some reason are getting distorted. I decided to open this question because all searches I made ended up on how to change the fonts of the text editor but not of the IDE itself. As you can see on this printscreen, it is kinda hard to read because of this missing parts of the characters. I was having exactly the same problem with burp suite then I increase the font-size (didn't found a option there to change font-family) and it solved a little bit. I think that if I change these configurations it will be easier for me to read. Thanks in advance.

The solution came from
There's 2 options to do:
Run netbeans with the additional --fontsize X parameter from the commandline
Edit the netbeans.conf file located in the %NETBEANS_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY\etc directory and at the part that says netbeans_default_options=.... append --fontsize X (Be sure that the option -J-Dsun.java2d.dpiaware is set to true. Netbeans will ignore the --fontsize instruction if is false).
This should change the default GTK font size. As noted in the link, it may not work in Gnome desktop environments because the font there is controlled by Gnome.

The netbeans.conf file for 10.x seems to have a slightly different syntax than previous versions.
In 8.2, adding "--fontsize x" worked. I couldn't get it to work in 10.0.
But adding "--fontsize x" to the start cmd works fine and doesn't compromise the font crispness when using a HD screen.


Eclipse IDE horizontal lines in Editor

I'm using Eclipse 4.18 on Windows 10. The editor constantly shows horizontal lines at seemly random locations in the editor - see picture link for an example: (1). When scrolling up/down or when changing tabs those lines disappear (or get garbled) just to appear when scrolling again. It looks like a random pattern and I haven't been able to find anything in the Eclipse preferences to disable displaying the lines.
Previous versions of Eclipse had the same issue. Any ideas much appreciated.
The first image (1) is taken from the sample Syntax Coloring option in Preferences -> XML > XML Files > Editor > Syntax Coloring which also displays the issue in a sample textbox.
Also, I include a screenshot of a sample .txt file opened in Eclipse IDE 2020-12 (4.18.0) (menu File -> Open File...) which shows the horizontal lines (2) on a new workspace with no plugins installed.
I hadn't encountered any similar issue on previous Eclipse versions on Win10 (I last used Eclipse in ~2019)
I had the same issue exactly.
It started after replacing my monitor.
I have a monitor that require me to increase the DPI so I will see larger fonts especially in eclipse.
When you play around with your windows DPI setting you also need to change the DPI setting in eclipse so it will try to match especially if you have high resolution.
To tweak Eclipse DPI to try to match Windows DPI you need to edit (eclipse.ini) file. It should be on the same folder where eclipse.exe is located.
I had my setting on (-Dswt.autoScale = 175) when I see the lines you describe.
After changing it to 150 it was fixed .
Play around with Eclipse DPI setting I believe it would solve your problem. It did in my case. (maybe also Windows DPI but start first with Eclipse DPI settings)
After changing DPI setting in eclipse.ini you will need to restart eclipse to see the changes.

Underscore not showing in Dymola

I am using Dymola 2021 and 2021X, the underscore doesn't show in any models. I tried to reinstall Dymola and adjust the setting option of the text editor, but the problem still exists.
My questions are:
Is this some kind of bug in the new version?
If not a bug, how to fix this issue?
You can start Dymola with a different font as follows (as described in the full manual on page 495, "Developing a model|Tools>options|General group settings|Base font size")
"C:\Program Files\Dymola 2021x\bin\Dymola.exe" –fixedfont
"Lucida Console"
or some other font than "Lucida Console" - I hope you have some that works; there's also plain -font for the non-fixed width font.
As far as I see this setting isn't stored anywhere so you will have to make a short-cut to Dymola and use that every time.
I have never seen this behavior before and it works just fine for all installations I have seen.
It seems you have changed some fonts, maybe on operating system level, could you change these back? Default is sans-serif for menus (see screenshot), you use a font with serifs.
Also, a line length of 50 is very questionable, the default 80 is a reasonable MINIMUM.
Can you try and reset all Dymola settings, like this:

Mac os X Eclipse Package Explorer view , project folders in smaller size

I recently brought Mac Book Pro and I installed Eclipse Luna. I am facing a problem in viewing the Java projects in "Package Explorer" folders are very small. Is there a way to increase instead of changing the screen resolution?
It should be possible, have a look at this link:
(Copy of the essential part, in case the above link stops working:
#org-eclipse-jdt-ui-PackageExplorer {
Remains the question, where to put those lines. Best would be to create your own style, but I never figured out how to do it. So I usually just modify one of the built-in styles. To do this, go to /Applications/eclipse4.4/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.themes_1.0.1.v20140819-1717/css and open the css-file of the style you currently use (probably e4_default_mac.css). Then add the above lines at the end of that css file and restart Eclipse. Note: when updating Eclipse, you might have to repeat those steps.
EDIT: Just realized it was already asked and answered on SO: I cannot change the font size of package explorer in Eclipse Don't look at the accepted answer, but at the next one below.
No, there is no way to change the size of folders or other visual properties of package explorer.
The views, fonts, etc... of general views are set by the system/OS properties. Only the editor view allows customization of sizing, such as, font.

Spellchecking doesn't work in eclipse with Texlipse

I have installed eclipse Kepler with Texlipse. However, the spellchecking doesn't seem to work. It doesn't mark any words.
I have already:
enabled spellchecking both in the general and the texlipse preferences
downloaded the dictionaries from and set their directory as the directory for both main and user dictionaries in the Texlipse-preferences
copied the wordlists from the eclipse installation and changed the extension to ".dic" and ".dict"
restarted eclipse several times
I am also unable to find an option to start a spellcheck for the whole document, like there usually is.
I had similar problems with the TeXlipse spellchecker. To fix it I followed the instructions from
Additionally, I set the language code to en in the project settings as described here:
However, spellchecking still did not work for me under Ubuntu 12.04.
I had to switch to a monospaced font to get it working.
Also make sure that the dictionaries are uncompressed.
Check that all dictionary files are readable and that you have write access to the user-defined dictionary.
The one thing that did the trick for me was, after having done the same as you did, to go to
Project > Properties > Latex Project Properties
and set the language setting (last entry on the right) to `en' (or whatever language you need).
The interesting thing is that in my case everything worked fine until one day, and suddenly, the project stopped doing the spelling, until I set this value, which turned it on again. I am quite sure that I did not remove this property in the last few days unless there is a secrete short-cut that I mistakenly pressed. So, very weird.
I had a similar problem. I was using Inconsolata font (that I find awesome) and spell check didn't underline wrong words. I then changed font to Dejavu Sans Mono and the underline appeared.
For me changing the font worked, but I found another solution changing the markup type in Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations > Spelling errors
There, you can check the Text as checkbox, select a different option (e.g. highlighted) and click apply to see the changes.
For some reason, in my case, some options are not displaying and some others yes.

Change default font in netbeans?

Is it possible to change the default font in netbeans? The documentation says:
The font Monospaced is maped to different fonts on different systems.
On Windows it is mapped to "Courier ", on Linux it is mapped to
"Lucida Typewriter".
I'm on windows and want to map Monospaced font to 'Consolas' instead of 'Courier'.
P.S. I know that fonts can easily be changed from options, but when I change it in this way, I can no longer use unicode characters. Guess I need to do what they call 'mapping' the monospaced font to other font.
Tools > Options > Fonts and Colors
Set the category "Default", and to the right of that, the font you want to use.
If this does not fix it, try adding:
--laf Nimbus -J-Dswing.aatext=true -J-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd
-J-Dswing.aatext=true -J-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd --laf Metal
to the file : netbeans.conf. You can find it in $NETBEANS_HOME/etc/ folder. Make your application font smaller from system preferences.
To change the font size outside of the editor you can configure by editing the Net Beans conf file, you can find it here:
C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.0.2\etc\netbeans.conf
Then edit this line:
by adding this at the end:
--fontsize 18
I hope it helps :-)
Life becomes more easier now. Just from Tools menu choose Options and then follow steps on the following screen shot and take care with step 3 and 4 which they are making the default font for all languages:
I have a NetBeans plugin called 'UI-Editor' which allows you to customize virtually any Swing property, including font sizes, colors, and types. Go to Tools->Plugins and search for 'UI-Editor' or go here:
also don't not forget to change the font to the one that support Arabic like Arial for example i am not sure of some one mention that i just tried it
As far as I can tell there's no way to do this. jEdit ( also uses Swing and DOES do font substitution for all fonts - there's a "automatic font substitution" checkbox in Global Options > Text Area, along with a list of preferred fonts. But jEdit is otherwise not as capable as Netbeans.