Custom maps in Android, loading via tiles (alternative for RouteMe for iPhone SDK) - iphone

I am working on a prototype port of one of our iPhone apps to Android.
The iPhone app uses the RouteMe API to load our own custom maps into the application. (also tiled, just like Google Maps itself, so only loading what you see at that moment - this is very important in this case)
I have been searching for a similar product for Android. I found Nutiteq, but as RouteMe is free, I am trying to find something free for Android as well.
If anybody has suggestions, I would love to hear them. The more information the better, of course :).
Still haven't found anything that acts the same as RouteMe, so suggestions are still very welcome.

Maybe you can get away with the standard MapView and Overlays?


iPhone built in plugins for Safari?

I've been using my iphone to surf the internet a couple of times, and I've noticed that some websites had some plugins on their site, I've been trying to find these for my own website but couldn't find them.
The plugin I'm interested in is kind of a 'Coverflow' effect,
it's completely based on the touch screen, and looked about the same on every site I've seen it on. that's why I'm assuming it's a.. built in plugin or something like that.
I've also noticed that these sites have an iphone styled toolbar and menus, well I'd be grateful if you could help me find that plugin,
Would also be nice if you could explain about it a little or show me more plugins that are available out there for the iPhone's safari
I don't know about any plugin in Mobile Safari, but you can use some Frameworks to build apps with touch-events. For example:
These frameworks often offer much features, which you can use to let your web app look like a normal iPhone-App.

Cloudmade API Turn by Turn - can custom voiced be used?

Anyone with experience using the Cloudmade api for iphone apps? I'm being asked if it's feasible to incorporate custom voices for the turn by turn navigation it offers.
Any advice appreciated!
Basically, you can get the turn-by-turn routing as an XML (see documentation) and feed the instructions to the Text-to-Speech engine (I'm afraid there's nothing out-of-the-box for iPhone, so I'd suggest you give a try to Flite or a similar).
I'm not sure Cloudmade SDK does anything different than that, also incorporating some TTS engine in their SDK. For sure, this is exactly what I did for an Android application myself for turn-by-turn routing.

Using ads in PhoneGap iPhone app

Does anyone have any insight, experience/links they can point me to for adding ads to an app I'm building on the PhoneGap platform?
I've been searching and not a lot of information out there. Thought I'd ask. Thanks in advance.
Depending on which platform you are looking for, there are different implementations. You can go with a purely web-based approach (integrating google Ads, for example). Given you tagged it with iPhone, I guess you are looking for an iOS solution?
If so, check out the AdPlugin available on GitHub. It is a bit of objective C and a bit of JavaScript that allows you to integrate native iAds into your phonegap-iphone app.

using BING maps on iPhone / iPad sdk

has anyone had any experience using BING maps on the iphone/ipad? We have an application which uses the googlemaps default map in the SDK, but we now have a requirement to use BING maps instead.
I am thinking we'd use the BING API via a UIWebView?
Has anyone else tried this? Thanks for any information!
I've used a bing API n a UIWebView, however the JS is rather costly, yet until I find and discover a BING SDK for the iPhone/iPad will probably have ot resort to that.
One other thing you can try (which I've just started down the path of), is trying to use HTML5 to cache a bunch of the is parts to it and see if that might speed the implementation up.
Hope that helps!
Apparently, the project on Codeplex was created with the intent of adding Bing Maps support for iOS and MacOS developers. It doesn't look to have been updated in over a year, and I don't know if it even works. Just thought I'd post it for anyone interested in checking it out.
this maybe another approach worth looking into
Recently announced and posted on the Bing Maps Blog on 5 May 2011, a new Bing Maps control/SDK is now available for iOS.
The Bing Maps iOS Control is an Objective-C control for embedding maps directly into native iOS apps. With a rich, gesture-based UI provided by Seadragon, the Bing Maps iOS Control provides support for adding pushpins and other overlays to the map, allows your device location to be displayed, and provides the ability to retrieve contextual information for a given map location.
Link to download the SDK:

JavaScript based iPhone UI framework

We have a push based web-application. Recently, we planned to make an iPhone app for it. Much like Facebook has it's iPhone application as well as web presence. We are looking for a UI framework that can get us going quickly. I've leafed through PhoneGap and couple other JS based UI frameworks mentioned here. I am bit unsure what can suit us the best. So, I am looking for your suggestions.
Our constraints are as follows:
The framework should be JS based. We all are web-devs and want to avoid learning Objective C.
Framework should support iPhone's capabiilities as smoothly as a native app does. If not, we will prefer a JS framework which is the smoothest of all JS frameworks. So, this is the most important constraint.
It should support smooth swipe through screens, support rotation. Nice, if it can capture shake as well. But shake does not take preference over a better framework without shake support.
Nice to have -- with little or no modification in code, if the framework is supported on other touchscreen phones as well. Android and Symbian would be suffice. But again, we are focused on iPhone for now.
I am a bit curious to know what can be the best choice to start development with. I will be thankful if you share your experience with pros-and-cons of the framework that you have used.
I have been playing with following frameworks.
Sencha Touch
jQuery Mobile
These are for serving Web based mobile sites, they can then in turn be made into Apps for Android or iOS using PhoneGap
Of the 3, Sencha is the more mature project and has the most things out of the box. Jo looks very promising and would probably directly compete with Sencha. jQuery mobile is very interesting but just far to early to do any production code with it, too rough around the edges. jQuery mobile takes a different approach to the others as it is html based and it interperates the attributes on tags to turn things into tableviews or menus.
jQuery mobile is quicker to hack together and get your head around, where the other two take a little bit more thinking. But once you figure them out its easy enough.
If you don't want to serve the site via a url at all and want to just build an app then Appcelerator is the way to go. You write code in JS and it makes native Android or iOS apps for you. You will get access to pretty much the full Android/iOS api.
I have coded with appcelerator, however I am no longer going to use it and use one of the above frameworks, probably Sencha for just now. I can get access to the device native apis via PhoneGap and for simpler apps give a great experience cross device via a url.
In about 6 months, or sooner, I think jQuery mobile will be the daddy...