Doing pg_dump while still many active transaction - postgresql

As subjects, what will happen to the backup file while there is still many active transaction in the database. Does it export realtime or just partially backups ?
thanks in advance.

pg_dump runs in a serializable transaction, so it sees a consistent snapshot of the database including system catalogs.
However it is possible to get 'cache lookup failed' error if someone performs DDL changes while a dump is starting. The time window for this sort of thing isn't very large, but it can happen. See:

pg_dump will give you a consistent state. Any transaction not completed before pg_dump has been issued will not be reflected.


I have loaded wrong psql dump into my database, anyway to revert?

Ok, I screwed up.
I dumped one of my psql (9.6.18) staging database with the following command
pg_dump -U postgres -d <dbname> > db.out
And after doing some testing, I "restored" the data using the following command.
psql -f db.out postgres
Notice the absence of -d option? yup. And that was supposed to be the username.
Annnd as the database happend to have the same name as its user, it overwrote the 'default' database (postgres), which had data that other QAs are using.
I cancelled the operation quickly as soon as I realised my mistake, but the damage was still done. Around 1/3 ~ 1/2 of the database is roughly identical to the staging database - at least in terms of the schema.
Is there any way to revert this? I am still looking for any other dumps if any of these guys made one. But I don't think there is any past two to three months. Seems like I got no choice but to own up and apologise to them in the morning.
Without a recent dump or some sort of PITR replication setup, you can't un-revert this easily. The only option is to manually go through the log of what was restored and remove/alter it in the postgres database. This will work for the schema, the data is another matter. FYI, the postgres database should not really be used as a 'working' database. It is there to be a database to connect to for doing other operations, such as CREATE DATABASE or to bootstrap your way into a cluster. If left empty then the above would not have been a problem. You could have done, from another database, DROP DATABASE postgres; and then CREATE DATABASE postgres.
Do you have a capture of the output of the psql -f db.out postgres run?
Since the pg_dump didn't specify --clean or -c, it should not have overwritten anything, just appended. And if your tables have unique or primary keys, most of the data copy operations should have failed with unique key violations and rolled back. Even one overlapping row (per table) would roll back the entire dataset for that table.
Without having the output, it will be hard to figure out what damage has actually been done.
You should also immediately copy the pg_xlog data someplace safe. If it comes down to it, you might be able to use pg_xlogdump to figure out what changes committed and what did not.

Roll-forward is required following the Restore

I have three different databases for my different environments (hsprd, hstst,hstrn). hsprd is my production environment with live data.
Every so often, a request comes through to restore production data to hstrn or hstst. I typically run this command (after stopping, then dropping the db):
db2 restore db hsprd taken at 20140331180002 to /dbs into hstrn newlogpath /dbs/log/hstrn without rolling forward;
When running this, I receive this message:
SQL2537N Roll-forward is required following the Restore.
Could someone advise how to fix this?
edit: My backups are here:
(/home/dbtmp/backups)> ll
total 22791416
-rwxrwxr-x 1 hsprd cics 11669123072 Mar 31 18:03 HSPRD.0.hsprd.NODE0000.CATN0000.20140331180002.001
After restoring my database and omitting without rolling forward, I receive this message when trying to query the database:
SQL1117N A connection to or activation of database "HSTRN" cannot be made
When I try to rollforward, with this command, I receive this response:
(/home/dbtmp/backups)> db2 rollforward db hstrn to end of backup and complete;
SQL4970N Roll-forward recovery on database "HSTRN" cannot reach the specified
stop point (end-of-log or point-in-time) on database partition(s) "0".
Roll-forward recovery processing has halted on log file "S0006353.LOG".
The first error suggests that you are restoring an online backup, which must be rolled forward. Alternatively, use an offline backup image, then you can include the without rolling forward option.
The second error means that you need to issue the ROLLFORWARD command before you can use the database restored from an online backup.
Finally the third error means that the ROLLFORWARD command is unable to find the logs required for it to succeed. Assuming the logs are included in the backup image, you'll need to specify the LOGTARGET option on the RESTORE command to extract them, presumably to the NEWLOGPATH location.

DB2 Online Restore but Without Roll Forward?

I read a lot of documentations for db2 restore but I could not find how to perform online restore from the last database backup but without roll forwarding of logs?
I will appreciate command example.
On example my last online backup is made 1st february. I want to do ONLINE RESTORE of that backup but without logs after 1st February (similar with offline restore option WITHOUT ROLL FORWARD).
I am using db2 9.7
Thank you in advance
The database backup contains a snapshot of the tablespaces, and they may not be in stable state. Roll-forward is always required (unless you want to take insane risks by forcing DB2 to start using potentially corrupt data) to reach the nearest stable state.
If you are asking your question because you want manageable database backup dumps without having to worry about shipping logs etc, use the INCLUDE LOGS option when taking the backup. It will include in the backup file the minimum set of transaction logs that would be required for reaching stable state. When restoring you could then use the LOGS to extract them and then ROLLFORWARD DATABASE for the required typical 0-x seconds (depending on your database transactions).
A lazy dba would probably just use the RECOVER DB SAMPLE TO 2013-02-01-00.00.00 and allow the DB2 to worry about all the details. It will automatically fetch the required database backup and transaction files (even from the backup tapes etc if you set them up correctly), and do everything for you - as long as you don't attempt to manually manage them.

what will happen if we restore postgresql dump file on existing database?

What will happen if we restore a pgdump file of earlier time on a running db?
I have restored an older sql file over existing database does it harm to DB and its functinality ?
In general, yes, it'll screw up the database. Rows that were deleted in the past will be back. Sequences may be reset. Dropped tables can be re-created. All sorts of things.
Without more details, particularly the command used when restoring the dump and the nature of the dump, it's hard to be sure in this specific case.
If you restored with:
psql -1 -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -f the_dump.sql
then it's possibly you might not have any damage, or might only have to re-set some sequences.

Firebird error during backup

i want to backup firebird database. Below is command that i use to execute the backup.
gbak -b -v -user SYSDBA -pass ***** -service localhost:service_mgr -verify -y E:/logs/backup_20111104.log D:\data\campaign.FDB E:/backup/campaign_20111104.fbk -FIX_FSS_METADATA WIN1252 -FIX_FSS_DATA WIN1252
However, after 2 hours running, it ends with general error(only in last line). Below is the error.
gbak:22068 records written
gbak: writing data for table AA_1307265720107_842
gbak:19872 records written
gbak: writing data for table AA_1301338383915_1025
gbak:4 records written
gbak:Exiting before completion due to errors
There is 700+ tables in this database. And the database size is 129GB.
I need to get complete stacktrace(if any). Or any idea where to check so i can know the actual error?
Try to repair the database before backup:
gfix -mend -full -ignore <db name> -user sysdba -pas masterkey
While backing up add two switches -g -ig in order to prohibit garbage collection and ignore check sum errors.
Consult the gfix manual section Database Validation and Recovery.
Full Validation
By default, validation works at page level. If no need to go deeper and validate at the record level as well, the command to do this is:
gfix -v[alidate] -full database_name
using this option will validate, report and update at both page and record level. Any corrupted structures etc will be fixed.
Database Recovery
If the database validation described above produces no output then the database structures can be assumed to be valid. However, in the event that errors are reported, you may have to repair the database before it can be used again.
Recover a Corrupt Database
The option required to fix a corrupted database is the gfix -m[end] command. However, it cannot fix all problems and may result in a loss of data. It all depends on the level of corruption detected. The command is:
gfix -m[end] database_name
This causes the corruptions in data records to be ignored. While this sounds like a good thing, it is not. Subsequent database actions (such as taking a backup) will not include the corrupted records, leading to data loss.
The best way to avoid data loss is to make sure that you have enough regular backups of your database and to regularly carry out test restorations. There is no point taking backups every night, for example, if they cannot be used when required. Test always and frequently.
Equally, when attempting to recover a potentially corrupted database, always work with a copy of the main database file and never with the original. Using the -mend option can lead to silent deletions of data because gfix doesn't care about internal database constraints like foreign keys etc, the -mend option simply says to gfix "go ahead and clean out anything you don't like".
These are the most important points of this section, but make sure to read the entire chapter. If you need additional support, on the Firebird-support list there are a number of people familiar with the ins and outs of Firebird and how to handle these kinds of errors.