Roll-forward is required following the Restore - db2

I have three different databases for my different environments (hsprd, hstst,hstrn). hsprd is my production environment with live data.
Every so often, a request comes through to restore production data to hstrn or hstst. I typically run this command (after stopping, then dropping the db):
db2 restore db hsprd taken at 20140331180002 to /dbs into hstrn newlogpath /dbs/log/hstrn without rolling forward;
When running this, I receive this message:
SQL2537N Roll-forward is required following the Restore.
Could someone advise how to fix this?
edit: My backups are here:
(/home/dbtmp/backups)> ll
total 22791416
-rwxrwxr-x 1 hsprd cics 11669123072 Mar 31 18:03 HSPRD.0.hsprd.NODE0000.CATN0000.20140331180002.001
After restoring my database and omitting without rolling forward, I receive this message when trying to query the database:
SQL1117N A connection to or activation of database "HSTRN" cannot be made
When I try to rollforward, with this command, I receive this response:
(/home/dbtmp/backups)> db2 rollforward db hstrn to end of backup and complete;
SQL4970N Roll-forward recovery on database "HSTRN" cannot reach the specified
stop point (end-of-log or point-in-time) on database partition(s) "0".
Roll-forward recovery processing has halted on log file "S0006353.LOG".

The first error suggests that you are restoring an online backup, which must be rolled forward. Alternatively, use an offline backup image, then you can include the without rolling forward option.
The second error means that you need to issue the ROLLFORWARD command before you can use the database restored from an online backup.
Finally the third error means that the ROLLFORWARD command is unable to find the logs required for it to succeed. Assuming the logs are included in the backup image, you'll need to specify the LOGTARGET option on the RESTORE command to extract them, presumably to the NEWLOGPATH location.


Restore differential backup SQL Server 2014

I have full, differential and transactional backups of the database. I was trying to restore one by one; but only the full backup is getting restored, but after that when I am trying to restore the differential backup facing issue with SQL Server Management Studio. So I tried with some SQL commands, this is the link what I tried with to restore, but no luck
Restore differential backup
Can anyone tell me the steps tor restore these backups? Thank you
It is important to be acquainted with the restore sequence of how a full database backup is restored.
First, restore full database backup, differential database backup and all transaction log backups WITH NORECOVERY option. After that, bring back database online using WITH RECOVERY option.
Following is a sample Restore Sequence
-- Repeat this until you restore last log backup
While performing a RESTORE operation using more than one file, always use the NORECOVERY flag. This will keep the database offline to prevent any changes which could create some integrity issues. Once all the backup files have been restored, run the RESTORE command with the RECOVERY option to get the database online and operational.
Source: URL

DB2 Online Restore but Without Roll Forward?

I read a lot of documentations for db2 restore but I could not find how to perform online restore from the last database backup but without roll forwarding of logs?
I will appreciate command example.
On example my last online backup is made 1st february. I want to do ONLINE RESTORE of that backup but without logs after 1st February (similar with offline restore option WITHOUT ROLL FORWARD).
I am using db2 9.7
Thank you in advance
The database backup contains a snapshot of the tablespaces, and they may not be in stable state. Roll-forward is always required (unless you want to take insane risks by forcing DB2 to start using potentially corrupt data) to reach the nearest stable state.
If you are asking your question because you want manageable database backup dumps without having to worry about shipping logs etc, use the INCLUDE LOGS option when taking the backup. It will include in the backup file the minimum set of transaction logs that would be required for reaching stable state. When restoring you could then use the LOGS to extract them and then ROLLFORWARD DATABASE for the required typical 0-x seconds (depending on your database transactions).
A lazy dba would probably just use the RECOVER DB SAMPLE TO 2013-02-01-00.00.00 and allow the DB2 to worry about all the details. It will automatically fetch the required database backup and transaction files (even from the backup tapes etc if you set them up correctly), and do everything for you - as long as you don't attempt to manually manage them.

DB2: not able to restore from backup

I am using command
db2 restore db S18 from /users/intadm/s18backup/ taken at 20110913113341 on /users/db2inst1/ dbpath on /users/db2inst1/ redirect without rolling forward
to restore database from backup file located in /users/intadm/s18backup/ .
Command execution gives such output:
SQL1277W A redirected restore operation is being performed. Table space
configuration can now be viewed and table spaces that do not use automatic
storage can have their containers reconfigured.
DB20000I The RESTORE DATABASE command completed successfully.
When I'm trying to connect to restored DB (by executing 'db2 connect to S18'), I'm getting this message:
SQL0752N Connecting to a database is not permitted within a logical unit of
work when the CONNECT type 1 setting is in use. SQLSTATE=0A001
When I'm trying to connect to db with db viewer like SQuireL, the error is like:
DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-1119, SQLSTATE=57019, SQLERRMC=S18, DRIVER=3.57.82
which means that 'error occurred during a restore function or a restore is still in progress' (from IBM DB2 manuals)
How can I resolve this and connect to restored database?
UPD: I've executed db2ckbkp on backup file and it did not identified any issues with backup file itself.
without rolling forward can only be used when restoring from an offline backup. Was your backup taken offline? If not, you'll need to use roll forward.
When you do a redirected restore, you are telling DB2 that you want to change the locations of the data files in the database you are restoring.
The first step you show above will execute very quickly.
Normally, after you execute this statement, you would have one or more SET TABLESPACE CONTAINERS to set the new locations of each data file. It's not mandatory to issue these statements, but there's no point in specifying the redirect option in your RESTORE DATABASE command if you're not changing anything.
Then, you would issue the RESTORE DATABASE S18 COMPLETE command, which would actually read the data from the backup image, writing it to the data files.
If you did not execute the RESTORE DATABASE S18 COMPLETE, then your restore process is incomplete and it makes sense that you can't connect to the database.
What I did and what has worked:
db2 restore db S18 from /users/intadm/s18backup/ taken at 20110913113341 on /<path with sufficient disk space> dbpath on /<path with sufficient disk space>
I got some warnings before, that some table spaces are not moved. When I specified dbpath to partition with sufficient disk space - warning has disappeared.
After that, as I have an online backup, I issued:
db2 rollforward db S18 to end of logs and complete
That's it! Now I'm able to connect.

PostgreSQL - using log shipping to incrementally update a remote read-only slave

My company's website uses a PostgreSQL database. In our data center we have a master DB and a few read-only slave DB's, and we use Londiste for continuous replication between them.
I would like to setup another read-only slave DB for reporting purposes, and I'd like this slave to be in a remote location (outside the data center). This slave doesn't need to be 100% up-to-date. If it's up to 24 hours old, that's fine. Also, I'd like to minimize the load I'm putting on the master DB. Since our master DB is busy during the day and idle at night, I figure a good idea (if possible) is to get the reporting slave caught up once each night.
I'm thinking about using log shipping for this, as described on
My plan is:
Setup WAL archiving on the master DB
Produce a full DB snapshot and copy it to the remote location
Restore the DB and get it caught up
Go into steady state where:
DAYTIME -- the DB falls behind but people can query it
NIGHT -- I copy over the day's worth of WAL files and get the DB caught up
Note: the key here is that I only need to copy a full DB snapshot one time. Thereafter I should only have to copy a day's worth of WAL files in order to get the remote slave caught up again.
Since I haven't done log-shipping before I'd like some feedback / advice.
Will this work? Does PostgreSQL support this kind of repeated recovery?
Do you have other suggestions for how to set up a remote semi-fresh read-only slave?
Your plan should work.
As Charles says, warm standby is another possible solution. It's supported since 8.2 and has relatively low performance impact on the primary server.
Warm Standby is documented in the Manual: PostgreSQL 8.4 Warm Standby
The short procedure for configuring a
standby server is as follows. For full
details of each step, refer to
previous sections as noted.
Set up primary and standby systems as near identically as possible,
including two identical copies of
PostgreSQL at the same release level.
Set up continuous archiving from the primary to a WAL archive located
in a directory on the standby server.
Ensure that archive_mode,
archive_command and archive_timeout
are set appropriately on the primary
(see Section 24.3.1).
Make a base backup of the primary server (see Section 24.3.2), and load
this data onto the standby.
Begin recovery on the standby server from the local WAL archive,
using a recovery.conf that specifies a
restore_command that waits as
described previously (see Section
To achieve only nightly syncs, your archive_command should exit with a non-zero exit status during daytime.
Additional Informations:
Postgres Wiki about Warm Standby
Blog Post Warm Standby Setup
9.0's built-in WAL streaming replication is designed to accomplish something that should meet your goals -- a warm or hot standby that can accept read-only queries. Have you considered using it, or are you stuck on 8.4 for now?
(Also, the upcoming 9.1 release is expected to include an updated/rewritten version of pg_basebackup, a tool for creating the initial backup point for a fresh slave.)
Update: PostgreSQL 9.1 will include the ability to pause and resume streaming replication with a simple function call on the slave.

Doing pg_dump while still many active transaction

As subjects, what will happen to the backup file while there is still many active transaction in the database. Does it export realtime or just partially backups ?
thanks in advance.
pg_dump runs in a serializable transaction, so it sees a consistent snapshot of the database including system catalogs.
However it is possible to get 'cache lookup failed' error if someone performs DDL changes while a dump is starting. The time window for this sort of thing isn't very large, but it can happen. See:
pg_dump will give you a consistent state. Any transaction not completed before pg_dump has been issued will not be reflected.