my code for modalpopup is not working - ajaxcontroltoolkit

actually the code for modalpopup in vwd is not working.
will anyone pls tell me the actual code format for the ajax control modal popup?

You can refer the below two links which shows how to use the modalpopup.
The above link lists out the list of properties and its descriptions .


How to find a button within <ul> and <li> via Proctractor?

I am new to automation, and my previous experiences were with non-Angular apps, thus i start to use Protractor.
I want to navigate throught the website, though cannot find the right selector.
The button is highlighted in red on the bottom of the screen:
I've tried below code among many:
maybe you should target the <a> or <nb-icon> element instead?
Try the following locators:
using a:
or nb-icon:
Additionally, if you need to target the <span> element:
element(by.css(' span'));
I suggest
by.css("a[title='Flota']") //if this is the button you are looking for
Since the shorter is locator - the better
your help was much appreciated!
Unfortunately, i tried all options you provided and didn't work, though i made additional trial and error runs.
The code i worked out is below, maybe it will help another newbie like me:
element.all(by.css('#menu-item ng-tns-c11-4 ng-star-inserted li')).click()

TinyMCE get form content without using submit button

I'm trying to put TinyMCE on my website. I figured out how to get it to show up, but I'm lost on how to process the content. In their example, they just have a link that references the top of the page and clicking on it somehow magically causes their dump.php script to execute. I don't understand what's going on here. Here is the link:
The "Submit" button at the bottom is really a link in a span element with href="#". The form action is dump.php. I want to know how they configured this to run without an actual submit button. Any help in understanding this is greatly appreciated!
To Get Content From Tinymce You Can Use GetContent Method of Currently ActiveEditor Instance
method is used to getting Content .. to Set The Content
tinyMCE.activeEditor.setContent("I Want Text To Be in Tinymce");
to find a perticular element in tinymce get body and find element
var body = tinyMCE.activeEditor.getBody();
to get a full html
hope that helps ..
Since I use PHP, I found this which is also useful:

how to change virtuemart 2 add to cart pop up text

Basically as above,
I have a Virtuemart 2 online site with Add to Cart pop up enabled when it pops up all is well apart form the
View Cart and Continue Browsing links they have no separator in between them, I would like to have
View Cart | Continue Browsing
Ive looked at vmprices.js but have no clue :(
Can some one shed some light please?
Thank you!
You have to look into these files to customize that popup:
Jafer Balti
The actual text that is shown to the visitor is located in:
Which can be changed, but should ideally be overridden.
This is harder to find than it should be because Dreamweaver does not search .ini files. Use the OS to search.
Additionally, the link for the "continue shopping" button can be changed by overriding the:

How to use prettyPhoto plugin with ASP.NET MVC 2

I'm a total newbie in jQuery and JavaScript and need help in integrating prettyPhoto plugin into a MVC 2 application.
What I have is a view (View1) with a link "Full Screen" and a partial view rendering a galleryview plugin (PartialView1). The link "Full Screen" is calling an action method in the controller to get all the photos for a gallery. It is then returning a partial view (PartialView2) and passing the list of photos as a model. This PartialView2 is supposed to show the gallery in prettyPhoto plugin upon load.
What code do I need to put into PartialView2 to achieve this?
I've looked at prettyPhoto docs but I don't understand what I need to do. Unfortunately, I can't put this up anywhere for you guys to see. Any help would be much appreciated.
Ok, I figured it out. I needed a strongly typed view (using a ViewModel) and I loop through my model to load the photos.

Link from an HTML file to a view

I have an HTML file that's loaded from a UIWebView. I'm looking to do the opposite - link from the HTML file to a different view controller. How would one go about doing this?
the html file is a local file within the app.
thanks for any help.
You can do this by adopting UIWebViewDelegate protocol and implement the webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType: method. Here you can capture all requests and selectively use them for your purpose.
Define links such as yourapp://yourviewcontroller/argument within the HTML page and parse them in the above mentioned delegate method and load the appropriate view controller.
try using three20 library
there is a helpful class for this named TTStyledText which render html as well as custom links. just need to map the links with ur controller. Go through the samples in three20!
Sorry for the short answer, but there are a lot of parts to this. Check out this link.
It looks like you might have to register the url with Apple. I know that for the maps application its able to do urls like map://... and I've seen other apps do it too, I just don't know the exact process.
Update: looks like this exampe from Apple should help.