iAds crash in AdWhirl - iphone

I'm implementing AdWhirl for the first time, and it is using iAds, AdMob, and MillennialMedia. AdMob and MillenialMedia seem to work perfectly fine.
iAds load, display, and refresh just fine in my PlayViewController, but when I click the back button to go out to the main menu, the simulator crashes, with no error printed to the Console and no "_kill" message sent to XCode when running the app with Breakpoints On in Build and Debug.
If it's an AdMob or MillenialMedia ad showing, I can click the back button and return to the main menu with no problem. And can go back in to the PlayViewController and load a new ad with no problem.
Any ideas how to prevent this issue that seems tied to the iAds?
Perhaps it is something to do with iAds having a built-in timer to refresh the ad?
Thanks in advance!

I moved it to the main ViewController and this issue is no longer happening.
However, since the ads are now started in the mainViewController but only displayed while in the PlayViewController, I am trying to find a way to tell AdWhirl to stop pulling ads when the player is on the main menu. It auto refreshes and keeps pulling ads even when I use self.adView = nil;

Did you checked the iAd Framework role ..if it's not weak make it weak that to make it not crash on the prior ios4


Swift Interstitial Making a Banner Ad?

I recently put Admob interstitial ads in my game. They appear when the player dies and then can be dismissed.
For some reason when the interstitial is dismissed, it creates an admob banner at the bottom of the screen which I can not ever hide. This is a big problem because it covers up the game when the player hits the replay button, and it can also cover up the UI in the store.
I do have an Admob banner, but it only appears on the menu scene.
There are 3 scenes, the menu, the game, and the store. In the store and the game's func Update, the admob banner is set to hidden = true. So there is absolutely no way it is the same banner, surely?
If I put in the func update of store or game print(googlebannerview.hidden) it always says hidden = true, even though I can see an ad on the bottom of the screen.
What is causing this? From what I can see the interstitial is either spawning its own banner when it is dismissed, or it is somehow setting the menu banner to be hidden = false and telling it to lie in the console and not be able to be changed.
I don't think showing any code would help so.. please if you have any ideas!
EDIT: if the explanation wasn't that good you can see for yourself, this bug is on the live version of my app. Search Frog Leap on the app store, it's the first one. When you die and then press replay you will notice it makes a banner ad. It also happens if you hit the menu button and go to the store. It never goes away.

iOS7 - App causes device (not app) to crash

Our company has an app which is basically an eBook reader.
We use the RMSDK to perform book downloads & read.
Now, something very strange is happening in iOS7 devices (not in the simulator):
I download a book using the fulfillment method in the RMSDK
I wait for the book to finish downloading. The book is saved in the NSCachesDirectory (for App Store guidelines reasons) - so far, everything works fine
I hit the home button, the app moves to the background
I hit the app button to bring the app back, that's when the problem happens:
The app gets completely stuck. Hitting the home button does nothing, hitting the power button shuts down the screen, but then hitting the power button again does nothing.
The device itself has effectively crashed.
After a few minutes, the Apple logo appears on the device and the device comes back to life after a reboot.
I have no idea what in my code could be causing the device to act this way. Shouldn't the iOS7 sandbox prevent me from being able to crash the whole device?
Any ideas on why this could be happening and what I can do to prevent it would be greatly appreciated.
I placed a breakpoint on the -(void)applicationDidBecomeAcvive: method in the AppDelegate, and it's not being called when clicking on the app icon in the last phase before the crash.
The RMSDK is using libcurl to download the books. Could this be a cause for this behavior?
The problem is happening if I click on ANY app after I click on the home button, not just on the same app. So for example, I click on the home button, then I try to open Fruit Ninja, and the device crashes.
We managed to solve this issue by disabling functions in RMSDK, which call mkfifo(). I'm not sure how much I can say here due to NDA but they're all located in one file and can be cleanly converted to no-ops with a nice preprocessor #if defined()
Its an OS level bug. iOS 7 is still unstable in areas, for example my Apps report crashes in places that are part of iOS 7 itself and couldn't be caused by my app.

IPhone app shows previous state when opening

I have very weird problem. My app works cool on simulator but when installed on iphone it shows strange behavior
Suppose i was at settings page then I closed the app using home button. And then I start the app again after quite a while and I will always first get the settings page for one second and then the main loading screen. This happens for every other page even its not the settings ViewController
What is wrong?
Best Regards
Standard behavior, UI restoration. Your iOS apps picks up execution right where you left.
This means: if the app is pushed to background, a screenshot is taken. Coming back to the app, this screenshot will be shown and meanwhile your UI gets prepared.
If you have code in your app in applicationDidBecomeActive: or applicationWillEnterForeground: (see here: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UIApplicationDelegate_Protocol/Reference/Reference.html) and that will immediately reconfigure the UI, you get the behavior described.
You can turn OFF UI restoration and have your app really quit instead of pushing it to background by changing a key in the info.plist: UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend

AdMob ad not working

I am trying to implement an AdMob ad in my app. I have done everything, but I just get a blank 48 x 320 view.
Here's what I'm doing:
1). Add all the frameworks and AdMob files
2). Open a view's .xib and add a view (320x48) and an NSObject there. Then put the NSObjects class to AdViewController. Then connect the two outlets (1 to the UIViewController class and another to the 320x48 view).
3). Build & run in Simulator.
My publisher ID is right. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
I had same problem before... here is what I did.. not perfect.. kind of hack
I copied UIView from the ADMob sample code to use as AdView in my Project...
and it worked...
Sometimes AdMob could not deliver the ads to your app due to the lack of ads (maybe because of your current country location or because of their service errors). You should handle the failure of receiving ads to hide the banner from your app, otherwise, your app will look so ugly.
Try to re-run your app to see if AdMob does deliver some ads or not.

iPhone: quickly quitting an app then relaunching briefly shows last screen then black, then starts fresh

Trying to finish up an app I've been developing and have hit an odd bug that I'm not sure if it's on my end? a bug on apple's end? or perhaps the underpinnings of multitasking showing themselves.
My current app is doing this weird thing when you press the home button to quit the app, and then immediately relaunch the app. You see the Default.png image as the app starts up, but when it goes to display the window/view it briefly shows the screen as it was just before you quit the app, then goes to black for about 2 seconds and then displays the correct screen as if you were starting up fresh. I'm see this on all devices, iPods, iPhones, and iPad.
This is not just me, however, I've been trying other apps to see if they do it, and have found that the Air Hockey ( http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/air-hockey/id286106725?mt=8 ) is an example of an app that does this same thing. My instinct is that there are many apps that do. But the bulk of apps dont seem to have this issue.
I've done everything I can do make sure all views and view controllers are properly released, but it's almost like the device is taking a while to truly shut down even though the app has visually disappeared, and if you restart the app within probably 3 seconds or less then it still has something in the window buffer, or tht the full on view controller hasn't truly been released yet.
Anybody seen something like this and been able to solve it?
I'm the dev of that Air Hockey - It looks like it's probably Flurry that's causing it. I have a version without Flurry & it doesn't do it.
I solved this problem by updating my Flurry files to the latest version. http://dev.flurry.com/iphone_uploadNewVersion.do