Swift Interstitial Making a Banner Ad? - swift

I recently put Admob interstitial ads in my game. They appear when the player dies and then can be dismissed.
For some reason when the interstitial is dismissed, it creates an admob banner at the bottom of the screen which I can not ever hide. This is a big problem because it covers up the game when the player hits the replay button, and it can also cover up the UI in the store.
I do have an Admob banner, but it only appears on the menu scene.
There are 3 scenes, the menu, the game, and the store. In the store and the game's func Update, the admob banner is set to hidden = true. So there is absolutely no way it is the same banner, surely?
If I put in the func update of store or game print(googlebannerview.hidden) it always says hidden = true, even though I can see an ad on the bottom of the screen.
What is causing this? From what I can see the interstitial is either spawning its own banner when it is dismissed, or it is somehow setting the menu banner to be hidden = false and telling it to lie in the console and not be able to be changed.
I don't think showing any code would help so.. please if you have any ideas!
EDIT: if the explanation wasn't that good you can see for yourself, this bug is on the live version of my app. Search Frog Leap on the app store, it's the first one. When you die and then press replay you will notice it makes a banner ad. It also happens if you hit the menu button and go to the store. It never goes away.


WatchOS 8 pressing one of the side buttons dismisses modal sheet

The behavior of the crown button on the Apple Watch has always been to close your app and take you to your Home Screen / watch face. Now when I build my watch app with Xcode 13 and WatchOS 8 when I press one of the side buttons it dismisses whatever modal sheet I have in my app.
This is a terrible user experience as my app is a workout app and I want my users to quickly get to other apps such as music while they are working out without closing everything out.
Apple's workout app presents a modal to add a workout but when I hit the side button in their app it takes me to the Home Screen. I have tried to watch all the latest videos and read the documentation but I don't see anywhere that I can disable this new functionality of the side buttons. Anyone know how I can change the physical side button behavior for my app? Thank you for your help!
It is a new feature. Add .interactiveDismissDisabled() to the content on the sheet or fullScreenCover.
This is working as intended, it got changed in WatchOS 8.
Your best bet would be to submit it to Apple feature assistant.

Keep UILocalNotification Banner visible while app is in background

I'm working on a VoIP phone for iOS, and if a call comes in while running in the background, I do a presentLocalNotificationNow with a UILocalNotification message to inform the user. This works fine, however the banner expires and rolls off the screen before the user has enough of a chance to swipe and answer. I have tried scheduling further notifications at regular intervals, but that fills up the notification centre and causes the banner to appear to be tumbling.
Is there some way to prevent the banner from disappearing until I cancel it in some manner? Both the Skype app and Bria VoIP app have managed to come up with a solution where the banner stays until the call is answered, or the callee hangs up.
The best way to do this is to add a sound to the local notification.
The default notification without a sound lasts 5 seconds as a banner, however you can include
a sound that is longer, up to 30 seconds that you can play when the local notification is posted. The banner notification will stay on screen as long as the sound is playing.
No. I think it is not possible to control/increment the hiding banner time to display. It is it's default behavior.
But instead of Banner style you can set Notification style as Alert. Which will not hide/disappear until user will click on alert's buttons.
Hope this will help.

iAds crash in AdWhirl

I'm implementing AdWhirl for the first time, and it is using iAds, AdMob, and MillennialMedia. AdMob and MillenialMedia seem to work perfectly fine.
iAds load, display, and refresh just fine in my PlayViewController, but when I click the back button to go out to the main menu, the simulator crashes, with no error printed to the Console and no "_kill" message sent to XCode when running the app with Breakpoints On in Build and Debug.
If it's an AdMob or MillenialMedia ad showing, I can click the back button and return to the main menu with no problem. And can go back in to the PlayViewController and load a new ad with no problem.
Any ideas how to prevent this issue that seems tied to the iAds?
Perhaps it is something to do with iAds having a built-in timer to refresh the ad?
Thanks in advance!
I moved it to the main ViewController and this issue is no longer happening.
However, since the ads are now started in the mainViewController but only displayed while in the PlayViewController, I am trying to find a way to tell AdWhirl to stop pulling ads when the player is on the main menu. It auto refreshes and keeps pulling ads even when I use self.adView = nil;
Did you checked the iAd Framework role ..if it's not weak make it weak that to make it not crash on the prior ios4

Tap to focus on camera apps, Supposedly not possible, but a bug in my app enables it (although useless)

I would like to get tap to focus in my app and the controls are hidden
Supposedly this is impossible but I know its not. I have a simple iAD dragged into an overlay, no code or anything. When I click on the iAD nothing. but when I close it with the home button I get a modal exit of the nonexistant iAD and the camera apps relaunches but in the top left with only a small portion viewable. But this time the tap to focus is enabled.
So how can I do this without the bug?
Guess no one got it? I just showed the controls to take a snap and zoom and focus came up!

Hide a ADBannerView. Is it ok to move it offscreen?

When the user changes screen, I want to hide the current ADBannerView . Is there a "right" way to do that? If I move it offscreen for instance, is it fine: I was wondering if it could keep serving ads while not being displayed and then I would break some Apple Agreement.
Is it also OK to cover an Ad with a modal view?
Apple recommends moving it offscreen. Watch the 2010 WWDC session 112 video on iAd integration.
Just move it offscreen. It will detect that.