Change current screen in TabBar Application on IOS app - iphone

I've created a tabbar application using the template in Xcode, and have setup a working tab bar application. I want to know how I can change the view currently on the screen using a UIButton, so the result is the same as if the user just clicked one of the tabs.

this is question was also asked by me and got good answer
look at
Click a tab of tabbarController programmatically
hope it will help....


Hide a Tab bar Item in Xcode 4

I have a tab bar controller with a logginViewController, and I want to hide the tab bar item related to logginViewController and show a different tab bar item with a different ViewController
I'm working using Storyboard in a tab bar based app for iPhone
I've tried this solution but it doesn't work (Xcode don't allow me to use the "hide" option)
Please, any help on how I can do it in Xcode 4 will be great!
Thank you all
I like to suppose, that you subclass your TabBarController.
Via Protocol/Delegate you're able to work with data from your loggingViewController (maybe, a button get's clicked to hide the TabBarItem).
Implement that protocol to your TabBarController and so you're able to receive those protocol-methods to add/hide/delete the Items easily.
Try it out! Or further questions?

How to set button on navigationbar in tabbased application?

I am working on a project which involves both kind of applications ie Navigation based and Tab based. All things are working perfectly. But what I want is, when I click on a particular tab then a button must be added to the navigation bar at the top to edit the table below it. I am able to draw the button but it is not affecting the tableview below it. When I do this in navigation based application it works perfectly. But it does not work in tab based.
So please tell me the way to add button at navigation bar in UI tab based application which appear only at particular tab.
tell me the sample code or any tutorial for it.
For each tab embed a UINavigationConrtoller, and your own view controllers in them.
This way each tab will have its own navigation bar, and thus can have their own sets of bar items, titles, etc.
You generally never want to embed a UITabBarController in a UINavigationController, always the other way around.

UIToolBar missing due to iPhone Message Compose Screen within the app

Something going wrong badly due to Message Compose Screen.
I am working on a TabBar based application. In some screens I am showing ToolBar instead of tabBar by setting hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES; and its working fine everytime. But In 1 screen I am sending SMS by opening Message Compose Screen within the iphone App. So problem occurs if I open Message Compose Screen and i clicked Cancel button of Message Screen.
So, whenever going back to that module where I was showing ToolBar. So on click of button no ToolBar. Totally blank, no toolbar and no tabbar (tabbar is quite obvious i have already set hidesBottomBarWhenPushed).. But why toolbar now showing due to Compose screen ?
There is no link with compose screen to this screen. Far different implementation and different controllers.
I have check by debugging, Toolbar frame is also fine.
Please help
Issue fixed... had problem with adding it to keyframe window
I think it is because the MFMessageComposeViewController has got a navigation bar. Your application should be a navigation based application for that. Otherwise your toolbar's frame position will be affected. I had this kind of problem once. So i changed the application into navigation based but hid the navigation controller.
Hope this might help you,
Happy coding!

iPhone + navigate to back screen programmatically

I am developing a application in which I need to provide navigate to backward screen programmatically, in which there are two scenarios:
There will one MainWindow.xib and few buttons on it, click of any one button will load another appropriate screen. On this screen, I need to put back button, click of which will load MainWindow.xib again and user can choose some other option.
Except the above scenario, also all the screens will contain back button, click of which will load the previous again and user can choose some other option.
You want to use the UINavigationController for this. See the link for the documentation and example projects. I can't really give a full example here, but you can get started with the "Navigation-Based Application" template in XCode.
The general idea is that you push and pop views to/from a UINavigationController, and it will handle the back button and navigation toolbar for you. It's pretty straight forward.

Example of a manually written Tab Bar iPhone application?

I have an application I'm working on that needs to feel somewhat like a Tab Bar application, but without the tab bar.
Anyway I'm wondering if someone has manually written such an application that I can use to bootstrap my knowledge in this area?
Essentially I want to make a tab bar application using a UIToolbar and with some animations
EDIT: I mean with code
Basically I just want a UIToolbar at the bottom and be able to click buttons on it and have the main view flip in and out.
a tab bar application but without the tabs?
you mean, you'd like to have a bunch of embedded UIViewControllers that you just scroll horizontally?