Example of a manually written Tab Bar iPhone application? - iphone

I have an application I'm working on that needs to feel somewhat like a Tab Bar application, but without the tab bar.
Anyway I'm wondering if someone has manually written such an application that I can use to bootstrap my knowledge in this area?
Essentially I want to make a tab bar application using a UIToolbar and with some animations
EDIT: I mean with code
Basically I just want a UIToolbar at the bottom and be able to click buttons on it and have the main view flip in and out.

a tab bar application but without the tabs?
you mean, you'd like to have a bunch of embedded UIViewControllers that you just scroll horizontally?


Replacing UINavigationControllers NavigationBar with UIView

I am developing app that has multiple skins and I have a dilemma on how to implement this.
One of the solutions would be to have separate nib files for every skin, and load it depending on which skin is currently selected. Problem with this is that I can't edit navigation bar of navigation controller (which my app uses), and I have to change it's background image and back button image etc.. I came up with an idea to hide this navigation bar on every screen and replace it with custom UIView in Interface Builder which will act as navigation bar and custom back button with IBAction for popping current View Controller, so that user won't see any difference.
Is this approach acceptable and if I make it this way, will I have problems with rejection in App Store?
If you choose to hide & replace the UINavigationBar with your own UIView it's no problem as far as Apple goes.
However, I can tell you that you will have to spend some time trying to replicate some visual effects that come naturally with UINavigationBar.
For example, when you push/pop a new controller, you will see that the navigation bar title will slide & fade beautifully. The same applies for left and right bar items.
Personally I would not completely hide the UINavigationBar, but customize it. In the end it all depends on what you want, but by default the UINavigationBar is pretty customizable.
You can add your own buttons or even entire UIViews as left and right bar items. Also, you can add your own UIView as the title (with your own label, custom font or whatever) or change the background.
To easily customize the looks in your entire application, you can subclass UINavigationController and create your own CustomUINavigationController. Then, in viewDidLoad method you can change whatever you want to the navigation bar and this will be accessible in the entire application.
No way, what you are doing is perfect. This will work & no way it will get rejected from app store (just based on this approach). I too have explored several ways to provide skins & what you wrote seemed to be the least hassle-some. Plus its way more easier to create UI elements in Interface Builder hence the separate nib files for different skins.
I am saying this so confidently 'coz I have done the same thing & app store approved.
Best of luck.

Implement UIToolBar so it acts like a UITabBar and UIToolBar at the same time

I have an interesting problem. I have an app that I'm developing that involves photos so screen space is at a premium. Also, using disappearing and reappearing nav / tool bar controllers (like in the camera app) doesn't make sense for me. In a perfect world, I'd use a UITabBar to switch between the 4 main navigational view controllers that my program implements, however I also am going to need space for a toolbar right on top of the tab bar most of the time. These two components take up too much space between the two of them so I need a way to save some space.
That's where I came up with the idea of using a toolbar to implement the functionality of both the TabBar and ToolBar. On the left side of the ToolBar would be the 4 buttons that allow access to my 4 main navigational view controllers. The one that is currently on the window would have it's button depressed. Then there would be a divider, and on the right side of the tool bar would be buttons specific to whatever view is currently on the window.
Anyhow, I'm just wondering if anyone has any clever ideas on how they'd implement this?
wat do u mean by left and right of toolbar??? adding a tab bar will not affect ur view size. when adding a toolbar, well yes it does affect ur view size.
my idea wolud be add a toolbar to the top of ur view and u can make it visible only when the user taps on the screen. until then keep the toolbar hidden. when the user clicks for the second time on the screen hide ur toolbar. this way u can have the whole view for ur pics and also have a toolbar for giving options.

How to set button on navigationbar in tabbased application?

I am working on a project which involves both kind of applications ie Navigation based and Tab based. All things are working perfectly. But what I want is, when I click on a particular tab then a button must be added to the navigation bar at the top to edit the table below it. I am able to draw the button but it is not affecting the tableview below it. When I do this in navigation based application it works perfectly. But it does not work in tab based.
So please tell me the way to add button at navigation bar in UI tab based application which appear only at particular tab.
tell me the sample code or any tutorial for it.
For each tab embed a UINavigationConrtoller, and your own view controllers in them.
This way each tab will have its own navigation bar, and thus can have their own sets of bar items, titles, etc.
You generally never want to embed a UITabBarController in a UINavigationController, always the other way around.

Can I re-purpose a UITabBar button as a normal button?

What I'd like to do is have 3 or 4 buttons on a UITabBar. All except one of these behave as normal UTabBar buttons - ie they switch between different views. But I'd like one of the tab bar buttons to perform a function - refresh the app's data - without switching views… Is this at all possible?
I suggest you use a tool bar for something like this and simply change the background of the toolbar to make it look similar of that to a tabbar and then add tabbar buttons to the toolbar button.
Although im pretty sure this will be rejected by apple, as the intended purpose for a tabbar is to change views. It has something to do with the apple guidelines about what users expect from certain UI components. and if you start switching around with the main purpose of a UITabBar it will be a confusing place in the apple application world.

regarding tab bar controller

I want to show more tahn four tab bar item on tab bar controller by scrolling tab bar . is it possible in iphone if it is.. please give the exact solution.??
Hoping your positive response
The iPhone SDK creates a kind of "favourites" option automatically, so the user can drop their favourite icon to the tabbar..
Maybe you can extend the UITabbar and implement a "scrolling/swiping" mechanism, but I suggest you not to do that. This because swiping on a menu (tabbar) can be really annoying for the end user and they probably drag their "most-use" icons to the tabbar so don't worry about that. My advise: Save your time, and put it into more interesting features for your app instead of spending hours figuring out how to make a scrolling tabbar...
You can also make your own UIView and "duplicate" the tabbar, so it looks like a tabbar but it actually isn't, but again that's a complete different approach...