When does App Store promotional code become effective? - iphone

I just submitted my app to the App Store and it's in the reviewing process (3 Degrees of Wikipedia). I have set the "Availability Date" to a future time as some blogs want to cover my app, and I want the release of the actual app come out at the same time as the reviews.
My Problem is: will the promotional code work for the blog reviewers, because the app is not actually in the public App Store? In other words, can the reviewers try out my app during this past-approval-yet-not-public stage of the app.

The short answer is no, you can't.
In order to redeem a promotional code the app needs to be available to download under iTunes.
If you want to give blog reviewers a chance to look at your app before it's released. Send them a Ad Hoc version of your app. This is the recommend way in sharing your app with a limited circle of reviewers/testers.
You can find out more information on Ad Hoc under the Apple iOS Developer section


Can I publish a template app(paid) on the App Store

Please let me know Can we upload the template app on the App Store?
Because we are making a app, this is like a module based app so the buyer of that app can use the app code to use in their apps.
So please let me know could we upload this to the App Store?
If no, where can I publish this app to generate revenue?
I'm not sure I understand correctly your question, but if you want to publish a paid app that would require other app(s) to work, then it would be rejected.
Please see this section of the App Store Review Guidelines (emphasis mine) :
(vi) Apps should allow a user to get what they’ve paid for without
performing additional tasks, such as posting on social media,
uploading contacts, checking in to the app a certain number of times,
etc. Apps should not force users to rate the app, review the app,
download other apps, or take other similar actions in order to access
functionality, content, or use of the app.
Otherwise, please give us more informations about what you're trying to do.

UIWebView with one or two features and App Store review

We have a mobile site for our existing website. We have just created an iOS application with back and forward buttons along with an activity indicator. Will it be rejected by Apple? If yes, what else we can include to get the app approved for the App Store?
It will be rejected
The App Store submission guidelines say:
Apps that are not very useful, unique, are simply web sites bundled as Apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected
I've also heard many stories about people who have made 'apps' for their website that might even have features like automatically logging in the user, that Apple still rejected.

Rate and Review within an app take the user to app store thus leave our app - Totaly Undesired

Refering questions
URL for sending a user to the app review page on device's app store
Rating and reviews from within an IOS app
Direct "rate in iTunes" link in my app?
All the solutions to these question take the user to app store and leave our app.
Is it possible to rate and review the app from within app like a web view. So that the user may not have to leave the app.
Please suggest
Currently, it's changed. You can use SKStoreProductViewController to show App Store from within an app as described in my answer here.
There is no alternative. Users can only rate and review through the App Store app.

How to Unlock a feature in iPhone app with a review given by user in AppStore

I have developed an app for GMAT exam, My first exam paper is Locked.. I want to Unlock the paper whenever the user gives a review for my app in appstore. Suggest me any tutorials to do that..? When User Click on the Paper It Should Ask to give a review.. If he /she gives review I want to Unlock the Paper.
There is not way to detect this, since you do not know who the user is, there is not access to this. So you will not be able to check if the user reviewed your app.
Here is a blog that covers user app rating. http://iostipsntricks.wordpress.com/2011/05/10/how-to-get-people-to-rate-your-ios-app/
He provides links to Appirater which is a free API to handle app ratings etc.
Also, check out this post
Rating and reviews from within an IOS app
From there you could just add your own methods to unlock papers.

iPhone/iPad app rejected because of subscription model?

We intend to launch a free iPhone/iPad app on the AppStore.
The content will actually be accessible thanks to a subscription model (login/pwd authentication in iPhone app).
The subscription (about 100$ a month) is handled via a dedicated web server.
If used without subscription, this app will provide minimum value.
Does anyone know if this kind of subscription model can be rejected by Apple ?
I know some apps follow this model, but I'd like to have your thought on this before starting in this direction.
Thanks for your answer.
This is fine AFAIK - As long your app is free and you put in the description that it requires a subscription to whichever service. When you submit the app, you'll need to hand over details to a test account to Apple so that they can test it, but other than that it's no hassle at all.
I know of an app which works just like that on the app store right now - Spotify for iPhone. It's a music playing app which streams music from the web - but you need a Spotify premium account. When you first open the app, you have to sign in, and if you don't have a premium account it just tells you that you're not allowed in!
There are plenty of apps which only work if I have an account somewhere, and some for which I have to pay for that account so, without knowing the specifics, there is nothing which immediately rules out your subscription model. There are even Apple apps, iDisk for example, which are useless if you don't have a $100 mobile me subscription.
If there are issues you can look at selling your subscription as an in app purchase (apple will take their 30% which should make them happy) or look at making the app more functional without the subscription.
Either way, when submitting for approval make sure to set up a sample account with a full subscription that the apple testers can use (there is space in the submission for including logins for this kind of thing).
Our app, previously approved, update was just rejected because we sell subscriptions through our website. (We have been doing this for 15 years, without giving Apple 30% of our money.) They are requiring that all subscriptions for iphone/ipad content go through in-app purchasing. I guess we will be looking at building a browser based app instead.