UIWebView with one or two features and App Store review - iphone

We have a mobile site for our existing website. We have just created an iOS application with back and forward buttons along with an activity indicator. Will it be rejected by Apple? If yes, what else we can include to get the app approved for the App Store?

It will be rejected
The App Store submission guidelines say:
Apps that are not very useful, unique, are simply web sites bundled as Apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected
I've also heard many stories about people who have made 'apps' for their website that might even have features like automatically logging in the user, that Apple still rejected.


Can I publish a template app(paid) on the App Store

Please let me know Can we upload the template app on the App Store?
Because we are making a app, this is like a module based app so the buyer of that app can use the app code to use in their apps.
So please let me know could we upload this to the App Store?
If no, where can I publish this app to generate revenue?
I'm not sure I understand correctly your question, but if you want to publish a paid app that would require other app(s) to work, then it would be rejected.
Please see this section of the App Store Review Guidelines (emphasis mine) :
(vi) Apps should allow a user to get what they’ve paid for without
performing additional tasks, such as posting on social media,
uploading contacts, checking in to the app a certain number of times,
etc. Apps should not force users to rate the app, review the app,
download other apps, or take other similar actions in order to access
functionality, content, or use of the app.
Otherwise, please give us more informations about what you're trying to do.

iPhone App - Open Webpage - Appstore approval

Just a quick question. For the sake of time we plan on just creating an app which opens the browser and points to our website. Down the line an update will provide the rest of the functionality.
In your experience, would this app get approval? If not what would I need to do to get approval?
Don't think it will be approved:
2.9 Apps that are "beta", "demo", "trial", or "test" versions will be rejected
2.12 Apps that are not very useful, unique, are simply web sites bundled as Apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment
value may be rejected
2.13 Apps that are primarily marketing materials or advertisements will be rejected
Although I can't quote from the App Store Review Guidelines directly because it requires a developer account, I can say that point 2.12 suggests that that app would not get approved.
My suggestion is that you read the review guidelines to get an idea of what is required to get approval.
I know of apps on the App Store that are nothing more than a UIWebView. See this link for proof of it: App Store and UIWebView
In order to enhance the user's experience, you could also consider using phonegap or appcelerator

iOS mobile app that launches webapp - any problems getting it approved into app store?

I know that apple made the app store to, among other things, discourage web apps and control an unfair 30% cut of app transactions. Luckily for me, my rev comes from companies that are listed on the app, not users.
However, I want an app that does nothing but immediately open default browser and navigate to my webapp page. There is not even intermediary screen - See app icon/name on phone desktop, click, browser with webapp url launches.
Will this have problems getting approved by apple? If so what are the issues that I need to circumvent/overcome, and suggestions to do so? Thanks.
App Store Review Guidelines, 2.12:
Apps that are not very useful, are simply web sites bundled as apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected
You can essentially do this using the apple-mobile-web-app-capable and apple-touch-icon attributes supported by Safari, and you'll save the $99 fee.

Can we access App Information from the AppStore in iPhone App

Here is my requirement ,
Obtaining the list of apps from the AppStore, This contains basic information of the app.
Provide ratings to these app from my app.
Is there an API from Apple where i can achieve the above.
Isn't this what the "App store" app is doing by default? I am not sure Apple is going to approve that if you manage to do something like that. Apple certainly wont want a duplicate....
You simply cannot. Apple forbids you from scraping their sites in Apps on the App Store.
From Apple's "Review Guidelines" - section 12
Scraping and aggregation
Applications that scrape any information from Apple sites (for example from apple.com, iTunes Store, App Store, iTunes Connect, Apple Developer Programs, etc) or create rankings using content from Apple sites and services will be rejected
Applications may use approved Apple RSS feeds such as the iTunes Store RSS feed
Apps that are simply web clippings, content aggregators, or a collection of links, may be

Can iphone web apps, be put on appstore for sale, just like native apps?

Can iphone web apps be sold on appstore, without requiring user to do manual bookmark, etc?
Yes, you can create webapps and put them in the IStore under webapps
As per the page ...
To submit an iPhone web application, review the following guidelines, then log into the submission system using the Apple ID and password associated with your ADC membership.
You must be an Apple Developer Connection (ADC) Online, Select, or Premier member to participate in this program. If you are not a member, you can join for free and then return to this site to complete the submission process.
To be considered, you submission must meet the following guidelines:
You must agree to the iPhone Web
Application Submission Agreement for
all materials submitted for
Your submission must conform to the
iPhone web development guidelines in
effect at the time of your
Your submission should have a
complete feature set (stable releases
and demos are preferred to beta
Your submission (and the content
displayed in or through your
submission) must not violate or
infringe the intellectual property
rights (including trademark rights)
of others. You must either own all
rights to your submission and the
content displayed in or through the
submission or have written
authorization from the owner(s)
You must provide at least one working
link to access your submission. By
submitting applications for
consideration to the iPhone Web
Application Submission page, you
understand your submission is subject
to review by Apple. Apple reserves
the right to omit, edit, or reject
Just build a hybrid app. Hybrid wraps your html/css/javascript code in a native container which will give your app the ability to be distributed on an app store.
Technically, no. But you could potentially create a native iPhone app that just contains a UIWebView pointing to your mobile optimized site. I highly doubt Apple would approve this but I'm not positive.