Best free web hosting for apple push notification? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm going to develop an iPhone app that use Apple push notification. Do you know a free web hosting that can permit it (SSL, etc)?
Thanks in advance

You have choice of,
Building your own APN sending script
on the server
Use Urban Airship..
The positives of doing it yourself are that you get unlimited for free and probably have more control (although a push notification is a push notification is a push notification... how much control do you really need).
The positives of urban airship are that you save time/effort/resources. You don't have to maintain anything or fix any bugs.


Turn On/Off Wifi remotely by sending SMS Command [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am new to IOS Programming..
For IOS Device. I am trying to build an app in which, by sending SMS command Wifi can turn ON/OFF remotely..
please suggest me.
THANKS in Advance..
No, on a non-jailbroken phone, you cannot get any data on SMS messages or phone calls. They are entirely walled off from your application.
If your device is jailbroken, then you could monitor the sqllite database located on your phone at:

Offline iPhone Map with offline routing [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am developing an iPhone app with :
offline map
offline routing
like : mtrip, offMap ...
I research alot (routeme, navit ...):
But i can not find any frame work or good solution for Offline Routing.
Can anyone suggest some idea, framework to use (free or paid) ?
Thanks alot is the solution.
This is pretty late, but I thought I'd chip in here since no one else has.
You may want to take a look at Waze's offline routing algorithm: . I must warn you, their open source implementation is under the GPL v2.

iPhone - Electronic Fund Transfer(EFT) system [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am about to develop a new iPhone application in which I need to pay for some bills. I need to use Electronic Fund Transfer(EFT) system to make the payment. I have no idea in integrating the EFT method to the application. Share some useful ideas or links where can I get some ideas regarding EFT and the work flow.
for secure transaction you can use paypal and paypal also provided ios supported api for it they handle all details in a web view then getting details they return to app and do the transactions instead of these if you use any thing i think apple will reject the app or will ask you to implement the In App Purchase (IAP).

Transfer photos from one application to another [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
can anyone give me sample code to transfer photos from one iphone to another using bluetooth
Your best bet would to use GameKit, which greatly simplifies connecting multiple devices over Bluetooth & transfering data. I can't remember having seen an Apple sample which does that, but it certainly would be possible. This is exactly what GameKit was intended for, peer-to-peer connectivity, not only limited to gaming.
You'll probably have to split the data of the image and send little chunks to the other device, which can reassemble the chunks to form the original file once finished.

What iPhone push notification services are out there? (Hosted services, not the APNS) [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm looking to avoid running my own server all the time when dealing with Apple's push notification service. From my understanding, I need a constant connection to the APNS which I can't afford... I was planning on releasing my app for 0.99 or for free and I really don't want to spend a lot of money elsewhere.
After a bit of googling I found sites like which seems really interesting (and may be a perfect match for me). Are there any other services similiar to this one out there?
We found the following services
They are all different and some of them don't look updated. We have been using for a while and it works great.
I know of these two: appNotifications, and urbanairship.
there are also these two: and
Watch out for iLime too.
PushIO has great pricing, nothing on their website, but when I contacted them their pricing was better than most of these.