Turn On/Off Wifi remotely by sending SMS Command [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am new to IOS Programming..
For IOS Device. I am trying to build an app in which, by sending SMS command Wifi can turn ON/OFF remotely..
please suggest me.
THANKS in Advance..

No, on a non-jailbroken phone, you cannot get any data on SMS messages or phone calls. They are entirely walled off from your application.
If your device is jailbroken, then you could monitor the sqllite database located on your phone at:


Can I automatically launch my application without user tapping local Notification in iOS? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I want to be able to launch the app when a timer, which the user sets, goes to zero. Will this keep my app from being accepted in the the app store?
Example: The user sets a timer and exits the app/turns off the app. When that timer hits zero the app launches and performs a function.
Officially, it is not possible
for jailbroken device,
there is some talk about it

Is it possible to track ios device? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is it possible to track any iOS devices using PhoneNumber or UDID or IMEI number to show the device in google map. please help me.
Install "Find my iPhone" and use iCloud. My wife uses this to see where I am when I'm out on my bike. And I use it to ping the iPhone when I lose it around the house.
I am sure you can't get the iPhone's IMEI without using a private framework and if you do so you will be automatically rejected.
Usually, when mobile developpers wants some unique ids, the solution is to ask the user's email address. If you really want to differentiate users devices, you can create some random UDID that you save in the app preferences.

Using iOS6 Message Access Profile on App [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to create an app to the iPad Mini that connects to iPhone using Bluetooth 4.0, and access its messages, to show on screen when I receive a E-mail, SMS or iMessage.
I think that I could use the Message Access Profile (MAP) but I didn't find a way to do that.
Can someone tell me from where I begin?
My first try was get the SMS notification using CoreTelephony, but since the iOS 5 (as I know) the message didn't came with the notification, and as my iPhone isn't jailbroken, I couldn't access the SMS.db to read it, neither using the private framework ChatKit.
I won't publish this app on appstore, it is for personal using and testing.

Remote debugger for iOS? I need to debug a accessory [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm testing a hardware accessory, with not emulator.
Because that, I can't debug and at the same time connect the accessory, because in both cases is necessary a cable connection.
So, exist any way to use a remote debugger in iOS? Or at least, send NSLog output remotely?
As far as I can tell, it is not possible to run an iPhone application in the debugger over Wi-Fi. It is however possible to run Instruments over Wi-Fi, which was specifically introduced for the use case of developing hardware accessories. See the release notes for iOS 3.1, in which this feature was introduced: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#releasenotes/General/RN-iPhoneSDK-3/.

Transfer photos from one application to another [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
can anyone give me sample code to transfer photos from one iphone to another using bluetooth
Your best bet would to use GameKit, which greatly simplifies connecting multiple devices over Bluetooth & transfering data. I can't remember having seen an Apple sample which does that, but it certainly would be possible. This is exactly what GameKit was intended for, peer-to-peer connectivity, not only limited to gaming.
You'll probably have to split the data of the image and send little chunks to the other device, which can reassemble the chunks to form the original file once finished.