remove old app icons from avd home screen - android-emulator

I have created several sample apps for an Android virtual device. I have deleted these apps from the Eclipse java perspective, but they remain on the Android avd home screen.
How do I remove these app icons from the Android avd home screen?

If you mean the shortcuts:
Same way as on a phone. Long click an icon and drag it to the trash can symbol which should appear.
If you mean deleting the app entirely:
Also same way as on a phone. I think it's something like Menu->Settings->Manage Applications.

Though too late to respond, but hopefully it will be useful for someone in future.
On the latest Android version 4 you can do this Menu - > Manage Application and then double click on application which you want to delete, it will ask for confirmation whether you want to uninstall or stop (if running). Choose whichever option you want.


Creating AVD in Eclipse for unlisted android device

I have written an Android app using Eclipse Mars. I would like to test it on Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P Emulators. These devices are not listed in the 'create AVD' dialog's drop-down list.
I tried the 'device' tab and entered the size and other parameters of the device. The 'create device' button was enabled, but nothing happened when I clicked it. I have tried it several times now, waited for half an hour after clicking, tried it on a different computer, but nothing happens. Any suggestions?
It's a bug in AVD Manager, you should look for an update to arrive and hope that it is solved.
I think Eclipse AVD throws a tantrum if there's a space in the name.
Does the new name you put for your AVD have a space? Remove that and I think you should be good.
See how my device's name doesn't have a space?

Why does NetBeans keep starting a new emulator?

More often than not, when I hit "Run" NetBeans keeps starting a new emulator yet never runs the application. Yes, I do wait several minutes because I know it can take awhile. This can happen if I start the emulator through the "Tools | Android SDK and AVD Manager" menu bar item. Eventually, things will start working properly (of course I have no idea what I did if anything to make it work). Sometimes I get the dialog that asks to select a running AVD or device or to start the AVD but often I don't get that dialog.
Anybody know what's going on here?
Thanks a bunch,

How do I remove data that was installed as part of an iPhone App I'm devleoping?

I'm developing an iPhone application that's particularly large, and contains loads of videos. (Not my fault, it's on behalf of a client).
I tried to run it on my iPhone, via XCode, not remembering I didn't have enough space on there to copy all the vids over, it errored halfway through.
However, it seems that the couple of videos it did manage to copy are still on the phone, and I now have 0 space on my phone, according to settings.
So I guess my question is where on the phones filesystem will these be stored, so that I can delete them?
EDIT: As the App didn't sucessfully install, theres no icon on the home screen for it.
You can use iPhoneExplorer to explore/remove the files on your iPhone.
Have you tried the iPhone Configuration Utility?
If the app has somehow been half-installed so it has no icon, then it might still appear in this tool where you can remove it.
If you can see the app on the organizer, try this:
1.- In the devices organizer, select Applications in the device.
2.- Select an application from the list of installed applications.
3.- Click Delete, and confirm that you want to remove the application.
Figured it out, eventually found it in a folder called:

iOS app icons updated, not showing on clean Build/Run

I'm prepping for my first update (1.0.1) on the AppStore and will be changing the icon in the process. I deleted the old 57x57 and 114x114 icons, dropped new ones into Xcode 4's target summary, and did a clean build/run. The new icons show up in Xcode, but not on the device's home screen.
I suspect if I delete the app and redo the above steps, this may work, but that leaves me to wonder if an AppStore distribution will update the icons for all users.
Is there something I'm forgetting to do to update the icon for this next release?
I was having this problem when replacing icons for an app, the new icons didn't show up on the iOS device, no matter how many times I did a clean/build. The solution for me was to reboot the device and the new icons were recognized.
I'm guessing this is a problem only in development, it is likely that the cached icon is refreshed when an app is installed or updated from the App Store.
The answer turned out to be that my new icons had slightly different names than the old. Strangely, Xcode never complained and still showed them next to the target and in the summary.
Lesson learned: When doing an app update (or "Appdate"), modified resources need to be of the same file name to be found. It seems replacing a resource with a different resource is not sufficient. Overwriting the old resource is the way to go.
It will update the icon for the user's when it's distributed. I had an app i released to the app store that I had gotten from Google Images and made into an icon. Long story short, I had to change my icon so it didn't look like another App's which had the same icon! If you change it in your Build Settings you'll be ok.
If you change your apple-touch-icon.png for both regular and retina in your Build Settings, it will update on the app store, and the end user's ultimately. Bottom line. It should've did it for yours, I don't know why it didn't?

Can I disable Home Button on my App? (full screen browser kiosk mode)

I have to put a lot of iPads on a stantd on a tourist fair to show our web, and we don't want that people can use these iPads to play/enter facebook/etc. Is for this that I was searching an application that put the iPad on kiosk mode to show fullscreen our web, but that's ridiculous if the user can press home button an go to springboard...
Is for this that I start to develop a fullscreen browser without address bar, only show a URL that is selected programatically, and I think to deploy this app on our iPads (we have a developer account), but we have the same problem: if the user press home button, he can select Safari and enter to any website.
In conclusion, we need to disable home button to hold the user on our website (I know that if press and hold home button + power button, iPad reboot, but the power button will be disable physically on the stand), and I also know that this app will not be approved by Apple, but as I said before, this app will be only to the fair stand.
Four years after, I found the response.
No, you cannot disable the home button. (And thank Apple for that. Who knows how many people would believe that their app is so fantastic that people ought not stop using it ever.)
Why do you need to disable the home button anyway? Why not build a stand for the iPad that blocks access to the home button?
Could you not use the parental controls to restrict/prevent access to Safari, Mail app's etc?
On iPad,
Settings > General > Restrictions
You can then easily remove app's such as Safari from the ipad's springboard, and to enable access requires a code (which you set) so no one would be able to access default app's that you don't want them to :)
Of course people would still be able to exit your app by pressing the home button, although they would not be able to do anything, and you can even stop them from deleting apps through the restrictions settings.
The only way to prevent exiting via the home button would be to physical stop people from pressing it by having the stand cover it over.
There are companies that make specific products for this type of thing. Here is a write up a couple (they are not cheap)...
Probably too late for the OP but for anyone else trying to do this then see my answer here Lock-down iPhone/iPod/iPad so it can only run one app
I had been trying to do the same use case and pretty much everyone on stack overflow is saying it's not possible. Turns out that it is.
More than 4 years after, I found the answer, haha.
I'm not sure since when, but now we can block to use only one app from Settings > General > Accessibility > Guided Access
After that, we can do triple tap with our app opened, and it will be locked.
Also, we can use Apple Configurator to "Lock to App", but this way required to install a profile in the iPads (it wouldn't be a problem four years ago...).
It is possible. But I think Apple may reject your app. I found a link with good explanation here
And this might help also.
Blocking home button access is desirable where these units are used commercially as promotional displays or in point of sale environments. It would be useful, actually, if Apple licensed developers of point of sale apps to be able to do this - it would be no problem for this function to be specific to registered ipad units....and it would also make the ipad less of a theft target. it would be useless to anyone but the owner. right now the only answer is to physically cover the button in an enclosure, thus concealing Apple's investment in a beautiful product design.
Achieveable in software like so:
Settings > General > Accessibility > Guided Access
Set a pin if your iOS device has public access.
once in the app you want to lock down, triple click the home button to enable guided access. With this on users will be restricted to your app (or webclip) and required to enter the pin to exit to iOS home if they hit the home button.
There is no solution for this issue, maybe if you jailbreak your device, there is one, but I don't think so.
Please see: Temporarily Lock or Disable iphone home button
Why do you need to block the button? If it's some kind of evil plot to make developers only use the device for developing, the home button IS important: you must test what happens when the real user do that.