iPhone OpenGL: Moving around a 3D environment - iphone

this is probably a long shot
I am looking for an example / tutorial of how to render a floor (or room) and move around it. There seems to be the perfect example here:
However the download (which is required) is missing.
Does anyone have any code samples for OpenGL 3D and moving around 3D Space

Look at the SIO2 package. There is a tutorial for moving a camera around a room, works out of the box. I forget exactly now but I think it's tutorial 06 or 07. He also puts videos explaining them on YouTube, which is nice.


Unity 2018: 2D Object - SpriteMesh

Ok, so I have looked around the internet but I cannot find the sprite mesh. I should be able to right click my sprite> 2D Object> SpriteMesh.
Problem is that I don't see the option "SpriteMesh" anywhere.
Here's the deal. I created a bunch of 2D pieces for a character: head, body, two arms, two legs, two hands, and two feet. I imported the sprite as a PNG file and changed SpriteMode to multiple. I used the Sprite Editor to slice the char into pieces automatically. There's also nothing inside of the sprite editor that allows me to rig bones either.
Now I need to Rig the toon with bones and skin. However, I cannot find a way to do this. Watching a few tutorials, the guy adds a SpriteMesh to each of the parts. However, when I try to do this, the option just doesn't exist. I see SpriteMask but no SpriteMesh.
I'm using Unity 2018.2.18f1.
I have zero experience in animations like this. Normally I create a player/enemy without legs/arms. So they just float and I use the animation tab to change size/shape to insinuate movement. However, I'd like to take this next step and make the game look better.
How can I rig my toon? What steps do I need to follow?
All help is appreciated!
I guess you want to use the new 2D Features from Unity, if you want to rig your 2D Character.
I'm using Unity 2018.2.18f1.
You need to use Unity 2018.3 or later to use these tools.
I suggest you to use Unity Hub to download multiples versions and Beta versions.
There is a really nice video from Brackeys about this subject also.
When you have the 2018.3 or later version installed, open your project and go to the Window/Package Manager window, you need to install these packages :
I don't think you need the 2D Pixel Perfect but it's always nice to have.

Making 3d models with 2d images in unity

Is it possible to make 3d models from 2d photos taken? For eg, can I make a 3d model of a human if I take images of him from all angles(stitching them)? Is this possible in unity? Thank you( pardon me if I have worked the question wrongly, I am still a beginner)
What you are asking for is called "photogrammetry".
And yes, it's possible to use it in Unity, but you will need more than one software(I think that the real unity-based tools to do it won't be release before 2018 version), I have not tried it personally, but I suggest you to start from here:
https://unity3d.com/es/solutions/photogrammetry (the web)
https://unity3d.com/files/solutions/photogrammetry/Unity-Photogrammetry-Workflow_2017-07_v2.pdf (the real info PDF)
Keep in mind that won't be easy! :D
Edit: I found this video on Youtube which is really a photogrammetry in Unity tutorial from zero to hero! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ni42IOyePpY

Facebook's 360-degree "Soround 360" technology for VR headsets

Facebook released a demo video of their Surround 360 technology a few days ago, called "Here and Now": https://www.facebook.com/facebook/videos/10154659446236729/
Apparently they are using their proposed cubic mapping perspective for this. Can someone familiar verify that?
When on my Gear VR and I rotate my head, I notice a slight quality improvement. So also, does anybody know if they are using an adaptive view-aware streaming such as DASH or something for that (which will be impressive)? I am assuming it is not first downloaded and played, so maybe this is not due to the rendering.
Facebook uses pyramid encoding. They put a sphere inside a pyramid so that the base of the pyramid is the full-resolution FOV and the sides of the pyramid gradually decrease in quality until they reach a point directly opposite from the viewport, behind the viewer. That explains why, when you turned your head with the GearVR on, you noticed a quality change. They don't use MPEG-DASH, yet.

Detecting which side touched in openGLES 3dbox in iphone

i am working on a project that contains a 3d box that rotated by user touch and opens revelant page when clicked on a side. each side has link to another view so i need to know which side is clicked on the program.
i am using Brad Larson's wonderfull example in my app and i can rotate the cube with touch, thanx to his code and time.
( the code is linked in here: Where to start openGL ES to create and rotate a cube in an iPhone? )
now i need to know how to detect whick side is clicked on the box. normally i develop view based applications, i really have no idea on openGL or things like that.
i've searched the site but couldnt find a good answer (at least something that i can understand with my opengl knowledge)
P.S: Here, the 3dCube code from Brad Larson: http://www.sunsetlakesoftware.com/sites/default/files/CubeExample.zip
Take a look here: http://www.3dkingdoms.com/selection.html
In the OpenGL world, I think they refer to this as "picking". The utility function gluunproject will help you. Intersecting the picking ray with your model's faces should not be hard for a cube.

What is the best software for creating OpenGL ES models and textures?

What is best software for creating models , textures etc... for iphone development.
From simplest to more complex programs.
First thing that comes to my mind is blender , but I'm curious what everybody else is using and their opinions.
Blender is a very good issue for your needs.
It's a very complete solution. Just take your time to learn it step by step. You'll get some great tutorials on the website.
Agreed! I found a tutorial about 3D programming mentioning Blender as a free tool. It was SO daunting to use at first, and I still haven't even figured out most of what it can do. However, I can now build and export the needed geometries for my applications.
Use a 3 button mouse (RMB:Selects a vertice, edge or face; MMB Rotates the view camera)
'A' selects or deselects all
'X' deletes anything selected (prompts you first)
'B' Bounding Box Selection Mode
'E' Extrude selected things
For creating textures, I use Adobe's Illustrator, Photoshop and Fireworks, and then import the image into Blender. There is also a texture paint mode in Blender as well.
I tried Cheetah 3d , it looks decent and it exports directly to header files.
I will definitely try blender , but it seems overwhelming and i am not sure do i need to loose to much time on getting to know how to work in blender.
On other hand i was trying out cheetah 3d and i figured out most of the staff in couple of hours.