Making 3d models with 2d images in unity - unity3d

Is it possible to make 3d models from 2d photos taken? For eg, can I make a 3d model of a human if I take images of him from all angles(stitching them)? Is this possible in unity? Thank you( pardon me if I have worked the question wrongly, I am still a beginner)

What you are asking for is called "photogrammetry".
And yes, it's possible to use it in Unity, but you will need more than one software(I think that the real unity-based tools to do it won't be release before 2018 version), I have not tried it personally, but I suggest you to start from here: (the web) (the real info PDF)
Keep in mind that won't be easy! :D
Edit: I found this video on Youtube which is really a photogrammetry in Unity tutorial from zero to hero!


How to create a 3d earth that users can add pinpoints on?

What is the best software to create a 3d model of the earth, in which the user can rotate and zoom in. When the tap on a location, it creates a pinpoint to mark it. How would I go about this? I am new to 3d models, so any help is greatly appreciated. I want to place this model into an iOS app (Xcode).
You are asking a lot and I think you should try doing it yourself first. If this seems hard, try searching for a tutorial.
Here is briefly what you should do and a link to a tutorial, post or thread to all of the steps:
1. Create a model of earth and apply a texture on top of it.
If you want to create your own model, I suggest you use blender, which is what I personally like the most of all 3D editing softwares currently available. Blender Guru has an awesome beginner course about blender.
If don't want to create your model all by yourself, TurboSquid has a ton of free models for you.
(Even nasa has made a 3D model of the earth!)
2. Implement a camera orbit feature
This can be hard for beginners like you and me, but luckily Emma Prats has an amazing tutorial about it!
3. Implement code to instantiate objects on top of earth
This thread should help.
If you need help on something, make sure to post it here and we (the community) will try to help!

How to mask 3D Objects with Real-World-Objects in front of them? (Tango, Unity)

All the Tango Apps and Demos I have seen so far have one major limitation: 3D-Objects are always "on top" of the real world camera image. They are placed correctly in 3D space but a real object in front of the virtual object will not overlap it!
Is it possible to mask 3D objects or parts of them in realtime by real world objects in front of them?
In theory the 3D data deliverd by Tango sensors should be sufficient to do this. But I wonder if anyone has done it before or if there might be performance limitations that make this impossible? Thanks for your advice!
One approach is to use the 3D Reconstruction library (search "Unity How-to Guide: Meshing with Color") to pre-scan the environment, and then use this model to provide depth data when rendering the AR scene. Here's a video of an AR game that appears to use this technique. It's not perfect for sure, but it does sorta work.
This questions has been asked before.

Tool to construct 3D maze for the iPhone?

I want to construct a 3D Maze tha will appear on the iPhone screen but not in the typical above-the maze view but in a Wolfenstein walking inside-around the maze fashion.. Excuse my terminology but I'm quite new to this :)
My questions are the following:
What tools should I use to build my 3d maze? XCode's OpenGl or Quartz Composer?
Given that I want a fairly simple design is there some even simpler tool I can use to design the maze and then import it in my Objective-C project to integrate user/iphone interaction to this?
More importantly though: Regarding the user's movement around the maze, it will involve some elaborate motion event handling and not your typical click left/front/back/right arrow to move around.. Does that affect in any way the tool I will be using to construct my maze or is this irrelevant?
Thanks in advance for any help!
You could (and probably should) do it with Unity 3D. In fact, somebody already has.

iPhone OpenGL: Moving around a 3D environment

this is probably a long shot
I am looking for an example / tutorial of how to render a floor (or room) and move around it. There seems to be the perfect example here:
However the download (which is required) is missing.
Does anyone have any code samples for OpenGL 3D and moving around 3D Space
Look at the SIO2 package. There is a tutorial for moving a camera around a room, works out of the box. I forget exactly now but I think it's tutorial 06 or 07. He also puts videos explaining them on YouTube, which is nice.

What is the best software for creating OpenGL ES models and textures?

What is best software for creating models , textures etc... for iphone development.
From simplest to more complex programs.
First thing that comes to my mind is blender , but I'm curious what everybody else is using and their opinions.
Blender is a very good issue for your needs.
It's a very complete solution. Just take your time to learn it step by step. You'll get some great tutorials on the website.
Agreed! I found a tutorial about 3D programming mentioning Blender as a free tool. It was SO daunting to use at first, and I still haven't even figured out most of what it can do. However, I can now build and export the needed geometries for my applications.
Use a 3 button mouse (RMB:Selects a vertice, edge or face; MMB Rotates the view camera)
'A' selects or deselects all
'X' deletes anything selected (prompts you first)
'B' Bounding Box Selection Mode
'E' Extrude selected things
For creating textures, I use Adobe's Illustrator, Photoshop and Fireworks, and then import the image into Blender. There is also a texture paint mode in Blender as well.
I tried Cheetah 3d , it looks decent and it exports directly to header files.
I will definitely try blender , but it seems overwhelming and i am not sure do i need to loose to much time on getting to know how to work in blender.
On other hand i was trying out cheetah 3d and i figured out most of the staff in couple of hours.