Error from Debugger: The program being debugged is not being run - iphone

Please dont mark this as duplicate
I am getting this error while debugging my app on device I tried everything from these posts (see below) but no luck -
iPhone SDK- Error from Debugger: The program being debugged is not being run
XCode fails to run app on device, saying the program being debugged is not being run
Can I not run two app with the same build identifier? I use one identifier yesterday to debug one app. Now I am using the same identifier to debug another app on device.
I have tried following -
1) restart mac and iphone
2) reinstall the provision profile (both from xcode and itunes)
Please help!

You can run two app with the same build id. Are you using a distribution profile or development profile?

OK... I got it!
I have to remove the previous app from xcode organizer. Its working now!!


Xcode shows popup but there is no errors

Working with my application It goes well but has met into a problem with Xcode. When I try to run the application on the iPhone simulator this message always pops up:
"A coordinated app install already exists for com.apk.ios with intent IXCoordinatorIntentUpdating (creator InstallCoordination Simple SPI) but request by CoreSimulatorBridge (pid 677) was for intent IXCoordinatorIntentInitiating"
What is wrong? There are no errors when trying to build the app. Has tried to clean the build.
Erasing all content and settings is not always necessary as #user3344236 stated.
Please make sure to delete the app that you are trying to install from the iOS Simulator. That'll probably solve your problem.
Why this occurs?
In my case something went wrong while Xcode is trying to install the app on the simulator. Everything is frozen and I had to restart the Mac manually.
Found a solution that works for me:
Either the App store or something else tool is downloading the same app with the same identifier at the time Xcode is trying to launch the same app on the Simulator or on MAC.
Need to stop/delete all the running installs of the app with the same identifier. (How to stop -> that can be figured out to see either App Store or any other tool ) Then try again to launch the app with Xcode, this time it succeeds.
No need to Reboot the simulator/ Mac or reinstall Xcode.
Thanks, Hope this will help someone.

Error launching remote program

I am new to iPhone application. i just started with xcode. My problem is: I have created an app using xcode & phonegap, it's running without any problem in simulator but when i try to test it on my iPad it throws an error.
Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 6074.
i dont know why this happens. i have searched it on StackOverflow but its kind of confusing (as i am new in iPhone app.)
please help me where i goes wrong & how can i solve this?
Application also open. After the application launched completely, after few seconds I got this error. after that My Application get crashed.
One more thing.
if i delete my old application then it reinstall it but it throws same error. but if i open that installed application then it will be my updated application.
The problem is because you are trying to debug your application using distribution provisioning profile. If you want to run your application in debug mode, you have to sign it with development provisioning profile and certificate (both in build settings and in target). If you are trying to create a distributable, sign it with distribution credentials and add Entitlements.plist (again both in build settings and target).
That’s because you put the get-task-allow = NO entitlement into ad-hoc builds, to stop your beta testers from being able to run the app in a debugger.
"Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process"

App not running on device (iPhone)

Today, m getting strange problem. My app is not running on device(Jailbreak). Earlier I have run other app on the device. Yesterday, I have formatted device, now application is not running on the iPhone - 4.2.1.
I have added all the required things like provisioning profile. I have also checked in apple developer site. that device is added to that portal.
I have targeted my application to 4.2 as my device version is 4.2.1.
No error is coming when m trying to run the app. only it ends in “finished running app on iphone”.
M not getting where and what m missing..
Reset the Simulator . Delete the Build File. And Restart the xCode. And Run the yor Project.I Hope it will help you.
Go to your project and delete the build folder. Clean all the installed provision profile from device then restart Xcode. Hope it will help you.
Delete the Build File, Reset the Simulator , And Restart the xCode. And than run your project. and got output on device.

Can't Launch Xcode App Without Code Signing on iPad, Can on iPhone

I am trying to deploy an Xcode app to my iPad without code signing. To do so, I have edit the SDKSettings.plist file, changed my project settings to do not run, and installed AppSync. This is the error I receive:
Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 1019.
This is the error in the debug screen:
Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 1396.The program being debugged is not being run.
The number keeps changing. On my iPhone, once I hit "ok" to dismiss the error on my computer, I can launch the app from the springboard and use it perfectly. However, on my iPad, this is not the case. It just crashes if I attempt to open it.
Has anyone ever had this program, or know how to solve it?
Also, my iPhone is on 5.0.1, and my iPad is on 5.1.1. The app works fine in the simulator, though.
You must have a valid provisioning profile, which requires enrollment in the iOS Developer Program. There is no way to run apps on an iOS device without a provisioning profile. For more information:

Weird error when trying to run a test on device

For almost a week i'm getting this weird error when i'm trying to run the app on my idevice.
the error is that:
error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 10492
It's important to say that I get this message on Xcode, the app quites on the idevice, but right after I can run it by clicking on the app icon and it works just fine with the latest updates.
what seems to be the problem?
Thanks alot!
The problem is that you have set the build configuration in Release mode, and installing the application in device through Xcode. If you want to debug the app, then you should go to Edit scheme, and choose Debug mode. Also, make sure, you have a developer profile, and that you are building with that developer profile. Then, when you try to install the app through Xcode, you will see the app getting installed. Hope that helps!
GDB is having trouble attaching to the device process. Have you tried restarting the device?
If this is a permanent issue and you have an Entitlements.plist file have a look at this.
Please check your certificates. If you are signing with distribution certificate then you will not able to debug. To debug you have to have provision certificate
Hope this will help