files/settings needed for new frontend plugin - typo3

what files do i need to modify / add if i want to add another frontend plugin (pi) to a TYPO3 extension? this should be done by hand and not with the kickstarter...

The best way to learn the answer to this question, is to make another plugin like the secondary one you want to add, and then try to merge the two manually. The answer to the question is dependant on what your secondary plugin does.
[Rest of explaination removed, as it struck me that someone must have answered this before. Googling "typo3 add plugin" reveals Ingo Renner's Adding a new plugin to an existing extension on the first page. Please do a little research before asking!]


TYPO3 feedback / guestbook

Hello to all TYPO3 enthusiasts,
I am asking myself since about 2 weeks now, how to make a feedback/guestbook page with TYPO3.
What I want:
I have a page, where visitors can leave a feedback.
When they send a feedback, it shall not be showed immediately. It shall be stored in a database, with a flag "allowed: yes/no". If the administrator allows the visitors feedback, it shall appear on the page.
The feedbacks, that haven't yet been allowed, shall be displayed in the backend, where they can be enabled.
My problem
I don't even know, if this is realizable? If it is, what is the next step to make this working? Do i have to create my own extension for that?
Would be very nice, if someone can answer me my question and maybe give me some advices.
Have a look at
The current master version should be capable of doing this for TYPO3 7.6
Here is a third one :-)
I tested that and it worked for me, I think it should also work on 7.6 so you can just ignore the requirements.
Since I needed some changes I rewrote most of the code and my version is working on 7.6. Write a comment if you want me version.
Download and install extension tt_guest from TYPO3 extensions repository
This would offer the funktionality you described

Edit an another's plugin

I have a plugin's resource codes and I want to edit. Because I want to change plugin's prefix but it isn't possible unless edit plugin. I tried edit with Eclipse but I had a lot of errors.
If you have source codes of some plugins, there meight be a problem, that they are using some api for example WorldEdit api, but you don't have it added in your project. You have to look into code and find out what they use. Then download the api and add it in Build Path - Right Click the project->Build bath->add external Jars. I hope this will help.
You may be getting errors from imports, API's, etc.
The best way to change this is to contact the developer of the plugin, who has the project themselves. It's not a good idea to change code unless you have full permission; but I will still tell you some possible ways to fix it.
Your imports may be faulty, check those.
Actually REVIEW the code yourself– Don't mess around with things you don't know what they do.
CHANGE YOUR PACKAGE NAMES (This got me before, simple mistake)
If there are comments in the code, use those to your advantage
Google your errors.
If you are new to Java, don't skip to changing code already. TRUST ME. Learn all you can before skipping to other "higher level" developer styles.
Like I said, these are vague and simple ways to fix it; the best way to have your feature implemented is to contact the developer.
*I understand that this thread is old; I'm just saying this because there are currently no answers that describe this for other Google travelers of the internet.

How to install Typo3 extension: jfmulticontent

Beeing new to Typo3, I've just installed jfmulticontent, but obvisouly, there's more to it than simply importing and installing. The documentation that comes with it on the other hand seems to be nice for people, who already know what they are doing. Does anybody know, where I can find some beginner-friendly installation-instructions and general documentation about that plugin?
Be sure you import the static files of the extension.
After installing the extension, you have to add the static “Multi
content (jfmulticontent)” to your template
I don't know your site structure. Try click on template, then click on your site root. Choose Info/Modify from toolbar and then click on Edit the whole template record, Includes.
Extension manual:
Try to be more specific regarding your problem. This way we can help you much better.

How to publish a Netbeans Update Center on

I created a NetBeans based application and I want t publish its update center in the project's page. Any idea on how to do this?
The page suggests using Webdav but is not working.
I was able to do it by adding then in a folder in the downloads section but it is a manual process. Any easier way?
The only way I have done it so far is loading all the files into a folder one by one, manually. I just hoped for a better way.

CKEditor Plugins Documentation

I looked on CKEditor's website and I noticed that there's no plugins documentation yet.
But I'm wondering if there is any anywhere else?
I'd like to make a little plugin to add youtube video from CKEditor. Pretty simple plugin but still I'd like to know how to make it.
Documentation is sparse at the moment, but not completely non-existent.
Check out my CKEDitor link survival pack from a previous question.
As a starting point, you may want to copy and use one of the existing plugins (the unpacked ones from the _source directory, of course).
The symbols plugin is extremely simple but shows the basic points of inserting HTML into the editor
The links plugin may be a good starting point for how to add input fields, tabs, and make them interact (If you want to go the road of understanding CKEditor's highly sophisticated dialog layout system, that is. My cup of tea, it wasn't. You may want to just set up an Iframe dialog, and do everything by yourself).
Since this question was first posted, CK has added documentation for creating plugins -