Scala foldLeft on Maps - scala

How do you use Map.foldLeft? According to the docs it looks like
foldLeft [B] (z: B)(op: (B, (A, B)) ⇒ B) : B
But I'm having difficulty:
Map("first"->1,"second"->2).foldLeft(0)((a,(k,v)) => a+v )
error: not a legal formal parameter
The error points to the open bracket in front of k.

If you want to use the (a, (k, v)) syntax, you need to advise the compiler to use pattern matching.
Map("first"->1, "second"->2).foldLeft(0){ case (a, (k, v)) => a+v }
Note that a case statement requires curly braces.

I think, you can't do the pattern match on tuples as you expect:
Map("first"->1,"second"->2).foldLeft(0)((a, t) => a + t._2)
Actually, using values and sum is simpler.

The trick is to use a partial function as the code block, in other words you add a case statement that matches on the arguments:
Map("first" -> 1, "second" -> 2).foldLeft(0) { case (a, (k, v)) => a + v }

This is not really an answer to your question but I found it useful when starting out with folds, so I'll say it anyway! Note that the /: method "alias" for foldLeft can be clearer for two reasons:
xs.foldLeft(y) { (yy, x) => /* ... */ }
(y /: xs) { (yy, x) => /* ... */ }
Note that in the second line:
it's more clear that the value y is being folded into the collection xs
you can easily remember the ordering of the Tuple2 argument is the same as the ordering of the method "call"


passing function calls in scala as arguments, does function evaluate first?

I was just playing around with a implementation of foldlLeft in Scala
def foldLeft[A,B] (as: List[A], z: B) (f: (B, A) => B): B = as match {
case Nil => z
case Cons(x, xs) => foldLeft(xs, f(z,x)) (f)
In this implementation, f(z,x) is in the recursive call given as parameter for z, but I was wondering how this actually works?
When the recursive call happens, does foldLeft() receive the value of the execution of f(z,b) or does it receive the function call the way it is written, and then execute when needed?
if we call foldLeft() with the following values
def foldLeft[A,B] ([1,2,3], 0) (f: (x, y) => x + y): B = as match {
case Nil => z
case Cons(x, xs) => foldLeft([2,3], f(0,1)) (f)
Will the next execution of foldLeft() like this, where z is equal to the value of f()?
def foldLeft[A,B] ([2,3], 1) (f: (x, y) => x + y): B = as match {
case Nil => z
case Cons(x, xs) => foldLeft([2,3], f(1,2)) (f)
or does it work like this, where foldLeft() receives the call itself?
def foldLeft[A,B] ([2,3], f(0,1)) (f: (x, y) => x + y): B = as match {
case Nil => z
case Cons(x, xs) => foldLeft([3], f(f(1,0),2)) (f)
The question is essentially about when the values that a tail recursive function are evaluated?
Scala, like almost every mainstream language, is a strict language with an eager evaluation strategy and pass-by-value argument passing semantics.
This means that all arguments to a method or function call will be fully evaluated before being passed into the method or function.
However, what I wrote is actually not quite true: that is only the default.
There are two ways to deviate from the default:
The lazy modifier makes a value, well, lazy.
by-name parameters are passed by name, not by value.
#1 is not applicable here. #2 needs to be explicitly declared in the parameter list, which is not the case here.
Therefore, we can conclude that, yes, f(z, x) will be fully evaluated before the recursive call to foldLeft.

Fold function scala's immutable list

I have created an immutable list and try to fold it to a map, where each element is mapped to a constant string "abc". I do it for practice.
While I do that, I am getting an error. I am not sure why the map (here, e1 which has mutable map type) is converted to Any.
val l = collection.immutable.List(1,2,3,4)
l.fold (collection.mutable.Map[Int,String]()) ( (e1,e2) => e1 += (e2,"abc") )
l.fold (collection.mutable.Map[Int,String]()) ( (e1,e2) => e1 += (e2,"abc") )
<console>:13: error: value += is not a member of Any
Expression does not convert to assignment because receiver is not assignable.
l.fold (collection.mutable.Map[Int,String]()) ( (e1,e2) => e1 += (e2,"abc") )
At least three different problem sources here:
Map[...] is not a supertype of Int, so you probably want foldLeft, not fold (the fold acts more like the "banana brackets", it expects the first argument to act like some kind of "zero", and the binary operation as some kind of "addition" - this does not apply to mutable maps and integers).
The binary operation must return something, both for fold and foldLeft. In this case, you probably want to return the modified map. This is why you need ; m (last expression is what gets returned from the closure).
The m += (k, v) is not what you think it is. It attempts to invoke a method += with two separate arguments. What you need is to invoke it with a single pair. Try m += ((k, v)) instead (yes, those problems with arity are annoying).
Putting it all together:
l.foldLeft(collection.mutable.Map[Int, String]()){ (m, e) => m += ((e, "abc")); m }
But since you are using a mutable map anyway:
val l = (1 to 4).toList
val m = collection.mutable.Map[Int, String]()
for (e <- l) m(e) = "abc"
This looks arguably clearer to me, to be honest. In a foldLeft, I wouldn't expect the map to be mutated.
Folding is all about combining a sequence of input elements into a single output element. The output and input elements should have the same types in Scala. Here is the definition of fold:
def fold[A1 >: A](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) => A1): A1
In your case type A1 is Int, but output element (sum type) is mutable.Map. So if you want to build a Map throug iteration, then you can use foldLeft or any other alternatives where you can use different input and output types. Here is the definition of foldLeft:
def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B
val l = collection.immutable.List(1, 2, 3, 4)
l.foldLeft(collection.immutable.Map.empty[Int, String]) { (e1, e2) =>
e1 + (e2 -> "abc")
Note: I'm not using a mutabe Map

Fold method using List as accumulator

To find prime factors of a number I was using this piece of code :
def primeFactors(num: Long): List[Long] = {
val exists = (2L to math.sqrt(num).toLong).find(num % _ == 0)
exists match {
case Some(d) => d :: primeFactors(num/d)
case None => List(num)
but this I found a cool and more functional approach to solve this using this code:
def factors(n: Long): List[Long] = (2 to math.sqrt(n).toInt)
.find(n % _ == 0).fold(List(n)) ( i => i.toLong :: factors(n / i))
Earlier I was using foldLeft or fold simply to get sum of a list or other simple calculations, but here I can't seem to understand how fold is working and how this is breaking out of the recursive function.Can somebody plz explain how fold functionality is working here.
Option's fold
If you look at the signature of Option's fold function, it takes two parameters:
def fold[B](ifEmpty: => B)(f: A => B): B
What it does is, it applies f on the value of Option if it is not empty. If Option is empty, it simply returns output of ifEmpty (this is termination condition for recursion).
So in your case, i => i.toLong :: factors(n / i) represents f which will be evaluated if Option is not empty. While List(n) is termination condition.
fold used for collection / iterators
The other fold that you are taking about for getting sum of collection, comes from TraversableOnce and it has signature like:
def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B
Here, z is starting value (suppose incase of sum it's 0) and op is associative binary operator which is applied on z and each value of collection from left to right.
So both folds differ in their implementation.

Why does Scala require pattern variables to be linear?

Scala requires pattern variables to be linear, i.e. pattern
variable may not occur more than once in a pattern. Thus, this example does not compile:
def tupleTest(tuple: (Int, Int)) = tuple match {
case (a, a) => a
case _ => -1
But you can use two pattern variables and a guard to check equality instead:
def tupleTest(tuple: (Int, Int)) = tuple match {
case (a, b) if a == b => a
case _ => -1
So why does Scala require pattern variables to be linear? Are there any cases that can not be transformed like this?
It is easy to transform the first example into the second (Scala to Scala). Of all occurrences of a variable v in the pattern take the expressions that is evaluated first and assign it to the variable v. For each other occurrence introduce a new variable with a name that is not used in the current scope. For each of those variables v' add a guard v == v'. It is the same way a programmer would go (=> same efficiency). Is there any problem with this approach? I'd like to see an example that can not be transformed like this.
Because case (a, b) is basically assigning val a to _._1 and val b to _._2 (at least you can view it like that). In case of case (a, a), you cannot assign val a to both _._1 and _._2.
Actually the thing you want to do would have been looked like
case (a, `a`) => ???
as scala uses backtick to match an identifier. But unfortunately that still doesn't work as the visibility of a is given only after => (would have been fun though, I also hate writing case (a, b) if a = b =>). And the reason of this is probably just because it is harder to write a compiler that supports that

Stable identifier required during pattern matching? (Scala)

Trying to produce a list of tuples showing prime factor multiplicity... the idea is to match each integer in a sorted list against the first value in a tuple, using the second value to count. Could probably do it more easily with takeWhile, but meh. Unfortunately my solution won't compile:
def primeFactorMultiplicity (primeFactors: List[Int]) = {
primeFactors.foldRight (List[(Int, Int)]()) ((a, b) => (a, b) match {
case (_, Nil) => (a, 1) :: b
case (b.head._1, _) => (a, b.head._2 + 1) :: b.tail
case _ => (a, 1) :: b
It says "error: stable identifier required, but b.head._1 found." But changing the second case line to the following works fine:
case (i, _) if (i == b.head._1) => (a, b.head._2 + 1) :: b.tail
Why is this, and why can't the compiler cope if there is such a simple fix?
A variable in a pattern captures the value in that position; it does not do a comparison. If the syntax worked at all, the result would be to put the value of a into b.head._1, overwriting the current value. The purpose of this is to let you use a pattern to pull something out of a complex structure.
b.head._1 is not a valid name for the result of the (x, y) tuple extractor
Try this instead:
case (x, _) if x == b.head._1 => (a, b.head._2 + 1) :: b.tail