Netbeans support for struts 2? - eclipse

I have just started learning struts 2. I have purchased the book named Struts 2 in action. But I want to use an IDE for developing Struts 2 applications. I basically use netbeans.
Please tell me how can i develop applications using netbeans. Also, it would be great if somebody can point out a few tutorials on the same.
P.S. I haven't used eclipse. Is it advisable to switch to it for struts 2, (if it is better than netbeans in this case)?

If you are already using NetBeans IDE then it is a good idea to find a plugin for Struts2 in NetBeans IDE as it will provide you tools for Struts2 maintaining the comfort you are already having with NetBeans IDE.
For NetBeans IDE 6.9 and above the
plugin for Struts2 is available in
the NetBeans Plugin Portal. Please
visit the link
and download the plugin. This plugin will get downloaded as a ZIP file. After unzipping it you will find three NBM files.
Using the Tools Menu > Plugin option open the Plugins dialog box and using the Downloaded plugin. Select those NBM files and install all of them.
Now when you start a new Java Web > Web Application project, you will get option to choose web framework with Struts2 as one option, choose Struts2
with regards
Tushar Joshi, Nagpur

I don't use Netbeans, but this IDE seems to handle natively only Struts 1.x, but you can use plugins for the Struts 2.x framework.
Regarding the tutorials, Google can help you to find some of them, like this one. The NetBeans wiki seems also helpful..


Can't find so many predefined file types in Eclipse Kepler

I have downloaded a new Eclipse Kepler IDE yesterday and I am unable to find the dynamic web project template and all other related files in there like jsp file, servlet etc. This means I am unable to create these files directly by choosing from wizard, like I was doing in Eclipse Helios. Also, it's not possible to run the previous projects that were built using Eclipse Helios? Does Kepler support web projects or not, or am I the only one who is struggling with this problem? I am using java since two weeks now, so I don't have much experience with other Eclipse versions too. Any help?
Sounds like you got the wrong distribution. You probably want the "Eclipse for Java EE developers" distribution, since that includes web development tools etc. by default.

Unable to add JSP files into Project

Here is a picture of my environment and I am unable to create JSP files, I am not sure what I am missing let me know what I can answer to get a resolution. Thanks.
If anyone is having this issue with Sring Starter Project in Spring Tool Suite 4:
Help -> Install New Software -> WorkWith Spring Tool Suite 4
Scroll to bottom and select :
Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development
You are probably using the standard version of eclipse. (As you are using the default "Java" perspective, not "Java EE".)
The solution would be to download the version of eclipse that has Java EE support. This version will enable you to create Servlets, JSPs and many more through wizards (that's what you seem to be looking for).
Get the current version (Juno SR2) of Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers here: (choose the version according to your system in a box called Download Links at the right-side of the page).
The wizard will be available then. Also, don't forget to change the perspective to Java EE (in a button at the top of the right-hand side of you eclipse), as it will show your web projects in a better organized way.

Does Liferay provide a plugin for IDEA ?

Does Liferay provide a plugin for IDEA ? Or are there anyone working on this ?
Liferay Inc, currently has no plans to release an IntelliJ plugin specifically for Liferay devleopment along the lines of Liferay IDE for Eclipse platform.
However, that does not mean that Liferay development doesn't work well with IntelliJ. Actually it is quite popular and successful both inside and outside the company with just the stock Java EE support that is in IntelliJ. Also some IntelliJ+Liferay users have added several wiki pages specifically talking about this combination. Wiki page1, Wiki page 2
I know the question is old, but actually Liferay Inc. got a Liferay plugin for IDEA, you can download it from the official Jetbrains plugin page
Same can be integrate in IDEA by File -> Setting -> Plugins. Select "Browse Repository" and search for "Liferay"
There is a liferay plugin for IDEA but that only works with the suitable version of IDEA as its not workable of the 64-bit version of the IDEA.

Conversion of third party eclipse plug-in to netbeans IDE compatible plugins/modules

HI Folks,
Can any one there confirm if we can convert third party eclipse plug-in to netbeans IDE compatible plugins/modules.
As far as I know, there is a way if I am a plugin developer instead.
In this case, I am just a consumer of a third-party eclipse plugin.
Problem is, as my team is adapted to Netbeans I cant go and say just to use this plugin, install eclipse ( Alaaaaaaaas!!!!!!!)
Thanks inadvance.
AFAIK there's no netbeans hosting of eclipse plugins. You have to convert it to a netbeans plugin, since netbeans uses AWT/Swing and eclipse uses SWT/Jface. (which you already found)

Eclipse web.xml editor

I have Helios Service Release 2 installed with WTP tools. I created a simple dynamic web project. When I open web.xml, which opens with default XML editor, it shows only two tabs:Design(Standard XML tab) & Source.
When I worked with Rational Software Architect in past, it opened web.xml with tabs like 'Servlet', 'References' so on to let you easily edit various parts of web.xml in visual point & click manner.
Is this possible with Eclipse?
btw, I tried 'Open with' menu option but couldn't find appropriate editor for web.xml
You can install JBoss tools through Eclipse marketplace to have a complete web.xml editor. You don't have to install all the plugins. In my case I just installed the "Context and Dependency Injection Tools"
Eclipse currently does not have this functionality. IBM did not donate this part of the tooling from Rational Software Artifact when it seeded Eclipse Web Tools Project.
Note that there is an effort that is just getting started to implement these editors at Eclipse, but you are not going to be able to use the fruit of that work until Juno release in the Summer of 2012.
In the meantime, you will need to use plain XML editor or seek third-party solutions, such as MyEclipse. Note that MyEclipse is not compatible with Eclipse WTP. It is separate tooling stack for web app development.