Does Liferay provide a plugin for IDEA ? - plugins

Does Liferay provide a plugin for IDEA ? Or are there anyone working on this ?

Liferay Inc, currently has no plans to release an IntelliJ plugin specifically for Liferay devleopment along the lines of Liferay IDE for Eclipse platform.
However, that does not mean that Liferay development doesn't work well with IntelliJ. Actually it is quite popular and successful both inside and outside the company with just the stock Java EE support that is in IntelliJ. Also some IntelliJ+Liferay users have added several wiki pages specifically talking about this combination. Wiki page1, Wiki page 2

I know the question is old, but actually Liferay Inc. got a Liferay plugin for IDEA, you can download it from the official Jetbrains plugin page
Same can be integrate in IDEA by File -> Setting -> Plugins. Select "Browse Repository" and search for "Liferay"

There is a liferay plugin for IDEA but that only works with the suitable version of IDEA as its not workable of the 64-bit version of the IDEA.


ATG plugin for eclipse

where can i find ATG plugin for eclipse?
even i tried this url
But i was not able to install in eclipse.
As of ATG 10, the plugin is included with ATG and is located in the Eclipse folder (./ATG10.1.2/Eclipse/ATGUpdateSite.jar). Load that into Eclipse and you should be good to go.
You can find information about ATG plugin for Eclipse in ATG documentation.
The one which you try to install seems to be for ATG Dynamo, which is quite old server.
It appears that this documentation regarding Eclipse plugin is not longer valid.
Oracle provides another ATG plugin which comes in as a package with ATG 10.1.1 as stated here (not available to download separately).
It usually available in the installation itself. I tried and doesn't really comfortable using that. Not sure there are active development of eclipse plugins to support latest versions of eclipse.

Netbeans support for struts 2?

I have just started learning struts 2. I have purchased the book named Struts 2 in action. But I want to use an IDE for developing Struts 2 applications. I basically use netbeans.
Please tell me how can i develop applications using netbeans. Also, it would be great if somebody can point out a few tutorials on the same.
P.S. I haven't used eclipse. Is it advisable to switch to it for struts 2, (if it is better than netbeans in this case)?
If you are already using NetBeans IDE then it is a good idea to find a plugin for Struts2 in NetBeans IDE as it will provide you tools for Struts2 maintaining the comfort you are already having with NetBeans IDE.
For NetBeans IDE 6.9 and above the
plugin for Struts2 is available in
the NetBeans Plugin Portal. Please
visit the link
and download the plugin. This plugin will get downloaded as a ZIP file. After unzipping it you will find three NBM files.
Using the Tools Menu > Plugin option open the Plugins dialog box and using the Downloaded plugin. Select those NBM files and install all of them.
Now when you start a new Java Web > Web Application project, you will get option to choose web framework with Struts2 as one option, choose Struts2
with regards
Tushar Joshi, Nagpur
I don't use Netbeans, but this IDE seems to handle natively only Struts 1.x, but you can use plugins for the Struts 2.x framework.
Regarding the tutorials, Google can help you to find some of them, like this one. The NetBeans wiki seems also helpful..

what is the correct version of Eclipse for Coldfusion?

Usually when one wants to create a new file in the Eclipse IDE , Java, Javascript, Colsdfusion PHP etc are provided as the options for the new files.
I recently downloaded Eclipse for Coldfusion 8 and excecuted the file "software/dw/java/europa/" .
Now when I want to create a New File "only JAVA " option is available. There is no coldfusion or HTML!
So can any one provide me the Exact/correct link for Codfusion related Eclipse?
(On the Eclipse website there are many Eclipse related downloads but I am not sure which one is specific for Coldfusion.)
There's CFEclipse, a free, open-source Eclipse plug-in for working with CFML. And of course there's Adobe's ColdFusion Builder, a commercial product that works as either a plug-in for an existing Eclipse installation, or as a full stand-alone product (with Eclipse already baked in).
CFEclipse 1.3.6, the current stable version, works with Eclipse 3.4.x or 3.5.x. Here's the CFEclipse wiki.
The stated Eclipse versions required for ColdFusion Builder are 3.4.2 or 3.5. Here's Adobe's requirements page.
If you're using one of these as a plug-in and you don't need a lot of the other Eclipse features, the J2EE version of Eclipse is probably overkill (it's the biggest package). You can try out a more minimal Eclipse install, then update and add plug-ins as you need them. Try the Eclipse Platform Binary, for example.
There's also Adobe's ColdFusion Builder IDE specially created for this purpose. It proposes some features not available in CFEclipse, but not free (though there's a trial version available).
In addition to Ken's answer please note that you can already use preview builds of CFEclipse with latest Eclipse 3.6 Helios. I am using this configuration on daily basis and it is pretty stable and more efficient than previous version for me.
If you will expierience problems with preview builds, feel free to post them into the CFEclipse groups, developers usually react pretty quickly.
One more hint for you. Sometimes after installing the plugin via Add Sofware further updates do not work correcly. I've experienced this issue few times so it can be useful to know the solution.
To fix this check the Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites. If needed entry missing -- create it manually using the same update URL as for installation.
Also there's an Eclipse-based version of Adobe CF manual available, see this help page for details.
Hope this helps.

Setting up Eclipse for Java and PHP

I have already installed Eclipse for Java development. I'd also like to install Plugins for PHP, CSS/HTML and Javascript, but all the sites that I've checked only offer a 'All in one' package, so I could either download an all-in-one Java package or an all-in-one PHP package, but not both at the same time.
How do I set up my existing installation to also support PHP files?
I use PHPEclipse which can be installed as a regular Eclipse software update
The PDT can also be installed as an update.
For HTML/CSS etc, the WTP can be installed in a similar fashion.
If you already have Eclipse installed, follow the instructions at PDT Installation to install the PDT (PHP Development Tools). This will include the Web Tools Project (WTP), which brings editors and tools for HTML and CSS.
This issue made me nuts 2. First i downloaded the PDT eclipse, which would not take google plugins or apache ant. Then I downloaded the Eclipse SDK to use java ant GWT and could not load php onto it.
If you ask me, this program sucks. I like the idea, however the updates hardly ever work, and it does not support multiple coding languages like it says it does. Also the web site is shocking as it gives you 100 options to download.
Coulnt the have just made the one platform and then provided links to the plugins ???
Correct me if i am wrong guys, but trying to get PHP and Java working in eclipse is torture. Ive been stuck for 3 days now, installing and uinstalling.
One final rant, the download speeds of the eclipse servers are below 10kb, and take about half a day to install one update.
My prob is, I have to use it as the project i am working was archived with Eclipse.
Did you follow the steps presented on this installation page? There is a From update site section in which they describe how to install it from the Software Updates menu.
I had this problem recently.
I started with the J2EE Ganymede setup and added the PDT tools (via Update) afterwards.
Then I added Subclipse afterwards.
(I wish they wouldn't change the eclipse pages all the time...)
Look for "runtime" on the downloads page for PDT (
Why do you want JDT and PDT in one installation? I usually set up different installations for different things. It just so easy, since you don't really need to install anything. I have two setups for PDT and at least 5 for JDT.
Install Aptana Studio plugin. In my experience it is much better then either PHPEclipse or PDT. However, YMMV.

grails plugin for eclipse and netbeans 6.1

Has anyone been successful in getting the grails plugin for eclipse to work? How about grails plugin with netbeans?
If you use the NetBeans 6.5 Beta you'll see the Grails functionality is promising, but still buggy(minor). The good thing is in 6.5 Groovy and Grails support is standard, you don't have to install the plugins.
Unfortunately, there hasn't been much progress on the Eclipse plugin for Grails, we have started using IntelliJ IDEA for Grails development, the JetGroovy plugin is excellent and keeps getting better!
Netbeans 6.5 is pretty good for Grails and allows for debugging, though the code completion is just barely there.
Well, here's a quick update. The Eclipse plugin works, and has refactoring support. But, for some reason I can't get it to recognize the Grails plugins in the Eclipse project.
It's starting to come along though.
I haven't had any problems getting the Eclipse grails plugin "to work" insofar as it's installed and providing all the features advertised. The problem is that this set of features is minimal, and light years behind IntelliJ. I understand that switching from a free IDE to a commercial IDE isn't at all possible, but if it is, do it! Although Netbeans is better than Eclipse, it's still quite a distance behind IntelliJ.
Just for future documentation:
Netbeans 6.8 is available with a very nice Grails/Groovy Plugin that works like a charme.
Additionally you can use a new Code Coverage Plugin.
Really nice build.
Netbeans Homepage
But you have to keep in mind that Grails now belongs to Spring Source. Spring Source is known for developing their own Tool Suite based on Eclipse. Maybe we will see a better grails plugin implementation for Eclipse.