Does anyone know how they did this UI keyboard? - iphone

Anyone knows how they did this UI keyboard: ?

The only way to tell if it is a custom UIView is to see if it lacks the features of the normal keyboard. I simply cannot believe anyone completely duplicated the keyboard feature for feature just to change the tint of it.
If it is not a custom UIView, then that leaves only one other option: private API calls. Is this app on the App Store? Private APIs are a no-no of course so I doubt this is the standard keyboard and available on the App Store.
Of course, now we have Extensions with iOS 8 and you can create your own custom keyboards. It doesn't help make creating a keyboard any easier.

Yes, seems to be a custom UIView with Custom UIButtons.


How can I use a UIPickerView in my settings.bundle like how the 'nike+ ipod' app does it?

I can't see how this is possible from the documentation but here nike is doing it in their app so there must be a way.
It's impossible unfortunately. Apple developed it for Nike, so they used tricks of their own to do it. It might actually be possible, but it's certainly undocumented if possible. Impossible for an App Store app. Let us know if you figure out a way to do it even if it's undocumented.
If you use the library InAppSettingsKit, you can have a setting that uses a custom subview (a custom UIViewController) to display the choice to the user. So all you have to do is to create a custom view controller that looks just the one in your picture (it's basically just a UITableView and a UIPickerView).
In the example app that comes along with InAppSettingsKit, there is an example on how to use a custom subview.

iPhone keyboard return key

I need to customize the iphone keyboard. How can I do it? Also it is needed to place the return key of the keyboard with my project logo. How is it possible?
You cannot customize the apple iOS's default keyboard.
As such you can create a custom control similar to apple iOS's keyboard and make it look and customize as you want but then there ar more chances than not that your app may be rejected when you try to submit your app on the Apple's app store.
So it is not preferable to create custom keyboard.
Hope this helps you.
What have we done in one of our apps and you can do is create custom uibutton that is same size as return key, then register for UIKeyboardWillShowNotification and UIKeyboardWillHideNotification.
when one of those fire you should add/remove that uibutton to window with animation that tracks keyboard showing/hiding animation...
Ugly way to do it, but it served its purpose...
Some of the tutorials are incomplete or are much older. This tutorial works from IOS 4.3 onwards and I checked it. Save the two image graphics, and paste in the code. There is very little to change. Here is the link.
ps. I am not affiliated in any way with this article, but found it to be complete.

how to fake the built-in application switch animation?

I have two views in my app and I want to switch them foreground or background with animation. I like the way iOS does it when I fast-switch between applications (double tap the home button and tap any app).
Is it possible to use that animation directly? (It's OK if it's private, I am not selling my app, just for study purpose.)
If not, is there a way to implement that animation myself? References or examples are very much appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
Yes. It's possible and it's not private. Here you go

Customize UI with UIWebView vs Subclassing

I need to create a custom button, custom label, custom tableview, and custom datepicker, but it seems harder to subclass the button/label/table/datepicker than to create a HTML string inside a UIWebView and customize it there... My application would be full Objective-c except these 4 controls.
What does Apple say about customizing a control using UIWebview. Is it frowned upon?
What are pro & cons for these 2 approaches?
Should I take a quick HTML, but it feels like I'm cheating, or take a long process to subclass these controls? More importantly, will Apple approve my apps with controls that's using UIWebView?
I'm sure Apple would approve an app with HTML controls, but I'd strongly advise you do it right and subclass the controls you wish to customise (or create your own from scratch). In my experience, native controls are leaps and bounds above what you can achieve with HTML and CSS, and it'll be worth it in the long run.
Besides, UILabels, UIButtons, and UITableViews are actually quite easy to customise; you may have some difficulty with the UIDatePicker but it's still possible to make it your own.
Ok, just in case somebody is having the same problem as me, I finally found another easy way to "customize" the view without going into so much trouble subclassing it..
It's : Use an image to be used as the view background. Then you can place the controls in the placeholder in the image. And set the controls as transparent...

Premade safari like UITextField and UITextView

HI all,
Are there any premade/ready to use UITextFields and UITexView which have the toolbar(for hiding the keyboard) and autoscrolling features just like the one safari(iphone) have.
I know its possible to make it custom but I wanted to use a builted one due to lack of time.
No, not in the iOS SDk for iPhone.
There is the Three20 library which has some nice controls. This a bit big for just those controls.