Duplicate form submission in Wicket - wicket

In Spring I usually did a redirect-after-submit to prevent the user of submitting a form multiple times by pressing F5. Does wicket handle this out of the box or do I also need to take this into account when developing my form pages?
I don't have a problem with this yet but I would like to know in advance.

Yes, Wicket handles this automatically because of its stateful nature and page versioning.
See also this answer of your previous question: https://stackoverflow.com/q/8082042/532331


Any wordpress form building plugin for my requirements?

I'm looking for a WP plugin which can allow me to create different forms and embed them on pages and following are the requirements:
Only a single textbox required in each of those forms
The submit button will only be shown if a custom entry/answer is inputted into the textbox. (basically a client-side validation)
The submitted answer should be stored in the back-end with the usermeta (or just the username of the user logged in) so that I can export the entries in a format like csv, etc.
Any thoughts?
P.S. I have found one but not sure if the PRO version of this allows me to have a validation for a custom text. This is the plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/visual-form-builder/
Gravity Forms is the most robust form builder plugin for WordPress. You can, with the right knowledge and skills, make it do pretty much anything you'd like. You can find it here: Gravity Forms.
Very well, I've found this. There are actually good plugins however, you will have to purchase it. I'm looking for a free one. http://www.webdesignboom.com/2013/formcraft-wordpress-form-builder/

Pattern for Spring-MVC stateful interaction

Today I was doing this thing with Spring:
Have a page with a form and a chance to choose one item related to the form.
If you push "Choose item" the app will save somehow what you typed in the form, go to another page, let you choose the thing.
When you are back to the form it's filled with what you wrote before going to the other page, plus the item chosen.
Seems easy, but you have to take into account that for some stupid reason the user could open the page where you choose the item (maybe because of a bookmark, or because he pressed the back button 10 times to play). You know what I mean. I tried many ways, mainly based on HttpSession... I don't like any of those. None of them seems elegant. I was even thinking of using a hidden form in the other page, but given that it is not unique to this "flow" (I mean you can go to the item choose page from others as well), I will have to worry about conflicts and so on.
So what would be the preferred way for you? Suggestions?
Go around the problem instead of solving it. You can use a modal javascript div popup where the user can pick the item she wants. The contents of this div can be loaded via ajax (separate Spring MVC controller called with Http GET). Once the selection has been made, you close the popup (hide the div) and copy the value into the original form. Done.
No need to store the state anywhere.
I suggest Spring Web Flow.
Spring Web Flow compliments the Spring MVC.
Here is link to Spring Web Flow Demo

Tab-auto slows down Wicket form

I created some phone number fields in a Wicket form. Without tab-auto, they work fine. When tab-auto is added to the HTML, it takes a few seconds for new values being entered to be displayed.
The best way to get this kind of things solved is to create a "QuickStart" that demonstrates your issue and post it on Wicket's issue management system.

Go to a new page, but still have GWT variables?

In GWT, I would like to do something like a form submission that takes me to a new page, with new style sheet and new static elements, and when I get there, be able to extract the values of GWT variables still in GWT. In other words, I want to do most of the form processing on the client side instead of sending it to a servlet to be processed and sent back. Is that possible? Would FormPanel allow me to do that? How do I access the contents of the form fields in GWT on the new page?
I'm not sure I'm getting the right picture here, but I see several possibilities:
Pass the variables in the url like example.com/myform#create/param1/param2 or any other format you want, then read it using the History class
Use something like this - create an iframe from GWT (maybe put it in Lightbox or something similar), populate it the way you want using the current state of the app, and when the user is finished, he'll just close the (Lightbox) frame and get back to the main application
You could also pass around data in a "hidden" way (no visible data in the url or even through POST) using the window.name hack - there's even a sample implementation for GWT to get you started
ATM, I prefer the second option, since it goes best with the whole no refresh, same page, one app, GWT thing :) That is, unless I'm getting the wrong picture and you want to do something else.
GWT is really meant to be used for the whole application, where "pages" are replaced by application state and URL fragments, and "form submission" is replaced by AJAX calls.
If you want to validate form fields, this can easily be done with regular JS or a library like jQuery.
I'm not sure it I get you right either, but for what I'm receiving, having a new page to process the form is not the optimal design. The reason been that you might have to write different GWT app for that which mean overheads, and creating new window (or tab) will move the user's attention away from where they are. Why not using another page WITHIN gwt to process the form with tab panel or hidden panel?

Dynamic forms in zend?

hey, i'm stuck at a problem which is kind of similar to one that Erik asked about. I'm trying to create a dynamic form in zend and what i wanna do is that there should be a button which when clicked adds a new text box or any form element dynamically.
now the problem is that i'm new to zend framework. i'm using 1.9.7 right now. i've done some functionality like user registration and login etc but dojo and zend subform are completely alien to me. so i need your help. please guide me that where should i start and what would be the logic of this dynamic form.
These new elements should be instances of new Zend_Form_Subform to have server side validation working properly.
New subforms may be added via AJAX (see ajaxLink view helper) or to be already present on the page, but hidden with CSS+JavaScript.
I don't know a lot about zend, but if you want to do that on the client side, you can use dojo.place as described here.