iPhone Calendar List View (Does one exist) (Tapku Fails) - iphone

I'm after a open source Calendar List View, Tapku has Day and Month, but I need a listView, if it hasn't been done, I have to do it myself, and if so I'll just create a fork of Tapku and add it.

ya i know one such calendar Kal. you can try Kal. I have given its link below. it has a day view, a month view and a list view of a calendar. try using it. it is the best one.
Hope this helps you.


How do I show all calendar events in "Today View" in iOS 9?

This is a duplicate of the question at the following address, because the answer provided there is incorrect, and I don't have the reputation points to comment or otherwise correct it:
The answer provided by dordio does not actually answer the question.
I want to give credit to user "BMANN2" on Reddit, from this thread:
Since I can only post two URLs with my rep, here's a very shortened, simplified version of his response without his links to images:
1) Open calendar app.
2) Once in Calendar, switch to a different viewing mode, then pull down the NC. It should switch the Today widget view to match what you see in Calendar.
For his full answer, look for the post that starts with "Ok I seem to have found out how to do it, it is somewhat like what was mentioned by Vanitas1440."
This seems to only work if you switch viewing modes then pull down the NC without switching to another app entirely in between. If you come back to Calendar from another app, then pull down the NC, the change doesn't take effect.
The first time I tried this method, it didn't work, because I went to the calendar app, and the view I wanted (list view) was already onscreen, so I pulled down the NC, and nothing happened.
However, I then switched the view in calendar to the layered day view, then pulled down NC and "Today" updated to the new view.... so any view can be used.
Once I changed the view back to the one I actually wanted and pulled down the NC again, now my Today view widget is set to the proper one.
I hope this helps!
If anyone wants to merge this into the other thread, feel free.
It's already answered in the question:
1) Open calendar app.
2) Once in Calendar, switch to a different viewing mode, then pull down the NC. It should switch the Today widget view to match what you see in Calendar.

Time range on date picker for specific dates iPhone

I want to have a time range on a UIDatePicker, so I can display what times users can book a meeting. Say on May 25th, they can book between 12pm and 8 pm, if they scroll to May 26th they can book between 4pm and 8pm.
So I'm wondering how I can display this in a UIDatePicker? Users can't choose time outside of a preset I have for each day.
Any help is appreciated!
I found this one, hope this will help you out..
Can UIDatePicker's minimumDate and maximumDate include time?
Enjoy Coding :)
Sorry, but no. UIDatePicker can only set ranges for dates. If you want to restrict the range of the hours, you will have to subclass uidatepicker and create your own custom class.
Here's a link: UIDatePicker hours interval (NSCalendarUnit?)
Hope this helped!
I would suggest using UIPickerView to make your own date picker. Every time a date is selected, you can change what times are available inside pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent:.
What I ended up doing was to add a target to the date picker, and check if the time of the date chosen matched the hours I preset and display an alert view if they didn't match.

Custom DatePicker with just two components

I want to to use custom datePicker in my project. In Mode date it shows Month,Day and Year, in my case I don't need Year, I just want to display Month and day.
The API does not provide a way to do this. If you want to be able to, please file a report requesting this ability, and it'll hopefully get included in a future release of iOS.
In the meantime, you can make a pretty convincing replica yourself using a UIPickerView.
Im sorry but following the reference of the PickerView
It says that is not possible to do that, so your only option is to implemente yourself the delegate and the datasource, and create the pickerview with the data you need.

Iphone Calendar without marking etc just basic calendar

Could someone possibly show me how to do a basic calendar display that gets the date from date selected in a calendar? The Kal examples and code does way more than I need and is not set for the type of app im making. All I really need is a calendar with the dates, and then from there something to retrieve the date so i can pass it to my other functions. I feel like the UIDatePicker is trashy looking and would like the calendar view if its possible.
Hii Casey,
For simplest / Easy Calender Integration - use Tapku Library
Its simple than compared to Kal.
Tapku Calendar is a solid calendar implementation, I've used it in past iPhone projects. You can check out a blog post I wrote about it earlier this year here: http://developinginthedark.com/posts/iphone-tapku-calendar-markers
I've recently updated it to include example code showing it's integration into a Tab Bar application. Scroll down the bottom of the post to get that Tab Bar application code. If you run into any difficulties, let me know.

iphone : customize the calendar pick up date

My client would like that the user could pick up a date in an iphone app.
He wants that all the days of the month appear. Moreover he would like to switch to the next or previous month. How would it possible to do that ?
Moreover he would like that in the calendar some days of the month (for ex. the 1rst, the 9th and the 15th) appear in a different color.
If it's possible, how could this be done ?
Thank you in advance for your help
Currently there isn't a calendar object exposed in the 3.x iPhone SDK.
You can however implement your own. One way would be to implement your own UIView object and handle the painting and reaction to touching manually. Another way would be to implement a calendar as an HTML page and either create a full web application or embed a UIWebView.