Time range on date picker for specific dates iPhone - iphone

I want to have a time range on a UIDatePicker, so I can display what times users can book a meeting. Say on May 25th, they can book between 12pm and 8 pm, if they scroll to May 26th they can book between 4pm and 8pm.
So I'm wondering how I can display this in a UIDatePicker? Users can't choose time outside of a preset I have for each day.
Any help is appreciated!

I found this one, hope this will help you out..
Can UIDatePicker's minimumDate and maximumDate include time?
Enjoy Coding :)

Sorry, but no. UIDatePicker can only set ranges for dates. If you want to restrict the range of the hours, you will have to subclass uidatepicker and create your own custom class.
Here's a link: UIDatePicker hours interval (NSCalendarUnit?)
Hope this helped!

I would suggest using UIPickerView to make your own date picker. Every time a date is selected, you can change what times are available inside pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent:.

What I ended up doing was to add a target to the date picker, and check if the time of the date chosen matched the hours I preset and display an alert view if they didn't match.


when particular date is selected in datepicker, how do i populate the particular day of week automatically?

I want to show the particular day of week when the user select a particular date from datepicker.
When the user clicks on day button i want to automatically select the day of week for that selected date??
[self.datePicker setDate:[NSDate date] animated:NO];
try this, let me know if it doesnt work. i havent tried it.
hope it works, happy coding :)

Remove the "Today" entry from UIDatePicker

When using a UIDatePicker in iOS SDK, there is always an entry "Today" at the current date.
That's useful in most cases, but where I need it, it's rather confusing.
Is there a way to:
a) disable the "today"-entry (use regular date instead), and have all entries look the same
or even better
b) disable the "today"-entry (use regular date instead), and color the next day in blue
Further more, the application is for private use only, it's not going to get distributed on the AppStore, which means I could use private APIs (I still would rather avoid them) and I don't need it to be backwards compatible. iOS 4 is fine.
I had a similar problem with the UIDatePicker not matching my requirements exactly (in my case I needed a datepicker without a year wheel). Having a look at the UIDatePicker reference, it doesn't look like you can disable the today entry, so you might be forced to do what I did.
I used a UIPickerView and re-implemented the date selection functionality I needed with that. There are a few things you will need to do to implement your custom date picker:
Implement a UIPickerViewDataSource to set up row titles, dimensions and row counts.
Implement a UIPickerViewDelegate to handle events from your custom picker.
Make sure you update your day wheel when the month wheel changes so you get appropriate days for each month. UIDatePicker does this pretty seamlessly. With limited time, I just reload the picker when the month changes so the day counts match up.

Issue with UIDatePicker

I want to show only day and month and not year in my date picker. Not sure how to achieve this. Please suggest.
you'll find the answer by Googling this and clicking on the first entry which happens to be from Stackoverflow also: UIDatePicker show only month and day
Hope it helps!
I solved this by setting the maximumDate property to current date. This disabled the dates from current date.

PickerView for date and time

I have used uipickerview from interface in my application.But it is not selecting the current date and time.Please,help me.
provide some code i think this will help...
do you have selected the property MaxDate as today ? if not then select as.

UIDatePicker hours interval (NSCalendarUnit?)

I'm trying to make a UIDatePicker which allows the selection of hours only between 6.00 and 17.00. The other hours shall be inactive but still visible.
I think it can be done with setting up the picker calendar and then use this:
- (NSRange)maximumRangeOfUnit:(NSCalendarUnit)unit
but I'm not sure how.
Maybe someone can help me.
Thank you!
Sorry, but UIDatePicker doesn't support setting valid time ranges like you describe. The only options are minimum and maximum dates.
You'll either need to build a custom control from scratch or try to subclass UIDatePicker, but that's not a path I'd recommend.