How do I recreate the easing/friction for touch events in Mobile Safari? For example, if I have a scroller and drag the contents it will bounce back when you go past the top or past the bottom?
I tried messing with the cubic-bezier easing function but couldn't emulate the friction in Mobile Safari on an iPhone/iPod. I want to make the HTML page as similar to an app as possible.
This is not possible with pure CSS3, since scroll easing incorporates momentum physics, not a pure CSS3 easing function.
You should look at my answer to the following question -
How to implement easeOutBack easing in css transform animation
There is an app with awesome vertical transition - Haze. How did they realize this animation between home screen and settings? Did they use some framweork or something else?
Thank you!
Willi Wu, one of the app's creators, tweeted this:
it’s OpenGL, CAShapeLayer and OpenAL as well.
Franz Bruckhoff, another of the creators, tweeted this in response to the question “Is Haze primarily built with OpenGL?”
Yep, mostly. Some CA too.
They are not seperate screens
Use layers and drawing techniques
They use core animation and core graphics
Use touch event to detect gestures.
Some mathemetical calculation
some color sense ofcourse
I am creating a website with kinetic js + html5 canvas, it display nicely in web but i having problem when the site display in mobile, May i know is there any way to "unlock" the mobile pan and zoom function in kinetic js ?
thanks for help.
I made a KineticJS plugin to make it easy to make pannable and pinchable Layer. Feel free to check/use it: PinchLayer plugin
What you could look for are JavaScript 'gesture' libraries like jGestures which support gestures which would be the pan and zoom functions.
You can also write a function of your own which records touch positions and analyze that to check if it's a 'swipe' and then that could mean pan or zoom.
Otherwise you need to build a button or something which will allow panning or zooming when you touch or drag it.
Add the property listening to false when you create your stage.
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
container: 'my_container',
listening: false
Hi i am trying to make a grid of images that scrolls in an animation similar to!CwTabLayoutPanel minus the tabs. I tried looking through the google api and search for examples but can't find anything. Can someone point me in the right direction of how to implement something like this?
You have two options.
A. GWT animations are built into some of its panels:
Scroll down to Layout Animation.
B. Use CSS3 animations:
I want to have multiple buttons on the screen that continuously move. When they touch the sides, they should bounce back. How do i do this? Any helpful links? Ideas? Thanks!
you go through the apple animation document.
Introduction to Core Animation Programming Guide
Check the following SO post.
How to move several buttons throughout the screen
Move a button in the screen
Also have a look at cocos2d which i think may make it easier to do something like this if they have to constantly be moving.
cocos2d is a game platform which has physics etc but also i believe has support for buttons so it should not be hard to achieve something like this. Check out the cocos2d website and documentation.
Is it possible to have a menu bar (navigation bar) on a web site that is independent of iPhone’s zoom (i.e. with fixed width and height) while the rest of the site can be zoomed in and out?
With meta "viewport" I can set the zoom of the whole website, I want to exclude some parts.
It seems that it can't be done by using iFrames or CSS transforms.
Is it possible to be done by tracking Gestures that scale elements, and using javascript to rescale my menu?
iPhone's zoom is a graphical thing - it does not change the html rendering of the page (although it may look at the html element for hints about what how much to zoom).
So, not really, no.