Installing Ruby on rails delayed job plugin - ruby-on-rails-plugins

I used the above mentioned collective idea's delayed_job plugin.
according to the Railscast by Ryan beats..
1.) I installed the plugin... on my widows machine.. 2.) When i do ruby script/generate delayed_job
i get an error saying "Couldnt find 'delayed_job' generator .....
Please help.
Thanks Sandeep

Try this
Go to the gems directory where delayed_job is installed.
There should be a directory called generators in there somewhere. Go into this generators directory.
Copy all files/folders ( Ctrl+C )
Go to Rails generators folder:
....some path..\\lib\rails_generator\generators\components
Paste the copied folders/files there.


How to get the executable from Github

How to get the exe from in order to test in windows?
This says I could find the .exe in this link but I don't.
I am trying to load test the apis in windows, as a start.
I do no know Golang and this project is developed using Go.
I would appreciate any directions on how to go about this. Thank you
For this version they didn't provide an executable for windows. If you check one minor version lower you find a .zip with an executable in it. If you need v12.8.4 you could write the people of the repository or just compile the code by yourself.
It looks like they only have executables ready to download for MacOS and linux on the newest version.
Version 12.8.3 however has a windows download.

how to get typesafe-activator 1.3.6 on mac [duplicate]

I am trying to install the typesafe activator (scala, AKKA, play framework, activator)
I have Yosemite OSX
My bash is Oh my ZSH
I already have JDK 1.7, installed and exported
I downloaded and unzipped the file "typesafe-activator-1.2.10-minimal". Finally I put the export path on my ~/.zshrc
but when I type activator on the terminal it prints that cant find the file
thank you
get HomeBrew.
play documentation says this :
Play install on mac
But there have been some changes to that. Now you have to do this.
Try this:
brew install typesafe-activator
And then use activator command to start it
I made a big mistake, In the ~/.zshrc where I should put
export PATH=$PATH:/relativePath/to/activator
I added the executable file to the path. I post this answer in case is helpful for someone else.
For people like me, who are reading this in 2019 (or later) and are unable to find activator recipee in homebrew, be informed that activator has been decommissioned
Good news is, it's fairly simple to create new projects (including templates for play, akka etc.) with sbt new command and Giter8 templates.
Open terminal and follow the below steps,
mkdir ~/bin
ln -s <path to your play home>/activator ~/bin
echo "export PATH=~/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
These days, in 2020, it seems Activator isn't available from Homebrew anymore?
But old Activator releases remain downloadable, from e.g. (I assume other version numbers work as well.)
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/XXX/XXX/activator-dist-1.3.12/bin

Where we can get older versions of VSCode (like 1.25) in ZIP format?

First of all, I have to make clear that I need the zip version because I will use it on Win 64 in the business and there we have no admin privileges on notebook.
I looked out over web but I wasn't able to find where I can get the VSCode v1.25(.1). I only found .EXE versions or source code archive.
Why I need this? VSCode 1.26 and greater (and many others electron based applications) are very slow in Win 64. Thank God I use Linux at home! Please, see this issue:
Ok, after report it as an issue on github vscode repository, somebody gave me the provisory link and previous archives (zip) versions will be put available asap issue come to be solved.
VSCode 1.25.1 archive (zip) Win64 link:
Go to
The URLs to each download are provided there.

Why compiled and installed gstreamer plugin from boilerplate code is not found by gst-inspect

I followed the instructions in GStreamer Plugin Writer's Guide (
in order to build a new gstreamer plugin. Basically I ran make_element and then edited as described. Amazingly make and make install worked and I ended up with:
As I understand it, gst-inspect should find this plugin automatically. The guide says that /usr/local/lib/gstreamer-1.0 needs to be added to GST_PLUGIN_PATH in order for plugins in this directory to be found. Another document states that this directory is searched automatically. I tried with and without the environment variable, but no luck.
Now I should say that I have just started to use gstreamer and I am suffering from total information overload. I have read so many documents, yet I don't even know whether I am building a gstreamer1.0 or a gstreamer0.10 plugin (I think the guide is for gstreamer1.0, since the guide's version is but can't be sure).
Can anybody give me a clue here ?
There are many possible reasons that can cause this issue.
First, check if your plugin is blacklisted by command gst-inspect-1.0 -b.
If your plugin show up here, that means it is really blacklisted.
In that case, delete directory ~/.cache/ and then run gst-inpect-1.0 again.
This will force GStreamer to re-scan plugins list. If the reason of blacklist is not solved yet, gst-inpect will probably print out the reason here for you.
Another possible reason (but unlikely happens) is setting GST_REGISTRY_UPDATE as no, which will force GStreamer NOT to rescan the plugin directory, thus not found new plugin
P/s: The guide is for GStreamer 1.0
If you've tried removing your plugin from the blacklist and it still doesn't show up, try this:
export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/local/lib/gstreamer-1.0
/usr/local/lib/gstreamer-1.0 is the default directory used by make in case of plugins. If you have defined a different directory, use it.
Then run gst-inspect-1.0 and you'll find the newly compiled and installed plugin.
You'll be required to perform the export every time in the shell whether you either create a static pipeline with gst-launch-1.0 or run code of your own. I couldn't find any alternative to make it permanent other than making entry of this in .bashrc file. If you have one, please suggest via comments.
If you run ./configure --help in the gst-plugin directory you will see the following:
By default, make install' will install all the files in
/usr/local/bin', /usr/local/lib' etc. You can specify
an installation prefix other than/usr/local' using --prefix',
for instance--prefix=$HOME'.
If you do after the original installation:sudo updatedb && locate libgst[NAME_OF_YOUR_PLUGIN].so you should see where the library holding your plugin is located (in my case it is under /usr/local/lib/gstreamer-1.0/ as described by the configure help above).
Now on my machine, the GStreamer "official" plugins are installed under: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/ . This is where the new created plugin library should be stored.
To store the plugin at the right place, run configure with the following parameter:
./configure --libdir=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu followed by make && sudo make install
It is important to override with --libdir and NOT --prefix! The usage of --prefix will stick a /lib that we don't want to have under /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu.The plugin will not be found by gst-inspect-1.0 if /lib is added to the path.
Extra note :
Even if the plugin is at the proper location, you may still see GStreamer blacklisting it when you run gst-inspect-1.0. One of the cause of the blacklisting could be the shared library/ies required by your plugin not installed or not found on your platform. The ldd command can help figuring out the dependencies your plugin may have. Just run ldd [YOUR_GSTREAMER_LIBRARY].so

PHP5 - pgsql Module not loaded

I am trying to get work PostgresSQL with PHP, but i stuck on that apache error:
Call to undefined function pg_connect().
When i run phpinfo() i cannot see that my module is loaded, but i do not know why. The pgsql.ini files were loaded. And when i open them, i can see, that the extension is enabled Under /usr/lib64/php5/extensions there is the .so file. Even the permission are same like the other modules.
Any idea what am I doing wrong?
It would help if you could describe what operating system you are using. I'm assume Linux, but which distribution? One package that is often forgotten when installing postgresql and php is php5-pgsql. This is the connection between the two. For some reason I cannot explain, it is best if all three are installed together. So I suggest uninstalling postgresql and php and then installing postgresql, php5 and php5-pgsql. I hope this works for you!
I found it out. Some libraries where not found.
1.) First of all run php -version
2.) If there is an error where it described that some libraries are missing, you can solve it like me
3.) Search for the files on your system find / -name {LIBRARY NAME}
3a.) If you found them, just create a symlink to /usr/lib64
3b.) If not, find a way to get them and 3 3a