How to get the executable from Github - github

How to get the exe from in order to test in windows?
This says I could find the .exe in this link but I don't.
I am trying to load test the apis in windows, as a start.
I do no know Golang and this project is developed using Go.
I would appreciate any directions on how to go about this. Thank you

For this version they didn't provide an executable for windows. If you check one minor version lower you find a .zip with an executable in it. If you need v12.8.4 you could write the people of the repository or just compile the code by yourself.

It looks like they only have executables ready to download for MacOS and linux on the newest version.
Version 12.8.3 however has a windows download.


VS Code cannot find Arduino IDE path

I have been trying to use the Arduino extension for VS Code in Ubuntu 18, but when I execute the initialize command, I get the error "Cannot find the Arduino IDE. Please specify the arduino.path in the user settings". So I wrote every path that comes out when executing the command "whereis arduino", I've also tried leaving the box empty (in theory that makes VS Code search for the IDE) and reinstalling both the Arduino IDE and VS Code several times, without any result. Does somebody knows a possible fix for this issue?
Download and extract the appropriate Arduino version according to your need from here, and install it using command sudo ./install. In my case, I have downloaded Arduino 1.8.6 Linux 64 Bit .
Goto Files -> Preferences -> Settings, Open Settings(JSON) as shown below.
Change arduino.path to the path location of extracted Arduino file. In my case it is /home/user/Downloads/arduino-1.8.6 and arduino.commandPath to arduino.
For those who installed Arduino through snap platform refer this post.
Your Settings JSON file should look like this.
"arduino.path": "/home/user/Downloads/arduino-1.8.6",
"arduino.commandPath": "arduino",
Save and restart.
It's Done!!
Good Luck
P.S.:Add arduino.commandPath if not already exist and should point to Arduino executable present in the arduino.path.
Even when its on mac, someone can find this helpful as I had the same problem and found this thread. On MAC I have solved this one with arduino-cli and following:
install homebrew (if you have, proceed to step 2)
install arduino-cli with brew install arduino-cli
find where the arduino-cli is installed. Usually (on mac) it will be /opt/homebrew/bin/arduino-cli... Which means, if you run the command arduino-cli, it will execute this script... You can find the location with:
which arduino-cli (I have zsh, I am not aware if it will be the same for older bash, probably it will, I am not so skilled in this one, but you can try to use find instead of which. But which is working for me
lets assume you have the path, for me it was /opt/homebrew/bin/arduino-cli
proceed to VScode, go to settings (well, lets assume we will be working with the json settings
in my case, the input is following:
"arduino.useArduinoCli": true,
"arduino.path": "/opt/homebrew/bin/",
"arduino.commandPath": "arduino-cli"
Note, even when the path to arduino-cli is /opt/homebrew/bin/arduino-cli, we are removing the script name from the path... But we are adding this to the commandPath
I found that running whereis arduino or which arduino gave me /usr/local/bin/arduino. However, this didn't make Visual Studio Code happy. After some more digging, it turns out that that path is just a symlink to /opt/arduino-1.8.13. (Use ls -la /usr/local/bin/arduino to see where the symlink points to on your system.)
Also of note: be sure to give the path to the directory, not to the actual executable. For instance, in my case, the proper path was /opt/arduino-1.8.13 NOT /opt/arduino-1.8.13/arduino!
Use /opt/arduino-1.8.13, but be sure to update the version number to whatever is installed on your system.
This might not work for everyone, but the problem for me was using Visual Studio Code for flatpak. There was probably a better way to fix this, but the easiest way to do it (for me) was to install the binary from their website.
Go to "User Settings" > "Extensions" > "arduino.commandPath" > change it to "arduino_debug.exe"
In my case whereis arduino gave me /usr/bin/arduino and /usr/share/arduino, however putting either of them in the arduino.path didn't work.
Entering /usr/bin did the trick though. hope it helps!
(Ubuntu 20.04)
I use Windows and I solved it as follows.
The problem is because you are using the new version Arduino IDE 2.x.x and it has another way to code its sketches and more (I don't know how to say it, I'm a beginner in this) or you haven't activated to use Arduino Cli at least, so -- ->
Intall Arduino 1.8.x. You can donwload it here: Arduino Software
Open your vscode, go to Files>preferences>settings and find your Arduino extension under "Extensions". and put the standard path for Arduino 1.8.x like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino (Remember this is where you installed the Arduino 1.8.x path) in "Arduino Path".
Next, you need to click on "Arduino: Use ArduinoCli" to link the Arduino extension to the correct version (Arduino Legacy is not allowed).
Arduino CLI option in vscode settings
Here's what fix my issue!
1st - Make sure you have the right path ("The path to the folder which contains the 'arduino.exe'", and not the path with the 'arduino.exe') copied to your Arduino Settings in VS Code.
2nd (The Actual Fix for me) - After installing the Arduino IDE and the VS Code extension RESTART you entire computer!! This somehow updates the Registry.
After which you can just Initialize your project, F1 - Arduino Initialize.
That's it enjoy and start up your Golden IoT project.

Where we can get older versions of VSCode (like 1.25) in ZIP format?

First of all, I have to make clear that I need the zip version because I will use it on Win 64 in the business and there we have no admin privileges on notebook.
I looked out over web but I wasn't able to find where I can get the VSCode v1.25(.1). I only found .EXE versions or source code archive.
Why I need this? VSCode 1.26 and greater (and many others electron based applications) are very slow in Win 64. Thank God I use Linux at home! Please, see this issue:
Ok, after report it as an issue on github vscode repository, somebody gave me the provisory link and previous archives (zip) versions will be put available asap issue come to be solved.
VSCode 1.25.1 archive (zip) Win64 link:
Go to
The URLs to each download are provided there.

How to run the PJSIP in xcode?

I'm new with XCode and still trying to understand objective-C. I'm using xcode 4.3.2, and I have to create an app that integrates with PJSIP.
I found this link. I am still confused about that link, because the article said that we must have installed the command line tool. But the command line tool is already installed in my XCode. How can i use it?
Do I need to create a view base application? how can I run the command line tool like the link says?
The command line tools allow you to compile "traditional UNIX programs" from source, generally using make. If you are using Xcode to create your projects then you don't even need them installed.
EDIT OK you have edited your question, stating the real issue you are facing; You don't know how to use the PJSIP package you have installed. The link you reference is about building PJSIP, not using it, so you can still forget about the command line and concentrate on how to configure your Xcode project to use PJSIP. This will require setting the header search paths and library search paths to find the header files and library file, in order to compile and link against it. Hopefully it's a static library as that will be easier to use; if it's a dynamic library or framework then you have your work cut-out as that's much harder to use.
In newer XCode (4.3 or above) you might have to install command line tools since it has been made optional. Open XCode and go to XCode->Preferences
Open the Downloads panel and click on "Components". If Command Line Tools are not installed already, you will get an option to install them from here.
Do so and you are set.
I done with it by myself. if you face the same problem, you can refer to this link, I already tried and run it. It works both on simulator and device. thanks.

Running java without installing jre?

As asked and answered here, python has a useful way of deployment without installers. Can Java do the same thing?
Is there any way to run Java's jar file without installing jre?
Is there a tool something like java2exe (win32), java2bin (linux) or java2app (mac)?
You can use Launch4j for this. Well documented and easy to use. While the resulting program still needs a JRE to run, you don't have to install the JRE on the target system. You can just copy it with your application and tell Launch4j were to find it or just wrap it up with everything else.
For creating native executables, you can use Excelsion Jet, which compiles Java to native code. We used it for a project at work, and we had to perform zero modification to the original source code (which targetted Sun's JDK).
you can embbed the JRE inside your application and create a setup or installation for your application.
You can have a look at
You might get it what you want.
You might want to check out how Eclipse does it - it has a native .exe that can use a local (to the installation) JRE.
You might be able to get some luck with GCJ - haven't tried it myself.
You can do it with NetBeans and a couple of tools. The result is a standalone installer that packages everything you need, so your software can run without installing JRE. It is also completely portable, because it install your software on AppData, that is, it does not need privileges to be installed. Maybe you can even configure the installation path, or you can install it on your own PC, locate the folder and copy it to distribute your software in that way.
Check the Answer I made on different post
You can use jlink to create your own customized jre which would contain only those dependencies which are needed for execution. This deployment method is really efficient. please follow **this**link for one such example.

Launching an arbitrary executable over a file on Netbeans

We want to add command-line support to Netbeans, as in being able to run any program (using the full path of the current file as the argument) directly from the IDE. The same way you can do it already on Notepad++ with the Run tool.
Apparently there is a plugin called VCS Generic Command-Line Support that offers this functionality, but when we try to install it we get this error message:
Some plugins require Master Filesystem to be installed
The plugin Master Filesystem is
requested in version >= 1.1 but only
2.15.2 was found.
Any ideas?
I Did some googling as you got me interested pretty much everything i found was in refernce to NetBeans 5.x or below... Im thinking maybe its not compatible with 6 - but thats just a guess.
Looks like a version incompatability with "Master Filesystem". Maybe they are checking the version improperly or perhaps they really mean it needs to be 1.x >= 1.1. Do you have the newest version of VCS Plugin?
As an aside if Im going to have to chek this out... ive been dying for external tool support like in my beloved Eclipse :-)