What encoding to use with raw bytes in a NSString - iphone

I need to store some raw bytes from NSData object into an NSString (basically a null encoding) but I am not sure how to do this. Obviously assigning an improper 8-bit encoding would be bad. NSASCIIStringEncoding is not OK because the docs say "Strict 7-bit ASCII encoding within 8-bit chars; ASCII values 0…127 only." but I need full range of 0x0 - 0xFF.
Base64 encoding is NOT an acceptable solution.

Basically, you don't.
An NSString is for strings of validly encoded string data; typically UTF8 or UTF16. NSData is for arbitrary binary data.
If you want to store raw bytes into an NSString, you need to encode them and base64 is one of the most common means of doing so.

Use NSNEXTSTEPStringEncoding. According to the documentation:
8-bit ASCII encoding with NEXTSTEP extensions.
It appears in the current documentation (as of writing this post) and is available in both Apple and GNU's implementation of the (OPENSTEP) standard.
Caveat: It doesn't state what exactly those "extensions" are, so tread lightly.


NSString to NSData encoding considerations

I understand why when going from NSData to NSString you need to specify encoding.
However I'm finding it frustrating how the reverse (NSString to NSData) needs to have an encoding specified.
In this related question the answers suggested using
NSUTF8StringEncoding or defaultCStringEncoding, with the latter not being fully explained.
So I just wanted to ask IF the following is correct when converting NSString to NSData:
In cases where you want to be 100% sure the binary representation of the NSString object is UTF8 then use NSUTF8StringEncoding (or whatever encoding is needed)
In cases where the encoding of the NSString object is known/expected to already be of a certain type and no conversion is required then it's safe (perhaps internally faster) to use defaultCStringEncoding (from what I have read objective-c uses UTF-16 internally, not sure if LE or BE but I'd assume LE because the platform is LE)
The encoding needs to be specified for converting NSString to NSData for the same reason it needs to be specified going from NSData to NSString.
An NSData object is a wrapper for a string of absolutely raw bytes. If the NSString doesn't specify some encoding, it doesn't know what to write, because at the level of ones and zeroes, a UTF-16 encoding looks different from a UTF-8 encoding of the same letter, and of course, if you write UTF-16 as big-endian and read it as little-endian you will get gibberish.
In other words, don't think of it as converting or escaping a string; it's generating a byte buffer, and the encoding tells it which ones and zeroes to write when the next character is "a" and which ones to write when it means "妈".
As for your question...here's my two cents.
1) If you are converting an NSString to an NSData so that your same program can convert it back later, and no other software will need to deal with that NSData until after you've read it back into an NSString, then none of this matters. All that matters is that your string-to-data encoding and your data-to-string encoding match.
2) If you are dealing only with ASCII characters, you can probably get away with a lot, just because many kinds of encoding use the same representation for characters under 128. But this breaks easily, even with little things like smart quotes.
3) Despite the name, defaultCStringEncoding is not something you should use as a default. It's designed for special circumstances where you need to deal with system strings and don't otherwise know how the system deals with its internal strings. It refers to the way strings are handled in the default C implementation, NOT in the NSString internals, so there's not necessarily a performance benefit.
4) If you write a string with an unknown string encoding, and you try to read it back with a different string encoding, your code will fail; in many cases, you will just end up with an empty string.
Bottom line is: who will be trying to interpret your NSData objects? If it's your own app, pick an encoding that makes sense for you (I use UTF8 for everything) and use it for both conversions. Otherwise, figure out what your ecosystem needs to read or write and make that your standard.

Change data encoding

I get some data from the server in Unicode. However I need this data in UTF8. How can I convert data to UTF8 encoding?
The ideal solution is that that the server sends you UTF-8 in the first place.
UTF-8 is an encoding of Unicode, so depending on what you mean by “Unicode” in your question, it may already be doing that.
Cocoa misuses “Unicode” in the symbol NSUnicodeStringEncoding to refer to UTF-16. It's possible, but unlikely, that that's what the server is sending you.
The server should tell you in the Content-Type header what encoding it used for the content. You should look at that in your program rather than assuming the server will use any specific encoding.
If the encoding is not specified in the header, try treating it as UTF-8, and if that doesn't work, I suggest complaining to whoever runs the server.
To convert from any encoding supported by Cocoa to UTF-8, pass the input data and the encoding it's in to the -[NSString initWithData:encoding:] method, which will decode the data and produce a string; then, send the string a dataUsingEncoding: message with NSUTF8StringEncoding as the desired encoding.
Well UTF-8 is an encoding for Unicode, but to get a string:
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:yourData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]

base64 encoding: input character

I'm trying to understand what the input requirements are for base64 encoding. Nicholas Zakas, who I have tremendous respect for has an article here where he quotes a specification that an error should be thrown if input contains any character with a code higher than 255 Zakas Article on base64
Before even attempting to base64 encode a string, you should check to see if the string contains only ASCII characters. Since base64 encoding requires eight bits per input character, any character with a code higher than 255 cannot be accurately represented. The specification indicates that an error should be thrown in this case:
if (/([^\u0000-\u00ff])/.test(text)){
throw new Error("Can't base64 encode non-ASCII characters.");
He provides a link in another separate part of the article to the RFC 3548 but I don't see any input requirements other than:
Implementations MUST reject the encoding if it contains characters
outside the base alphabet when interpreting base encoded data, unless
the specification referring to this document explicitly states
Not sure what "base alphabet" means but perhaps this is what Zakas is referring to. But by saying they must reject the encoding it seems to imply that this is something that has already been encoded as opposed to the input (of course if the input is invalid it will also show up in the encoding so perhaps the point is moot).
A bit confused on what the standard is.
Fundamentally, it's a mistake to talk about "base64 encoding a string" where "string" is meant in terms of text.
Base64 encoding is applied to binary data (a sequence of bytes, or octets if you want to be even more picky), and the result is text. Every character in the output is printable ASCII text. The whole point of base64 is to provide a safe way of converting arbitrary binary data into a text format which can be reliably embedded in other text, transported etc. ASCII is compatible with almost all character sets, so you're very unlikely to be unable to encode ASCII text as part of something else.
When someone talks about "base64 encoding a string" they're really talking about encoding text as binary using some existing encoding (e.g. UTF-8), then applying a base64 encoding to the result. When decoding, you'd need to decode the base64 back to binary, and then decode that binary data with the original encoding, to get the original text.
For me the (first) linked article has a fundamental problem:
Before even attempting to base64 encode a string, you should check to see if the string contains only ASCII characters
You don't base64 encode strings. You base64 encode byte sequences. And when you're dealing with any kind of encoding work, it's extremely important to keep in mind this difference.
Also, his check for 'ASCII' actually lets through everything from 80 to ff, which aren't ASCII - ASCII is only 00 to 7f.
Now, if you have a string which you have checked is pure ASCII, you can then safely treat it as a byte sequence of the ASCII values of the characters in it - but this is a separate earlier step, nothing strictly to do with the act of base64 encoding.
(I should say that I do like his repeated urging for the reader to note that base64 encoding is not in any shape or form encryption)

What is encoding & decoding in communication?

Can someone please redirect me to some good references about the encoding and decoding in communication and different encoding techniques(unicode, base64, utf7) etc.
Wikipedia is always a good start.
Then there's always Joel Spolsky's article: The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!).
Note that the three things you name operate on different levels.
Unicode is a character set: a mapping between characters and numbers (code points).
UTF7 maps between code points and bytes.
base64 maps between bytes and bytes. (It mangles bytes so that they are represented by bytes in the ASCII range.)
The definitions of encoding and decoding are somewhat subjective.
Both are forms of transliteration, being the process of converting from one alphabet to another. ASCII to UTF8, ASCII to base64, etc are all examples of this.
What distinguishes the two is that "encoding" is often used when transliterating from a usable format to a transmission or intermediate format of some kind and decoding is the reverse. This is where the "subjective" bit comes in. ASCII to UTF8 can be viewed as encoding or decoding depending on the context.
Other formats like base64 are used almost universally for transmission only (eg binary data in email) and as such converting to them is almost universally called "encoding" and converting from as "decoding".
The important point to take away from all this is that something like ASCII or UTF8 is not magical in any way. All these formats are simply an agreed-upon encoding of information into a binary format. So ASCII 65 is 'A' for no other reason than that's the standard.
Unicode formats get more interesting because they make the distinction between the code point and the encoding. Unicode defines the code points for each character. The binary data is different for each encoding format. For example, see Unicode Character 'EURO-CURRENCY SIGN' (U+20A0) to see all the different binary values for one code point.
Regarding yours unicode, base64, utf7 (no one uses it, it might be utf8). They are not just "encoding & decoding" but encoding & decoding of text data.
Unicode is the way all real and possible characters are enumerated. It has nothing about encoding itself. UTFXX is set of encoding of unicode (converting code to actual bytes). most popular are UTF8 and UTF16. Very basically UTF8 is ASCII compatible (chars with codes < 128 are represented same way as ASCII), but other characters are represented by 2-3 bytes. UTF16 encode most of characters to 2 bytes.
Base64 has nothing about text data. It encodes generic binary data to text that consists of 64 printable ascii characters. It is used to transfer binary data, UTF8 and UTF16 via Email usually.

CMemFile and Unicode

Am I right in thinking that the MFC class CMemFile is cannot be used to write unicode data to because it uses BYTE* which is defined as unsigned char BYTE?
The line line that actually writes the data in CMemFile::Write is
Memcpy((BYTE*)m_lpBuffer + m_nPosition, (BYTE*)lpBuf, nCount);
and if so can I replace BYTE with wchar_t in my own implementation of CMemfIle to get it working with unicode?
Thanks You
I don't see why it couldn't be used directly.
The only issue is that when you're doing memory copying, you can't interchange the character count with the byte count.
Files are binary so always read/write bytes and use an encoding layer to convert to/from string unless you are sure the data is in ASCII encoding.
No, you need an encoder/decoder. For Unicode you need a unicode header followed by encoded characters. The exact binary values of encoded characters could be different based on the unicode encoding (UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32, etc).