Ionic 2: create a custom picker - select

In my project, I've got a list of countries from a database. In Ionic 2, the select option is alert (popup). I don't need that, so my question:
How can I create a custom picker for countries list?

I just build a similar component here, base on the low-level picker component.
Chinese City Picker
But its performance could depend on your data volume.

Fengjun Chen thanks for designing the custom Picker control.
Can you post the source for the source for the Advance usage example that you hosted on -
Also it will help if you can post an example of how to access the events and how to style the control.


How to configure multiple Material UI badges for the same content

I have a design requirement to add multiple badges to a single piece of content. It doesn't seem to be a support use case in the docs. Has anyone implemented something like this? How should I approach this?
You can easily create a second badge the same way you would for the first badge.
Below is an example where the given content has two badges in different locations.
<materialDesign:Badged x:Name="ErrorBadge" BadgePlacementMode="TopRight">
<materialDesign:Badged x:Name="WarningBadge" BadgePlacementMode="Right">
// Content

How to add drop down Table in to table view

In my application, I want to implement a drop down view when selecting every row in the table view.Can u give me an easy solution for implementing this functionality.
Thanks in advance
this type of functionality for that visits following link Please visit here.
You can also consider using navigation. That is how it is usually done in iPhone. On selecting a row in a table, push another table with the values you want to show in the drop down.
Apple has a sample code of TableView which deals with this issue. is the link to download the sample code from Apple developer library. Hope it helps.
It seems that you are requiring a popover on selecting a tableview cell.
Download and run the sample application provided here.
I hope this is the one you required.

iPhone compose email interface designing

Can someone please tell me the elements used to create the 'compose email' page in the iPhone?
More specifically, what elements are used to create the light blue 'bubbles' that display the contacts in the To:/CC:/BCC: fields?
I need to make a screen similar to that, except populated with a data source of my own.
You should check out the library three20. It has a view controller for a customizable compose interface built-in.
You want to use a MFMailComposeViewController. In the MessageUI.framework.

Iphone sdk - How to setup a 'template'

I've been working on a Cook Book App and I've been making each page individually which takes a really long time to do, I asked a question similar to this and it was brought to my attention that you can setup a way to automate the design process so all you need to do is input your data.
Can someone please explain in as much detail as possible how you setup your xcode files/code to automate such a process
So for example I would just enter the page text and it would automatically put my standard background picture in and add a scroll view and appropriate buttons etc.
You could make one master view that contains all the controls that you need: standard background picture, scroll view, appropriate buttons, etc, and make any subsequent views that you create inherit from this view, so that they all contain those controls.
You could also use just one view and work with multiple instances of it, one instance per page. Just make sure to have a Text property on it, or a constructor that takes in your text string, so that you could set it to a different text on each page.
Xcode project templates and file templates are pretty easy to make, with a few caveats.
Check the answers to these questions:
Add new templates in Xcode
Change templates in XCode
Also take a gander at these handy tutorials:
Custom Xcode Templates
Xcode: How to customize the existing project templates
It sounds to me like your putting your data into your views (pages). That's a big design error. You need to employ the Model-View-Controller design pattern and separate your data from your views. That will make it easy to create one view (template) that you can reload with data to display each individual recipe.
The first thing to do is to separate your data from the view. You need to have the recipes stored in an array, dictionary, Core Data etc and then wrap that data in a dedicated object. The second thing to do is to create a dedicated view to display all the recipes. As the user moves from recipe to recipe the app will simply remove and add information to the same view as needed.
I would recommend Cocoa Recipes for Mac OS X: The Vermont Recipes, Second Edition because it addresses these issues and it uses a recipe type app as its example. It's for Cocoa but the basic principles apply to iPhone apps as well.

How to create a UITableView with editable components?

I was wondering how to create a UITableView with editable components.
If you look at the network settings in the iphone, where you can enter the static ip address, etc.
How to do this ?
Check out that blog post. There's a link to some code named Generic Tables that will give you exactly what you need.
You may have to update some of the code to be 3.0 compatible, but that's just a case of updating the table cell init methods to use style instead of frame.
TaggedLocations project is a very good example of a UITableView with editable components.
You can see this example in Sample code library of Apple iOS: