Upgrading from DeploymentService to ProfileService in JBoss 5.1.0 GA - jboss5.x

In Jboss 5.1 the Profile Service does what the Deployment Service was doing in Jboss 4.x.In Jboss 4.x I was using the Deployment Service to create a datasource "on-the-fly" and I was wondering if I could do the same thing using the Profile Service (since Deployment Service doesn't exist any more in Jboss 5.x).
Does anyone know a practical guid on using ProfileService?
Thank you ,

I don't know of any guide but I can provide you with my experience using the Profile Service and a few links to JBoss wiki pages on this topic. I'd like to post more links but the spam protection doesn't allow me to post more than two, but you should easily find the other pages in the wiki on the ProfileService. Don't be suprised in case you don't find much, there isn't more.
ProfileService ManagementView
ProfileService DeploymentTemplates
There you'll find usefull information about the ProfileService but no detailed information is available in the jboss wiki as far as I can tell.
In order to create Datasources on the fly you can use the DeploymentTemplates (also for creating message queues and topics) The last link provides you with information on how to use the templates but not with all the template names and their properties. You can list them programatically though.
// Get all Templates
for(String template : mgtView.getTemplateNames())
System.out.println("Listing properties for template: "+template);
DeploymentTemplateInfo info = mgtView.getTemplate(template);
for(String prop : info.getProperties().keySet())
System.out.println("- "+prop);
In order to get the ManagementView (mgtView) from an external java programm you can use something similiar to this:
// set security policy
System.setProperty("java.security.policy", "<path_to_policy_file>");
System.setSecurityManager( new RMISecurityManager() ) ;
// set initial context properties
Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<String, String>();
env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
ctx = new InitialContext(env);
// login to JBoss
SecurityClient client = SecurityClientFactory.getSecurityClient();
client.setSimple("admin", "admin");
// get ProfileService and ViewManager
ProfileService ps = (ProfileService) ctx.lookup("ProfileService");
mgtView = ps.getViewManager();
What you want to get is the Java Naming Conext (InitialContext). In order to do that you'll need a security policy (you can use the java.policy file which is located in JBOSS_HOME/server/SERVER_DIR/conf/),security manager and environment properties to get the context. The java.naming.provider.url specifies the location of the JBoss naming service (default port is 1099).
Usually you would have to authenticate at this point which is done with the SecurityClient.
Finally you can use the context to grap the ProfileService.
At this point most of the anoying stuff is done und you can start playing around.
getViewManager() returns the ViewManager with which you can create datasources on the fly and getDeploymentManager() will give you the DeploymentManager with which you can deploy, undeploy, start, stop applications and other deployments.
The libraries you'll need to do that are located in
I've read several times that including the jbossall-client.jar in the client directory should be enough but that's actually not true. You need libraries from all three directories as far as I can tell (couldn't do it without referencing all of them at least). I haven't figured out which exact jars you need though...
IMPORTANT: The ProfileService in Jboss 5 Community Edition has some bugs though which got fixed in JBoss 6. I'd either suggest using a newer JBoss version or the Enterprise Edition.


Freeradius 2.x to 3.x LDAP configuration with multiple AD trees

I am trying to migrate an older 2.x server to 3.x due to the LDAPS connectivity requirement for a new AD tree/domain that is being created. I had to upgrade not only Freeradius but the server OS to support newer versions of TLS. I roughly had the configuration I think correct in 2.x, but cannot be 100% certain as authentication to the new AD tree structure was not completely working because of the SSL/TLS incompatibility. I am having a harder time with the new module configuration layout in 3.x.
The current 2.x performs authentication for 2 methods:
1) LDAP to the existing AD tree using a redundant server setup
2) SQL/PERL via a custom module.
The new 3.x server I need to perform 3 authentication checks via 2 methods:
1) LDAP to the existing AD tree using a redundant server setup
2) LDAPS to the new AD tree (possible redundant server setup)
3) SQL/PERL via the custom module
I have read that this may require templates for the LDAP configuration, but have not found any examples for that. Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.
The config is all in the LDAP module configuration file, raddb/mods-available/ldap - the ldap attribute map is in there, too.
To connect to two different LDAP servers, create two instances of the ldap module, e.g. where you have
ldap {
add another copy of that config with
ldap ldap-new {
then you can call ldap or ldap-new as appropriate in the server where needed to query the required LDAP server.
Make sure you create the appropriate symlinks to enable the module, e.g. raddb/mods-enabled/ldap -> ../mods-available/ldap.
You can certainly use templates to save duplicating config, but to begin with it's a lot easier to just copy the ldap config file, change the instance name in the new file and then tweak from there. Templates are likely to make things more confusing unless you know what you're doing.

Agile Classes.jar file

I am using Agile PLM Version: (Build 20). I am on the client side. I'm trying to use Eclipse to interact with Agile's API features. According to the Agile SDK Developer Guide I need both:
I have the AgileAPI.jar file, but I don't have the agileclasses.jar file.
Any suggestions/links/ methods in which I can obtain this file!
AgileAPI.jar, contains the factories and interfaces used by the Agile EJB on server side.
If you have an Agile instance on a server, you don't need to have agileclasses.jar (unofficial API) but creating an IAgileSession using AgileSessionFactory, all the implementation of interfaces (IChange, IPrograms, IItem. etc) are retrieved using it.
session.getObject(IChange.OBJECT_TYPE, "ChangeNumber123");
where did you find that agileclasses.jar is required?
However, you can find them in the Weblogic Server shared lib folder.
Eclipse interacts with an Agile Server using AgileAPI.jar.
String server = "http://myServer:7001/Agile";
HashMap<Integer,String> params = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
AgileSessionFactory instance = AgileSessionFactory.getInstance(server);
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.USERNAME, "myUsername");
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.PASSWORD, "myPassword");
IAgileSession session=instance.createSession(params);
IItem item = (IItem) session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "ITEMID1234");
item.setValue("Page Two.MYFIELD", "Value");
The example above, connect to an instance of Agile (server) already started up and get the item with number ITEMID1234. Then it sets the value of a field (MYFIELD) with "Value"

Jboss EJB and Shiro

I have a CDI -> EJB App.
I do the security in the past with JBoss j_security.
My security with Shiro works.
But my only problem is how can I get SessionContext in my EJB?
With Jboss Security I got the username, who login in the location with:
SessionContext sessionContext;
String email = sessionContext.getCallerPrincipal().getName();
Now I want to get the the username in my EJB.
How ca I set the username with SessionContext?
Thank you for help
This is a bit tricky, and it also depends on the version of JBoss that you are using. In the AS 7.x and EAP 6.x range this can't really be done by using public APIs because of several bugs.
In order to make the sessionContext aware of the user name and roles you can use JBoss specific code like I used here: https://github.com/javaeekickoff/jboss-as-jaspic-patch/commit/d691fd4532d9aeae6136e3adc2537ff81c525673
It should be something like;
SecurityContext context = SecurityActions.getSecurityContext();
context.getUtil().createSubjectInfo(new SimplePrincipal(userName),
Take a look at the rest of the file to see how someSubject should be created and populated.
Unfortunately for the mentioned JBoss versions #RolesAllowed will never work, since JBoss doesn't take over the already authenticated identity from the local caller, but will always consult a JBoss specific "security domain" just prior to calling the actual bean. Of course it known nothing about Shiro.

Binding a queue to an EJB 3.0 MDB in WebSphere 7

I'm writing, or trying to write, Baby's First MDB on WebSphere 7. I have nearly no hair left, having pulled it all out trying to get the thing to work. It appears that I've got everything set up right, but I get no response when I put a message to the associated queue.
Here's the EAR file setup:
[ classes go here ]
I can't find any syntax for defining the queue's JNDI name in ejb-jar.xml, so instead I:
Define a WebSphere activation spec. Name SimpleMDBActivationSpec, JNDI name jms/SimpleActivationSpec, Destination jms/SimpleMDBQueue.
Define a WebSphere queue. Name SimpleMDBQueue, JNDI name jms/SimpleMDBQueue, Queue name SIMPLE.MDB.QUEUE.
Define an MQ queue, name SIMPLE.MDB.QUEUE.
Deploy the EAR file. During the deployment, I'm asked to enter binding information. I select Activation Specification, then point the Target Resource JNDI Name and Destination JNDI name at the activation spec and queue, respectively.
(The MDB code has no annotations.) At this point, the app points to the spec and queue, and the spec points to the queue - belt and suspenders. Naturally, I imagine that the app therefore knows about the queue. Full of hope, I put a message on the queue, and ... nothing. The onMessage event is supposed to use System.out to log a message. I see no message.
Clear documentation on this is conspicuous by its absence. Google gives LOTS of results, but none of them details how the configuration all fits together. There's lots of hand-waving about ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi, but examples of the file are arcane, full of opaque numbers with no explanation about how they were generated, or how they relate to other parts of the configuration.
For goodness' sake. All I want to do is deploy an MDB, and have it write "Hello, world" when I put a message to a queue. I'm using vi and ant as my development and build tools. Can anybody out there give me an idea about what I'm missing?
Edit: "zos" tag added.
I found the problem. It's specific to WebSphere running on z/OS. For an activation spec to be fully available in that environment, the Control Region Adjunct (CRA) process must be started. I told WAS to start it up, recycled the app server, and lo! My MDB started responding.
To make the CRA start via the WebSphere Admin Console, go to ...
Application servers > [server name] > Communications > Messaging > WebSphere MQ CRA Settings
... and check the box that says "Start CRA". Hit OK, save it to the master configuration, and to make the CRA actually start, bring the app server down and back up. (This is for WAS 7.0.)
Thanks to everyone for their time and thoughtspace.
have a quick look at this and see if there is anything here that helps you.
I haven't played with this for the last one year so i am not able to comment straight away but i thought the PDF might be of some assistance to you.

JCAPS deployment to multiple external system environments

Hope a few people in here are familiar with JCAPS.
Coming from pure j2ee world, it is difficult to digest the deployment model that JCPAS offers.
While creating deployment profile, we need to map the resources (such as jdbc, webservice connector) to external systems. External systems are predefined with the target server ip, port, db name, credentials etc(in case of jdbc). So the problem is an EAR built for test environment can not be deployed to production environment.
In simpler applications we could store database/credentials etc on to property files and hence EAR built for UAT could be deployed to Production with out any change.
Is there a similar strategy available for JCAPS by which EARs built against an environment can be promoted to another seamlessly?
In JCAPS the Deployment Profile (DP) is still a generic layer;
1) as developper you configure your (dev) properties in the Connectivity Map (CM) and the Environment External Application (EA) inbound and outbound properties;
2) then you extract the configuration into a file :asadmin extract-caps-application-configuration myear.ear
3) and upload this file to your testing/prod Glassfish: asadmin import-caps-configuration --host %HOST% --port %PORT% --user admin --passwordfile ...\passwordfile caps-config
4) in Glassfish\Common Task\CAPS\Env and CM Override you adjust the properties according to the environment! (and restart the ear)
5) enjoy JCAPS efficiency [optional]
all this process is summarized in Application Configuration - JCAPS 6 screencast
After a few days of research, I could find relevant info at:
http://wikis.sun.com/download/attachments/38767325/JavaCAPS6+Application+Configuration.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1225463856000 and http://wikis.sun.com/display/JavaCAPS/Application+Configuration and http://wikis.sun.com/display/JavaCAPS/Application+Configuration+Lab.
Posting here just in case anyone stumbles up on this page as a search result.