Binding a queue to an EJB 3.0 MDB in WebSphere 7 - deployment

I'm writing, or trying to write, Baby's First MDB on WebSphere 7. I have nearly no hair left, having pulled it all out trying to get the thing to work. It appears that I've got everything set up right, but I get no response when I put a message to the associated queue.
Here's the EAR file setup:
[ classes go here ]
I can't find any syntax for defining the queue's JNDI name in ejb-jar.xml, so instead I:
Define a WebSphere activation spec. Name SimpleMDBActivationSpec, JNDI name jms/SimpleActivationSpec, Destination jms/SimpleMDBQueue.
Define a WebSphere queue. Name SimpleMDBQueue, JNDI name jms/SimpleMDBQueue, Queue name SIMPLE.MDB.QUEUE.
Define an MQ queue, name SIMPLE.MDB.QUEUE.
Deploy the EAR file. During the deployment, I'm asked to enter binding information. I select Activation Specification, then point the Target Resource JNDI Name and Destination JNDI name at the activation spec and queue, respectively.
(The MDB code has no annotations.) At this point, the app points to the spec and queue, and the spec points to the queue - belt and suspenders. Naturally, I imagine that the app therefore knows about the queue. Full of hope, I put a message on the queue, and ... nothing. The onMessage event is supposed to use System.out to log a message. I see no message.
Clear documentation on this is conspicuous by its absence. Google gives LOTS of results, but none of them details how the configuration all fits together. There's lots of hand-waving about ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi, but examples of the file are arcane, full of opaque numbers with no explanation about how they were generated, or how they relate to other parts of the configuration.
For goodness' sake. All I want to do is deploy an MDB, and have it write "Hello, world" when I put a message to a queue. I'm using vi and ant as my development and build tools. Can anybody out there give me an idea about what I'm missing?
Edit: "zos" tag added.

I found the problem. It's specific to WebSphere running on z/OS. For an activation spec to be fully available in that environment, the Control Region Adjunct (CRA) process must be started. I told WAS to start it up, recycled the app server, and lo! My MDB started responding.
To make the CRA start via the WebSphere Admin Console, go to ...
Application servers > [server name] > Communications > Messaging > WebSphere MQ CRA Settings
... and check the box that says "Start CRA". Hit OK, save it to the master configuration, and to make the CRA actually start, bring the app server down and back up. (This is for WAS 7.0.)
Thanks to everyone for their time and thoughtspace.

have a quick look at this and see if there is anything here that helps you.
I haven't played with this for the last one year so i am not able to comment straight away but i thought the PDF might be of some assistance to you.


WTRN0006W for liberty on bluemix

I have a long-running REST method on a Bluemix Liberty runtime and I am getting the WTRN0006W error message because the method takes more than 120 seconds to return. However, it's a single-user app, this method is expected to take long and there's no database data to persist. So it's OK to set the timeout to N minutes in this case.
The problem is that I can' t find exactly what file and how to change the file using the Bluemix Liberty profile in order to do that (increase the timeout).
Any help is welcome.
The file to modify is server.xml. See this blog post on Custom Liberty server.xml configurations in IBM Bluemix. Then, try configuration like:
<transaction totalTranLifetimeTimeout="5m"/>
See the Transaction Manager (transaction) topic in the Knowledge Center for other transaction configuration options.

IBM Integration Bus: The PIF data could not be found for the specified application

I'm using IBM Integration Bus v10 (previously called IBM Message Broker) to expose COBOL routines as SOAP Web Services.
COBOL routines are integrated into IIB through MQ queues.
We have imported some COBOL copybooks as DFDL schemas in IIB, and the mapping between SOAP messages and DFDL messages is working fine.
However, when the message reaches a node where a serialization of the message tree has to take place (for example, a FileOutput or a MQ request), it fails with the following error:
"The PIF data could not be found for the specified application"
This is the last part of the stack trace of the exception:
Label:CHARACTER:MyCustomFlow.File Output
Text:CHARACTER:Caught exception and rethrowing
Text:CHARACTER:Kcilmw20Flow.File Output
Label:CHARACTER:MyCustomFlow.SOAP Input
Text:CHARACTER:The PIF data could not be found for the specified application
It seems like something is missing in my deployable BAR file. It's important to say that my application has the message flow and it depends on a shared library that has all the .xsd files (DFDLs).
I suppose that the schemas are OK, as I've generated them using the Toolkit wizard, and the message parsing works well. The problem is only with serialization.
Does anybody know what may be missing here?
OutputRoot.Properties.MessageType must contain the name of the message in the DFDL schema. Additionally when the DFDL schema is in a shared library, OutputRoot.Properties.MessageSet must contain the name of the library.
Sounds as if OutputRoot.Properties is not pointing at the shared library. I cannot remember which subfield does that job - it is either OutputRoot.Properties.MessageType or OutputRoot.Properties.MessageSet.
You can easily check - just check the contents of InputRoot.Properties after an input node that has used the same shared libary.
Faced a similar problem. In my case, a message flow with an HttpRequest node using a DFDL domain parser / format to parse an HTTP response from the remote system threw this error (PIF data could not be found for the specified application). "Re-selecting" the same parser domain & message type on the node followed by build / redeploy solved the problem. Seemed to be a project reference related issue within the IIB toolkit.
you need to create static libraries and refer to application.
in compute node ur coding is based on dfdl body

WSO2 Class Mediator gives an error

Our team is completely new to the WSO2 tool. We got the basic training on how to add proxy services and were able to do so as well.
Now, we have to add a class in the In Sequence. We tried that using the Class mediator but it was not able to find the class. Then we realized that the jar file needs to be in the components/lib folder. So, its able to load the class now. It proceeds to the out sequence and fault sequence properly. But, in the end, it gives the following exception.
Unable to add proxy service :: Failed to add proxy service: Parse. Check whether the Proxy already exists-Failed to add proxy service: Parse. Check whether the Proxy already exists
So far, we're using the design view to configure it. I surveyed through most of the posts within this forum, and, all are using the source code to configure. Also, the proxy service is not present in the Source View section under Service Bus.
Are we missing any step in the configuration? Do we need to switch to coding method or it is possible this way.
Your explanation is strange. Above mentioned error log can appear at the time of deploying the proxy service. But you say your proxy is going to the out-sequence and fault-sequence. From that what I understand is the proxy is already deployed.
You can check whether a proxy with the same name is there by looking in the ESB_HOME/repository/deployment/server/synapse-config/default/proxy-service folder. If there is a file with name Parse.xml (I think the name of the proxy service is Parse) you can delete it from the file system and then go to the design view and add the proxy again.
It seems there is already a proxy with the name you provided. Go to WSO2 ESB "source view" and check whether there exist a proxy with that name. Source view is available on the left side of the management console.
This artical will take you step by step in writing custom class mediators.
This post may also be relevant for you.

Activation pending in CQ5

I have created a test page in the Geometrixx site in CQ5. I can see the page very well on 4502 port (author environment). But when I activate the page to see it on the 4503 port (Publish environment) , I always see the yellow colored icon in front of the page on console which on hover says 'Activation pending. #1 in Queue'
Is there some workflow attached to it ? If so, how can I check it out and probably kill it (for now) ? Or is there some other reason ?
The default replication queue settings points to localhost:4503. If your publish instance is not located on the same machine as the author instance (which is common), you will need to change the settings to point to a valid publish instance. Once a valid publish instance is configured the items queued for activation should get processed and the icons will change from yellow to green.
If the queue is blocked, you can clear it by:
going to /etc/replication/
Clicking on the default replication agent.
Then clicking on 'clear' above the queue. This will clear the entire
If you want to clear one or more specific items in the queue, you can select
them then click clear.
This page has a few steps on troubleshooting replication agents:
This page has some general information about replication agents: from Author to Publish
You can inspect the replication queues at
The default agent is
From here you can test the connection, view the log, and see what's in the queue. You can also clear the queue or force retry.
there is a way to see a "final View" of your test page without to publish: wcmmode=disabled
http:// localhost: 4502/cf#/content/geometrixx/folder/test.html
Just delete /cf# and add ?wcmmode=disabled after the extension.
http:// localhost: 4502/content/geometrixx/folder/test.html?wcmmode=disabled
One thing not explicitly mentioned so far: You need TWO instances of AEM running. Ports 4502 and 4503 don't point to different modes of the same instance, as AEM only listens to the one port (in general). So you will need to copy your Author jar to a new directory and name it something like cq5-publish-4503.jar
In addition, you may need to update your maven pom files for code deploys. You CAN set installed bundles on author to auto replicate/publish however.

Logging JBoss request/response ONLY using log4j

How can JBoss requests/responses ONLY be logged using log4j?
For my 3-tiered application (client, web-service and database), I'm trying to gather request/response times.
For instance, timestamps before/after:
Client sends request
WS receives request
WS sends query to database
Currently, my log displays several thousand lines of text (DEBUG mode). But, I'm looking only for request/response information.
I suppose I could choose a different log level, but I'm not able to find my log4j.xml that most solutions are referring to (server/xxx/conf/jboss-log4j.xml). The file in my Eclipse for some reason is not allowing edits.
I'm new to JBoss; in fact inherited the current setup from somebody else, so I'm a little clueless about the entire JBoss thing.
Edit 1
Examples of can be found here.
Edit 2
log4j.rootLogger=TRACE, file
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
It's probably best to configure logging through the logging subsystem. If you're looking to use your a log4j configuration file, see the instructions here.