Best way to play different sounds one at a time on iphone? - iphone

I have a bunch of sounds I want to play. Right now I'm using AVAudioPlayer. A new sound should start when the user clicks a button. The url property of AVAudioPlayer is read-only. I'd rather not have to release and re-alloc the object every time I want a new sound played. What would be the best way to do this? Is there a different class I need to use?

The absolute easiest way to play sound is Playing UI Sound Effects or Invoking Vibration Using System Sound Services. Essentially you call AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID() and AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(). Creating a system sound is relatively expensive and playback stops when it's disposed with AudioServicesDisposeSystemSoundID() anyway, so you really want to cache them:
Create them at app launch (or possibly the first time the sound is played). You can keep them in an NSDictionary keyed by sound file name and store the sound ID in an NSValue, or so.
If you can be bothered, dispose them when your app exits, is backgrounded, or on a memory warning.
The biggest caveat is that only a few sound formats are supported for "system sounds"; apple seems to recommend IMA4 (afconvert -f caff -d ima4 input.file output.caf and optionally -c 1 if you're happy with mono).
That said, it's pretty much perfect for playing short sounds provided you don't mind one-at-a-time sounds (it restarts playback if you play a sound while it's already playing). I suspect it's also played directly by the kernel (you can set a flag to make it continue playback when your app exits), which probably means it's more efficient CPU-wise. It might mix with sounds played by AVAudioPlayer.


Is it possible to record the audio that comes out of the iPhone?

I am working on an app that allows the user to create a sort of dub. There is an audio file playing, and the user can tap at certain moments to insert sound (kind of like a censor button.) I'm wondering how to go about capturing the final product.
Capturing audio directly from the iPhone seems the easiest route, as the user already hears the finished product as it is made. However, I can't find anything on how to do this. If not possible, are there any suggestions?
The best way would probably be to be using the AV Foundation framework for mixing and then buffering the audio as well as playing it. This would allow for a high abstraction level while guaranteeing both played back and saved audio to be equal.
Apart from that: from a How can I achieve this with minimum code-perspective, without more information about your setup, the question is way too broad and/or opinion-based.
You will have to work with buffers. Don't know right now how it is done in Swift but you can implement it in Obj-C and then bridge it out.
You can refer to this answers here in StackOverflow (They are a bit old)
and a project also exists (but is in Obj-C)
Mainly the idea for your case would be to have 2 separated buffers and your sound effect.
Then, you will be playing from buffer A (your music) and copying played data into buffer B (final Output) unless you are playing the effect. In wich case you will be copying the effect data into your buffer B.
Other option is to do it offline:
Play your music (or audio) and keep a timer running synced with the elapsed time of your "to be censored audio".
Save the timestamp of when you start and end tapping the censor button (for example).
Overlap buffer A with your effect in those recorded (start-end) timestamps.
Save the buffer as a file (or do whatever you need to do with it)
You should take a look into the Apple implementation of something like this:

Playing sounds in perfect succession on the iPhone

I am developing a game for the iPhone and iPad using cocos2d, and I need to be able to play a sound exactly when another one completes.
I have a soundtrack that is chopped up in smaller pieces, and there are no room for the tinyest gap between playback when one finishes and one starts.
Btw. I cannot glue the sounds together into a single file and just play that since the order of the files will be rearranged runtime.
How can I achieve this?
With CocosDenshion you can register a delegate with
[[CDAudioManager sharedManager] setBackgroundMusicCompletionListener:self
CDAudioManager class reference
This delegate will be called whenever the background music ends. This of course only works if you play your sound files as background music (with the playBackgroundMusic method).
If that doesn't work for you, have a look at ObjectAL. You'll have more options and greater flexibility. For example, with ALSource you can queue multiple ALBuffer objects which represent sound files. That means whenever the source's buffer count decreases to 1 you just queue the next buffer to achieve uninterrupted, sequential playback of multiple sound files (any format).
Because ObjectAL is so awesome (well, I think so :) ) it's included and ready to use in Kobold2D.
You can use a single Audio Queue or the RemoteIO Audio Unit, and just fill the callback buffers with raw/PCM audio samples from any file in any order.

AVAudioPlayer lag when calling play

I have set up an AVAudioPlayer object in viewDidLoad, as per the Apple guidelines, calling prepareToPlay as the last line in viewDidLoad (i have tried in awakeFromNib also).
When i press my play button, there is a pause, as it would appear to load the file, then it plays.
In audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying, i reload the player with a different sound, and when clicking play for a second time, the file plays instantly.
What would cause the player to lag on the first play?
The delay is due to AVAudioPlayer being initialised. Please see this answer.
The audio system runs on several asynchronous software processes (audio units, OS drivers, etc.) and hardware systems (DMA, DACs, audio amp power supplies, etc.) that never really all completely finish initialization until some sound is actually played all the way out the speakers or earphones.
Here's one method to do that: Create a sound file containing a half second of silence. On app start up, while your app and view controller are still loading, use AVAudioPlayer to play this file of silence. Now when your view finishes loading, AVAudioPlayer should be ready to play subsequent non-silent sounds much faster, since some audio (silence) has already already gone all the way out to the speakers.
What kind of sound are you playing? Alerts, something longer? If alerts, I did go this way and it's much better with lags ...
create system sound with AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID
play system sound with AudioServicesPlaySystemSound
dispose system sound with AudioServicesDisposeSystemSoundID
... you only need to store SystemSoundID for each sound you would like to play.

AudioServices (Easy), AVAudioPlayer (Medium), OpenAL (Hard & Overkill?)

I need to play sounds (~5 seconds each) throughout my iphone application. When they're triggered, they need to play immediately.
For the moment I'm using AudioServices and (as you probably know) the first time you play a sound it lags, then every time there after it's perfect. Is there some code available that's clever enough to preload an AudioServices sound (by playing it silently maybe?). I've read adjusting the system volume programmatically will get your app rejected, so that's not an option. Seems AudioServices isn't made for volume correction from what I can see.
I've looked into OpenAL and while feasible seems a little over kill. AVAudioPlayer seems like a little bit of a better option, I'm using that for background music at present. Extending my music player to handle a 'sound board' might be my last resort.
On the topic of OpenAL, does anyone know of a place with a decent (app store friendly) OpenAL wrapper for the iPhone?
Thanks in advance
Finch could be perfect for you. It’s a tiny wrapper around OpenAL with very low latency and simple API. See also all SO questions tagged ‘Finch’.
If you use an AVAudioPlayer, you can call prepareToPlay when you initialize the object to reduce the delay between calling play and having the audio start.

How can Play Audio file in loop without any interruption?

I am trying to develop a simple iPhone app. I need to play sound within a loop.
How can Play Audio file in loop without any interruption ?
Take a look at the new AVAudioPlayer class in the 2.2 release:
It has functionality for looping sounds.
I really don't know the iPhone SDK at all, but this should be quick: try making the sound itself looping. That way, you should be able to play it with just a single call, and won't need to worry about timing the repeat properly to restart it at the exact right moment.
For instance, WAV files have very flexible support for looping, and any decent audio editor should let you set looping points.
The AVAudioPlayer has numberOfLoops property where you can specify the number of times you want the audio to loop.