Step by step iphone debugging on xcode shows nothing on screen - iphone

I realize it doesn't work because it needs to print on the screen, but...
Is there anyway and/or a good simple way to actually just press "step over" or "step into" and see the command output on the device/simulator screen?
I want to keep pressing it and be able to see what every step do on the screen as quick as possible, if that's even a possibility for iphone debugging.
I hope while short this question still is pretty clear and not a duplicate! :P

Sometimes the iPhone simulator UI is not refreshed immediately. The UI framework don't update the screen at each instruction. You can try a manual [myView setNeedDisplay:YES] (or something like that) after each step.

You could also look at CFRunLoop to try and force UI updates in different runloops, although that is about the extent of my understanding of the API.


Phonegap: force an app to quit instead of running in background

I'm developing an iPhone/iPad application through Phonegap, is there a way to implement a sort of "click here to quit app"? I mean quit for real, not "put it in the background and go to home screen".
Thanks in advance.
you can use following code to quite your app on click,
Hope this may help you.
is there a way to implement a sort of "click here to quit app"?'
Yes, there is a way for really exiting the app and killing its process.
But never do that. Not only because Apple rejects your app if you do this. The problem with this is bad user experience. iOS is not a desktop operating system. You have a Home button for leaving apps (and again, there's a reason apps don't exit completely).
The window size is, conceptually, not spacious enough for maintaining an extraneous 44x44 pixel frame (44 pixel is the minimal size that can comfortably be touched, according to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines) dedicated only for exiting.
However, if you still want to exit after this lecture, there are several ways:
pthread_kill(pthread_self()); // on the main thread
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] terminateWithSuccess];
etc. Some of them may have a binding in PhoneGap (if not, it's easy enough to write one yourself).
You should not do that as this may considered as violation of iOS Human Interface Guidelines, lead rejection of your app.
Always Be Prepared to Stop
**Save the current state when stopping at the finest level of detail possible so that people don’t
lose their context when they start the app again.** For example, if your app displays scrolling data,
save the current scroll position. To learn more about efficient ways to preserve and restore your
app’s state, see “State Preservation and Restoration”.
Apple guidlines link :
in the application's plist put
UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = TRUE
and when the user hits the home button, the application will quit. No need for a button, no need for exit().

iPhone up no longer loads into device or emulater, just does nothing when i run it

When I try to run my app, it builds with no errors, but will not run.
At the top of the Xcode window it says “Attaching to golfflixlight” with a little animation underneath.
I let it run for 20 minutes and gave up, I'm stuck
This is a recurring scourge of Xcode. It is there to make our lives miserable. The solution is very elusive, and I have yet to read a single, coherent explanation what's happening.
Take a look at this SO question, it might give you some idea how to solve your conundrum. Personally, nothing works for me other than going to Edit Scheme, and setting the debugger to GDB. Good luck.

Objects not being released fast enough, causing an app relaunch crash

I have an app where I have 5 sets of animations that I'm storing in an array. The animations get picked to play randomly after a button touch. This is all working perfectly, however I noticed a bug when I quit the app and reopen immediately, I'll see my main view, then it'll jump to my second view that has the animation in it. (This shouldn't happen since you have to tap the main view in order for it to modally swap in the second view. If I interact with it everything works for a few seconds, then it closes with no crash log.
I finally realized that some of the objects must not be getting released fast enough, since if I close the app and wait three seconds, then reopen, everything executes fine.
I didn't want to put down code to show as this is more of a brainstorming question. I'd love any insight that could point me the right way. I changed a lot of my code to get rid of convenience methods and have all my variables defined and then released in my dealloc.
Is there a way to truly tell the app to kill everything on quit? It's not set to run in the background so this is a bit odd. Thanks for your help I'm still new to this and learning!
Alright, after working on this all weekend and doing more research comparing a barebones version of my app to my prerelease version, I traced memory leaks to the Flurry Analytics api that I am using. Apparently I was suffering from the same issue as the post here: App hangs on restart with latest Flurry SDK and ios4 . I resolved this by setting these optional methods to false, since they take extra time to send data after the app terminates, and depending on the connection it takes a few seconds.
optional session settings that can be changed after start session
+ (void)setSessionReportsOnCloseEnabled:(BOOL)sendSessionReportsOnClose; // default is YES
+ (void)setSessionReportsOnPauseEnabled:(BOOL)setSessionReportsOnPauseEnabled; // default is YES
Hope this helps anyone else who experienced something similar to me!
All apps can enter the background by default. Normally they do not do anything there, but they stay there in a frozen state and when you open them again, your program does not restart, it just picks up where it left off.
Anything that's set as an animation delegate might not get released, since it's retained for that purpose until the animation completes.
You can add an applicationDidEnterBackground: method to your app delegate to get informed when your app is going into the background, but exactly what you need to do depends on the design of your app. You can also add applicationWillEnterForeground: to do anything you need to do differently when restarting, as opposed to newly starting.
You might be able to force your animations to complete by starting a new animation with duration 0.0 (or very short if for some reason you can't do that).
If this happens only if your app goes to bkgnd and comes back AND you don't mind if the app restarts everytime it comes back then just put UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend in your app's plist. In all my cases where these and other bad things happen with apps going to and returning from bkgnd this helped.
While you might still see the app on the buttom when double tapping it is really stopped and will restart. Apps that show on the buttom do not always have to run or be stored in the bkgnd I learned.
ps. don't forget to set the value of UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend to YES

Is there a way to always use the default.png when returning from background?

In one of my apps when returning from background I get a non consistent behavior:
Sometimes I get the default.png and sometimes I get a snapshot of the last screen which the app was in.
In both cases it takes the UI a good second or two to respond again.
Therefore I would rather show the default.png rather then "unresponsive UI"
Is there a way to make the app display the default.png always until the app becomes active again?
Currently the "stupid" way to do it I thought about is by displaying some Modal view with the default.png and removing it on return to foreground.
Few Clarification:
I am doing this to avoid unresponsive UI.
I am using the default.png as it looks like loading and gives a better experience then unresponsive UI
The app has to run in background.
(And to whoever asked - no it is not closed when I sometimes return and see the default.png and not the last UI state - App loading from the start has a very different path and I'm sure of that)
Thanks in advance.
This is not a correct behavior and you may experiencing a bug. Basically as long as your app is in the background, when you launch it, you should not see the default.png, unless you remove it from background (double click on home button and delete that app).
For future people interested in this you can use the fact the last view in the app is used to be displayed when the app loads back.
You can display a VC as your moving to background which will represent some loading - hence achieving the desired behavior.
I've already seen a few other apps using the same behavior in cases operations are ran when coming back into the app.
Most probably, you are taking too long (performing too many calculations) in methods such as applicationWillEnterForeground:, applicationDidBecomeActive:, etc. As a simple test, try commenting out the code in these methods and see if the problem occurs again.
Simply set in your Info.plist the property "Application doesn't run in background" to YES. The app will never go in background and when the home button is pressed it will be simply terminated. So you're back to the pre-iOS4 behavior.
Note that when you see now the default image at start-up it is simply because your app has been terminated while it was in background. This is normal especially for apps that take a lot of memory and then don't free it enough before going in the background (I think the threshold for the OS is about 18MB but I'm not sure)

iphone MultiTasking?

Hello I'm trying to get the multitasking work properly, but unfortunately I'm kinda lost. My problem is when I re-enter the game, it takes several seconds for the game to come back and show the pause screen. My question is; is there any way to put some sort of loading screen until the game comes back, so I can at least indicate that its not frozen? I've never used Xcode directly. I'm using Unity 3d to build my game. I made a little bit of research and if I'm not mistaken I'm supposed to use "applicationDidEnterBackground" app delegate method. My question is How can I put a custom loading screen using that method in Xcode?
In -applicationDidEnterBackground:, you're given the opportunity to "clean up" the UI before the screenshot is taken. Apple says you should remove "sensitive data" (the screenshots might be persisted to "disk"?), but it also lets you do other things. In one app, we hide the label on a countdown timer so it doesn't appear to jump when you switch back to the app.
To change the "loading screen", simply display a full-screen view over the other views and remove it in -applicationWillEnterForeground:. Alternatively, pause the game in the first place!
(Really, you should be pausing the game in -applicationWillResignActive: which happens when the user double-taps home or the user receives a SMS/notification. I'm pretty sure it's called when the app is backgrounded, too.)