How do I disconnect a Scala Remote Actor? - scala

In scala it is very easy to make a connection to a remote actor, but the documentation does not tell me anything about disconnecting. Simply throwing away the reference does not work, because remote actors are actors, so these won't be collected until stopped. So how do I disconnect?
This does not Terminate after exit:
import actors.{DaemonActor,remote}
import remote.{RemoteActor,Node}
object SimpleClient{
val messageHandler = new DaemonActor{
def act{
case message:String =>
println("got message: " + message)
case _ =>
def main(args:Array[String]){
val server ="localhost",9999),'server)
var exit = false
val message = Console.readLine
if(message == "exit" || message == "quit") {
exit = true
server ! 'Disconnect
server ! message
This is the Server:
import actors.{Actor,OutputChannel}
import actors.remote.RemoteActor
object Server extends Actor{
val clients = new collection.mutable.HashSet[OutputChannel[Any]]
def act{
case 'Connect =>
clients += sender
case 'Disconnect =>
clients -= sender
case message:String =>
for(client <- clients)
client ! message
def main(args:Array[String]){

[Disclaimer: I'm PO of Akka]
May I suggest taking a look at Akka, which was built with Remote Actors in mind from day 1?

Your question is not really clear enough about what problem you think you are experiencing. Actors do not "connect" to each other (like a socket). You send an actor a message because you have a reference to it (or a proxy, in the case of remote actors).
Having such a reference does not prevent the actor (either actor) from shutting down. If there are no longer any references to an actor and it is not running, there is nothing to stop it being garbage-collected

The Reactor trait defines protected[actors] def exit(): Nothing which the actor can call itself upon reception of a message telling it to do so.
sealed trait Msg
case object Apoptosis extends Msg
// ... more messages
class RRActor extends Reactor[Msg] {
def act = loop {
react {
// ... Whatever messages the actor handles
case Apoptosis => this.exit
Edit: I have not tested this ever with remote actors.

Here's a working version of your source, with pertinent changes commented inline:
import actors.{DaemonActor,remote}
import remote.{RemoteActor,Node}
case class Send(message: String)
case object Disconnect
object SimpleClient{
val messageHandler = new DaemonActor{
def act{
// keep the reference to the proxy inside the client-side actor
val server ="localhost",9999),'server)
server ! 'Connect
case message:String =>
println("got message: " + message)
case Send(message) => server ! message
case Disconnect => {
// disconnect and exit the client-side actor
server ! 'Disconnect //'
case _ =>
def main(args:Array[String]){
var exit = false
val message = Console.readLine
if(message == "exit" || message == "quit") {
exit = true
// tell the client-side actor to exit
messageHandler ! Disconnect
} else {
messageHandler ! Send(message)


Akka test - wait for actor initialization

case class FeatureFilter(s3Client: AmazonS3) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
override def preStart(): Unit = {
self ! Initialize
override def receive: Receive = {
case Initialize =>
// long running operaton
val tryfile = S3Connection(s3Client).downloadObject(...)
tryfile match {
case Success(file) =>
case Failure(exception) =>
self ! PoisonPill
def active(file: File): Receive = {
case Query(key) =>
// do some processing and reply to sender
I am using below test for above actor:
"an actor" should {
// mocked S3 client
val client = ...
"test for presence of keys" in {
val actor = system.actorOf(Props(FeatureFilter(client)))
for (i <- 1 to 100) {
actor ! Query("test_string")
The above test fails with
java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: timeout (3 seconds) during expectMsg while waiting ...
I think this is because when the message actor ! Query("test_string") is sent to actor, it's handler is still receive, and so it doesn't respond, and hence the timeout.
But I even tried adding the handler for Query(key) in the receive method (just like in active method). Still I am getting the same error.
Could someone please point what is the issue here ?
Also when I move the S3 download task to preStart(), still the issue remains same. Isn't preStart() a blocking call ? How would the code in the test proceed until the preStart() is completed ?
akka stash sounds like the way you looking for. In case of any message that the actor support but is unhandled add on stash and unapply all if active is reached.
look at actor stash for documentation and example usage
may your code would look like
case msg => stash()

I want to send second message to Actor as new Message

I have two actors for example, sender:
class ActorSender(actroReciever: ActorRef) extends Actor{
implicit val timeout = Timeout(100, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
override def receive: Receive = {
case "RUN" => {
val resp = Await.result(actroReciever ? "Msg", 100.seconds)
println("receive response " + resp)
case str:String => println(str)
case _ => println("Error type msg")
class ActroReciever extends Actor{
override def receive: Receive = {
case str:String => {
val snd = sender()
snd ! "MessageFirst"
snd ! "MessageSecond"
And class for starting:
object Tester extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("system")
val receiver = system.actorOf(Props[ActroReciever](new ActroReciever()), "receiver")
val sender = system.actorOf(Props[ActorSender](new ActorSender(receiver)), "sender")
sender ! "RUN"
I want to send two messages to sender(), first as reply for "ask", second msg as "new Message", which ActorSender execute as "matching", how I can do it? Thanks
First, you know you should not use Await, right?
Second, ask (?) is not meant to be used within actors. ask creates a temporary actor which can only receive a single message. It is not your ActorSender receiving the answer, but the temporary actor created by ask. That's why you have the feeling you can only send 1 answer.
You are doing this wrong, you should simply send your message using actroReciever ! "Msg". No need to change anything on your ActroReciever.

Is it possible for the supervisor to pass the exception to the calling actor if the child actor fails even after retrying N times?

I have two actors Computer and Printer. Computer is the parent of Printer and has a one for one strategy defined for Printer.
I have listed the code below.
class Computer extends Actor with ActorLogging{
import Computer._
import Printer._
implicit val timeout: Timeout = 2 seconds
val printer: ActorRef = context.actorOf(Props[Printer], "printer-actor")
override def receive: Receive = {
case Print(text) => {
val printJob: Future[Any] = printer ? PrintJob(Random.nextInt, text)
printJob.mapTo[Page].map {
case Page(text) => {"Received page containing text ${text}")
}.onFailure {
case t: Throwable => sender !
override val supervisorStrategy =
OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 3, withinTimeRange = 1 minute) {
case e : Exception => {"caught exception of type ${e.getClass}")
class Printer extends Actor with ActorLogging{
import Printer._
override def receive: Receive = {
case PrintJob(id, text) => {"Received ${PrintJob(id, text)}")
if (Random.nextBoolean) sender ! Page(text)
else throw new NoPaperException(id)
override def preRestart(cause: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) = {"Restarting actor ${self} because of ${cause}. Queueing message ${message}")
postStop() forward _)
The Printer throws an exception based on the random generator. The code works fine, the supervisor restarts the and retries the child actor on failure just as instructed.
However the ask pattern val printJob: Future[Any] = printer ? PrintJob(Random.nextInt, text) fails with a AkkaTimeoutException in case all attempts to get the Printer actor work fails.
Is there a way to pass back the exact exception which caused the actor to fail ? In this case NoPapperException.
to pass the exception back to the sender you need to sender ! Status.Failure(e) - where e is the exception
You can either do that directly from the actor, or if you want to do that from the supervisor you need to have a subclass of exception that would hold the sender ref with it so that the supervisor would be able to send the exception back

Akka TCP Comand Failed

I'm writing a client and server applications using Akka Tcp and I'm having a issue with a high throughput.
When I write too many messages on the client side, I'm having too many CommandFailed messages and I can't figure out why...
Here's my server:
class Server(listener: ActorRef) extends Actor {
import Tcp._
import context.system
IO(Tcp) ! Bind(self, new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 9090))
def receive = {
case CommandFailed(_: Bind) => {
println("command failed error")
context stop self
case c#Tcp.Connected(remote, local) =>
listener ! GatlingConnected(c.remoteAddress.toString)
println("Connected: " + c.remoteAddress)
val handler = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[ServerHandler], listener, c.remoteAddress.toString))
val connection = sender
connection ! Register(handler)
class ServerHandler(listener: ActorRef, remote: String) extends Actor {
import Tcp._
override def receive: Receive = {
case Received(data) => listener ! data.utf8String
case PeerClosed => {
listener ! Finished(remote)
context stop self
Message and Finished are just case classes that I've createad.
Here's the client (where I think its the source of this problem):
private class TCPMessageSender(listener: ActorRef) extends BaseActor {
final val MESSAGE_DELIMITER = "\n"
val buffer = new ListBuffer[Any]
val failedMessages = new ListBuffer[Write]
IO(Tcp) ! Connect(new InetSocketAddress(,
override def receive = {
case msg # (_: UserMessage | _: GroupMessage | _: RequestMessage) =>
logger.warn(s"Received message ($msg) before connected. Buffering...")
buffer += msg
case CommandFailed(_: Connect) =>
logger.warn("Can't connect. All messages will be ignored")
listener ! Terminate
context stop self
case c # Connected(remote, local) =>"Connected to " + c.remoteAddress)
val connection = sender
connection ! Register(self)"Sending previous received messages: " + buffer.size)
buffer.foreach(msg => {
val msgString: String = JsonHelper.toJson(Map[String, Any]("message_type" -> msg.getClass.getSimpleName, "message" -> msg))
connection ! Write(ByteString(msgString + MESSAGE_DELIMITER))
context become {
case msg # (_: UserMessage | _: GroupMessage | _: RequestMessage) =>
val msgString: String = JsonHelper.toJson(Map[String, Any]("message_type" -> msg.getClass.getSimpleName, "message" -> msg))
logger.trace(s"Sending message: $msgString")
connection ! Write(ByteString(msgString + MESSAGE_DELIMITER))
case CommandFailed(w: Write) =>
logger.error("Command failed. Buffering message...")
failedMessages += w
connection ! ResumeWriting
case CommandFailed(c) => logger.error(s"Command $c failed. I don't know what to do...")
case Received(data) =>
logger.warn(s"I am not supposed to receive this data: $data")
case "close" =>
connection ! Close
case _: ConnectionClosed =>"Connection closed")
context stop self
case WritingResumed => {"Sending failed messages")
failedMessages.foreach(write => connection ! write)
Sometimes I receive a lot of CommandFailed messages and I call ResumeWrite and never receive a WritingResumed (and the connection never closes in this cases). Am I doing something wrong?
I think the problem is that when you register your actor sending the Register message, you also have to set the useResumeWriting parameter to true:
connection ! Register(handler, false, true)
The doc of resumeWriting command states:
When `useResumeWriting` is in effect as was indicated in the [[Tcp.Register]] message
then this command needs to be sent to the connection actor in order to re-enable
writing after a [[Tcp.CommandFailed]] event. All [[Tcp.WriteCommand]] processed by the
connection actor between the first [[Tcp.CommandFailed]] and subsequent reception of
this message will also be rejected with [[Tcp.CommandFailed]].

Make Scala Remote Actors more stable

I was writing a little test program to try out some things with Remote Actors that I was going to need in a Scala project.
The basic goal was to write a test application of one server that could handle a bunch of clients and more important clients that can send multiple messages at the same time (like pings, requests for updates and user induced requests for data)
What I came up with was this:
brief overview: the client starts 3 different actors which again start actors in while loops with different offsets in order to simulate rather random messages.
import scala.actors.remote.RemoteActor
import scala.actors.remote.Node
import scala.actors.Actor
trait Request
trait Response
case object WhoAmI extends Request
case class YouAre(s:String) extends Response
case object Ping extends Request
case object Pong extends Response
case class PrintThis(s:String) extends Request
case object PrintingDone extends Response
object Server {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val server = new Server
class Server extends Actor {
RemoteActor.register('server, this)
var count:Int = 0
def act() {
while(true) {
receive {
case WhoAmI => {
count += 1
sender ! YouAre(count.toString)
case Ping => sender ! Pong
case PrintThis(s) => {
sender ! PrintingDone
case x => println("Got a bad request: " + x)
object Act3 extends scala.actors.Actor {
def act = {
var i = 0
while (i <= 12) {
i += 1
val a = new Printer
class Printer extends scala.actors.Actor {
def act = {
val server ="localhost",12345), 'server)
server ! PrintThis("gagagagagagagagagagagagaga")
receive {
case PrintingDone => println("yeah I printed")
case _ => println("got something bad from printing")
object Act2 extends scala.actors.Actor {
def act = {
var i = 0
while (i < 10) {
val a = new Pinger
class Pinger extends scala.actors.Actor {
def act = {
val server ="localhost",12345), 'server)
server ! Ping
receive {
case Pong => println("so I pinged and it fits")
case x => println("something wrong with ping. Got " + x)
object Act extends scala.actors.Actor {
def act = {
var i = 0
while(i < 10) {
val a = new SayHi
class SayHi extends scala.actors.Actor {
def act = {
val server ="localhost",12345), 'server)
server ! "Hey!"
object Client {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
The problem is that things don't run as smoothly as I'd expect them to:
when I start only one of the client actors (by commenting the others out as I did with Act2in Client) things usually but not always go well. If I start two or more actors, quite often the printouts appear in bulk (meaning: there's nothing happening at once and then the printouts appear rather fast). Also the client sometimes terminates and sometimes doesn't.
This may not be the biggest problems but they're enough to make me feel quite uncomfortable. I did a lot of reading on Actors and Remote Actors but I find the available info rather lacking.
Tried to add exit statements where ever it seemed fit. But that didn't help.
Has anybody got an idea what I'm doing wrong? Any general tricks here? Some dos and donts?
My guess is that your issues stem from blocking your actor's threads by using receive and Thread.sleep. Blocking operations consume threads in the actors' thread pool, which can prevent other actors from executing until new threads are added to the pool. This question may provide some additional insight.
You can use loop, loopWhile, react, and reactWithin to rewrite many of your actors to use non-blocking operations. For example
import scala.actors.TIMEOUT
object Act extends scala.actors.Actor {
def act = {
var i = 0
loopWhile(i < 10) {
reactWithin(200) { case TIMEOUT =>
val a = new SayHi
Of course, you can eliminate some boilerplate by writing your own control construct:
def doWithin(msec: Long)(f: => Unit) = reactWithin(msec) { case TIMEOUT => f }
def repeat(times: Int)(f: => Unit) = {
var i = 0
loopWhile(i < times) {
This would allow you to write
repeat(10) {
doWithin(200) {
(new SayHi).start
You may try Akka actors framework instead