Is it possible for the supervisor to pass the exception to the calling actor if the child actor fails even after retrying N times? - scala

I have two actors Computer and Printer. Computer is the parent of Printer and has a one for one strategy defined for Printer.
I have listed the code below.
class Computer extends Actor with ActorLogging{
import Computer._
import Printer._
implicit val timeout: Timeout = 2 seconds
val printer: ActorRef = context.actorOf(Props[Printer], "printer-actor")
override def receive: Receive = {
case Print(text) => {
val printJob: Future[Any] = printer ? PrintJob(Random.nextInt, text)
printJob.mapTo[Page].map {
case Page(text) => {"Received page containing text ${text}")
}.onFailure {
case t: Throwable => sender !
override val supervisorStrategy =
OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 3, withinTimeRange = 1 minute) {
case e : Exception => {"caught exception of type ${e.getClass}")
class Printer extends Actor with ActorLogging{
import Printer._
override def receive: Receive = {
case PrintJob(id, text) => {"Received ${PrintJob(id, text)}")
if (Random.nextBoolean) sender ! Page(text)
else throw new NoPaperException(id)
override def preRestart(cause: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) = {"Restarting actor ${self} because of ${cause}. Queueing message ${message}")
postStop() forward _)
The Printer throws an exception based on the random generator. The code works fine, the supervisor restarts the and retries the child actor on failure just as instructed.
However the ask pattern val printJob: Future[Any] = printer ? PrintJob(Random.nextInt, text) fails with a AkkaTimeoutException in case all attempts to get the Printer actor work fails.
Is there a way to pass back the exact exception which caused the actor to fail ? In this case NoPapperException.

to pass the exception back to the sender you need to sender ! Status.Failure(e) - where e is the exception
You can either do that directly from the actor, or if you want to do that from the supervisor you need to have a subclass of exception that would hold the sender ref with it so that the supervisor would be able to send the exception back


How to stop an Actor reloading on exception

In a scenario where an exception is thrown in an Actor receive I want to prevent this actor from being reloaded. I understood that the correct way to do this is by overriding supervisorStrategy but this does not work as shown in the example below:
class MyActor extends Actor {
println("Created new actor")
def receive = {
case msg =>
println("Received message: " + msg)
throw new Exception()
override val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
case _: Exception => Stop
val system = ActorSystem("Test")
val actor = system.actorOf(Props(new MyActor()))
actor ! "Hello"
When I run this code "Created new actor" is output twice showing that the Actor is reloaded again after the exception.
What is the correct way to prevent the Actor being reloaded?
When an actor overrides the default supervisor strategy, that strategy applies to that actor's children. Your actor is using the default supervisor strategy, which restarts actors when they throw an exception. Define a parent for your actor and override the supervisor strategy in that parent.
class MyParent extends Actor {
override val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
case _: Exception => Stop
val child = context.actorOf(Props[MyActor])
def receive = {
case msg =>
println(s"Parent received the following message and is sending it to the child: $msg")
child ! msg
class MyActor extends Actor {
println("Created new actor")
def receive = {
case msg =>
println(s"Received message: $msg")
throw new Exception()
val system = ActorSystem("Test")
val actor = system.actorOf(Props[MyParent])
actor ! "Hello"
In the above example, a MyActor is created as a child of MyParent. When the latter receives the "Hello" message, it sends the same message to the child. The child is stopped when it throws the exception, and "Created new actor" is therefore printed only once.

postRestart and preRestart methods are not getting invoke in akka actots

I am following this tutorial here is my code
case class ArtGroupDeleteFromES (uuidList:List[String])
class ArtGroupDeleteESActor extends Actor{
val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
override def preStart() {
log.debug("preStart Starting ArtGroupDeleteESActor instance hashcode # {}",
override def postStop() {
log.debug("postStop Stopping ArtGroupDeleteESActor instance hashcode # {}",
override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) {
log.debug("I am restarting")
log.debug("ArtGroupDeleteESActor: preRestart")
log.debug(s" MESSAGE: ${message.getOrElse("")}")
log.debug(s" REASON: ${reason.getMessage}")
super.preRestart(reason, message)
override def postRestart(reason: Throwable) {
log.debug("restart completed!")
log.debug("ArtGroupDeleteESActor: postRestart")
log.debug(s" REASON: ${reason.getMessage}")
def receive = {
case ArtGroupDeleteFromES(uuidList) =>
throw new Exception("Booom")
sender ! true
case message =>
log.warn("Received unknown message: {}", message)
and here is the how i am sending this actor a message
class ArtGroupDeletionActor extends Actor{
val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
override val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy(
maxNrOfRetries = 10, withinTimeRange = 10 seconds) {
case _:Exception => Restart
val artGroupDeleteESActor=context.actorOf(Props[ArtGroupDeleteESActor]
,name = "ArtGroupDeleteESActor")
def receive = {
case DeleteArtGroup(uuidList) =>
val future1 = ask(artGroupDeleteESActor, ArtGroupDeleteFromES(uuidList)).mapTo[Boolean]
var isDeletedfromES = Await.result(future1, timeout.duration)
case message =>
log.warn("Unhandled message received : {}", message)
object test extends App{
val artGroupDeletionActor=system.actorOf(Props[ArtGroupDeletionActor]
,name = "ArtGroupDeletionActor")
artGroupDeletionActor ! DeleteArtGroup(List("123"))
the PostRestart() and preRestart() methods are not invoking,but preStart() and postStop() gets called, please guide me where i am doing wrong
(for simplicity I'll call your actors Parent and Child from now on)
What happens here is that when an exception occurs inside Child.receive, it doesn't send a response to Parent, instead, the actor system sends some control instruction for the supervision strategy. However, Parent is blocked on Await waiting for completion of future1, which only happens after the timeout exceeds, and then, in turn, a TimeoutException is thrown inside Parent.receive, killing (restarting) the Parent actor itself, and thus the supervising message of an exception in Child is then passed to deadLetters, never restarting the Child.
You should never, ever, ever block inside an actor, so this is incorrect:
val future1 = ask(artGroupDeleteESActor, ArtGroupDeleteFromES(uuidList)).mapTo[Boolean]
var isDeletedfromES = Await.result(future1, timeout.duration)
Instead, you have to either utilize some kind of message identification to distinguish one reply from another in concurrent environment, or add an onComplete to the Future and send a message to self in the closure (beware: no logic other than sending a message should be executed inside the closure to the Future!).
So, option A:
case class ArtGroupDeleteFromES(id: Long, uuidList: List[String])
case class ArtGroupDeleteFromESResult(id: Long, success: Boolean)
class Parent extends Actor {
override val supervisionStrategy = ...
var msgId = 0L
var pendingRequesters = Map.empty[Long, ActorRef]
val child = context.actorOf(Props[Child])
def nextId = {
msgId += 1
def receive = {
case DeleteArtGroup(uuidList) =>
val id = nextId
pendingRequesters += id -> sender() // store a reference to the sender so that you can send it a message when everything completes
child ! DeleteArtGroupFromES(nextId, uuidList)
case ArtGroupDeleteFromESResult(id, success) =>
// process result...
pendingRequesters(id) ! "done"
pendingRequesters -= id
And option B:
case class ArtGroupDeleteFromES(uuidList: List[String])
case class ArtGroupDeleteFromESResult(replyTo: ActorRef, success: Boolean)
class Parent extends Actor {
override val supervisionStrategy = ...
val child = context.actorOf(Props[Child])
def receive = {
case DeleteArtGroup(uuidList) =>
val requester = sender() // when the future completes, sender may have already changed, so you need to remember it
(child ? DeleteArtGroupFromES(uuidList)).onComplete {
case Success(success) => self ! ArtGroupDeleteFromESResult(requester, success)
case Failure(e) =>
log.warn("Could not delete...", e)
self ! ArtGroupDeleteFromESResult(requester, success = false)

Akka - test supervision strategy

I have the following scenario: the parent supervisor actor creates a child for each message using a factory (function) passed in the constructor.
class supervisorActor(childActorMaker: ActorRefFactory => ActorRef)
extends Actor with ActorLogging{
def receive: Receive = {
case "testThis" =>
val childActor = childActorMaker(context)
override val supervisorStrategy =
OneForOneStrategy() {
case _ => Stop
class childActor extends Actor {
def receive:Receive = {
case _ => /** whatever **/
In the test I override the child Receive to force an exception. My expectation is the child actor to be stopped every time because of the Supervision Strategy i set.
"When the child Actor throws an exception the Supervisor Actor " should " " +
" stop it" in {
val childActorRef = TestActorRef(new childActor() {
override def receive = {
case msg: String => throw new IllegalArgumentException("kaboom")
val maker = (_: ActorRefFactory) => childActorRef
val supervisorActorRef = system.actorOf(Props(new supervisorActor(maker)))
expectTerminated(childActorRef, 1.second)
I would expect the child actor to be stoped because of the supervisorStrategy Stop.
Instead I get this error:
java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: timeout (1 second) during expectMsg: Terminated
Any idea of why is this happening? Thank you
It seems that the childActorRef is not created with supervisorActorRef's context (I mean ActorContext of supervisorActor you created in the test code).
So childActor(childActorRef) is not a child of supervisorActor(supervisorActorRef) in your test code. That's why supervisor strategy of supervisorActor doesn't serve the purpose.

Resolving Akka futures from ask in the event of a failure

I am calling an Actor using the ask pattern within a Spray application, and returning the result as the HTTP response. I map failures from the actor to a custom error code.
val authActor = context.actorOf(Props[AuthenticationActor])
callService((authActor ? TokenAuthenticationRequest(token)).mapTo[LoggedInUser]) { user =>
complete(StatusCodes.OK, user)
def callService[T](f: => Future[T])(cb: T => RequestContext => Unit) = {
onComplete(f) {
case Success(value: T) => cb(value)
case Failure(ex: ServiceException) => complete(ex.statusCode, ex.errorMessage)
case e => complete(StatusCodes.InternalServerError, "Unable to complete the request. Please try again later.")
//In reality this returns a custom error object.
This works correctly when the authActor sends a failure, but if the authActor throws an exception, nothing happens until the ask timeout completes. For example:
override def receive: Receive = {
case _ => throw new ServiceException(ErrorCodes.AuthenticationFailed, "No valid session was found for that token")
I know that the Akka docs say that
To complete the future with an exception you need send a Failure message to the sender. This is not done automatically when an actor throws an exception while processing a message.
But given that I use asks for a lot of the interface between the Spray routing actors and the service actors, I would rather not wrap the receive part of every child actor with a try/catch. Is there a better way to achieve automatic handling of exceptions in child actors, and immediately resolve the future in the event of an exception?
Edit: this is my current solution. However, it's quite messy to do this for every child actor.
override def receive: Receive = {
case default =>
try {
default match {
case _ => throw new ServiceException("")//Actual code would go here
catch {
case se: ServiceException =>
logger.error("Service error raised:", se)
sender ! Failure(se)
case ex: Exception =>
sender ! Failure(ex)
throw ex
That way if it's an expected error (i.e. ServiceException), it's handled by creating a failure. If it's unexpected, it returns a failure immediately so the future is resolved, but then throws the exception so it can still be handled by the SupervisorStrategy.
If you want a way to provide automatic sending of a response back to the sender in case of an unexpected exception, then something like this could work for you:
trait FailurePropatingActor extends Actor{
override def preRestart(reason:Throwable, message:Option[Any]){
super.preRestart(reason, message)
sender() ! Status.Failure(reason)
We override preRestart and propagate the failure back to the sender as a Status.Failure which will cause an upstream Future to be failed. Also, it's important to call super.preRestart here as that's where child stopping happens. Using this in an actor looks something like this:
case class GetElement(list:List[Int], index:Int)
class MySimpleActor extends FailurePropatingActor {
def receive = {
case GetElement(list, i) =>
val result = list(i)
sender() ! result
If I was to call an instance of this actor like so:
import akka.pattern.ask
import concurrent.duration._
val system = ActorSystem("test")
import system.dispatcher
implicit val timeout = Timeout(2 seconds)
val ref = system.actorOf(Props[MySimpleActor])
val fut = ref ? GetElement(List(1,2,3), 6)
fut onComplete{
case util.Success(result) =>
println(s"success: $result")
case util.Failure(ex) =>
println(s"FAIL: ${ex.getMessage}")
Then it would properly hit my Failure block. Now, the code in that base trait works well when Futures are not involved in the actor that is extending that trait, like the simple actor here. But if you use Futures then you need to be careful as exceptions that happen in the Future don't cause restarts in the actor and also, in preRestart, the call to sender() will not return the correct ref because the actor has already moved into the next message. An actor like this shows that issue:
class MyBadFutureUsingActor extends FailurePropatingActor{
import context.dispatcher
def receive = {
case GetElement(list, i) =>
val orig = sender()
val fut = Future{
val result = list(i)
orig ! result
If we were to use this actor in the previous test code, we would always get a timeout in the failure situation. To mitigate that, you need to pipe the results of futures back to the sender like so:
class MyGoodFutureUsingActor extends FailurePropatingActor{
import context.dispatcher
import akka.pattern.pipe
def receive = {
case GetElement(list, i) =>
val fut = Future{
fut pipeTo sender()
In this particular case, the actor itself is not restarted because it did not encounter an uncaught exception. Now, if your actor needed to do some additional processing after the future, you can pipe back to self and explicitly fail when you get a Status.Failure:
class MyGoodFutureUsingActor extends FailurePropatingActor{
import context.dispatcher
import akka.pattern.pipe
def receive = {
case GetElement(list, i) =>
val fut = Future{
}, sender())
case d:Double =>
sender() ! d * 2
case Status.Failure(ex) =>
throw ex
If that behavior becomes common, you can make it available to whatever actors need it like so:
trait StatusFailureHandling{ me:Actor =>
def failureHandling:Receive = {
case Status.Failure(ex) =>
throw ex
class MyGoodFutureUsingActor extends FailurePropatingActor with StatusFailureHandling{
import context.dispatcher
import akka.pattern.pipe
def receive = myReceive orElse failureHandling
def myReceive:Receive = {
case GetElement(list, i) =>
val fut = Future{
}, sender())
case d:Double =>
sender() ! d * 2

Akka supervisor actor do not handle exception when child actor throws an exception within onFailure of a future

I'm facing a problem with an Akka supervisor actor. When the child actor throws an exception within onFailure method of a future result, the supervisor does not handle the error (I want to restart the child in the case of a ConnectException).
I'm using Akka 2.3.7.
This is the supervisor actor:
class MobileUsersActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
import Model.Implicits._
import Model.MobileNotifications
override val supervisorStrategy =
OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 3, withinTimeRange = 1 minute) {
case _: => {
Logger.error("API connection error. Check your proxy configuration.")
def receive = {
case Start => findMobileUsers
private def findMobileUsers = {
val notis = MobileNotificationsRepository().find()
private def invokePushSender(notis: List[MobileNotifications]) = {
notis.foreach { n =>
val pushSender = context.actorOf(PushSenderActor.props)
pushSender ! Send(n)
And this is the child actor:
class PushSenderActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
def receive = {
case Send(noti) => {
val response = sendPushNotification(noti) onFailure {
case e: ConnectException => throw e
private def sendPushNotification(noti: MobileNotifications): Future[WSResponse] = {
val message = "Push notification message example""Push Notification >> $message to users " + noti.users)
PushClient.sendNotification(message, noti.users)
I tried to notify sender with an as is suggested here, but did not work, the exception keep unhandled by the supervisor.
As a workaround, I found this way to get it work:
class PushSenderActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
def receive = {
case Send(noti) => {
val response = sendPushNotification(noti) onFailure {
case e: ConnectException => self ! APIConnectionError
case APIConnectionError => throw new ConnectException
private def sendPushNotification(noti: MobileNotifications): Future[WSResponse] = {
val message = "Push notification message example""Push Notification >> $message to users " + noti.users)
PushClient.sendNotification(message, noti.users)
Is this an Akka bug or am I doing something wrong?
I think that the problem is that the exception thrown inside the Future doesn't belong to the same thread (potentially) as the one the Actor is running (someone more experienced can elaborate on this). So, the problem is that the exception thrown inside the Future body is "swallowed" and not propagated to the Actor. Since this is the case, the Actor doesn't fail and so there's no need to apply the supervision strategy. So, the first solution that comes to my mind is to wrap the exception inside the Future in some message, send it to yourself, and then throw it from inside the Actor context itself. This time, the Exception will be caught and the supervision strategy will be applied. Note, however, that unless you send the Send(noti) message again, you will not see the Exception happening since the Actor was restarted. All in all, the code would be like this:
class PushSenderActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
case class SmthFailed(e: Exception)
def receive = {
case Send(noti) => {
val response = sendPushNotification(noti) onFailure {
case e: ConnectException => self ! SmthFailed(e) // send the exception to yourself
case SmthFailed(e) =>
throw e // this one will be caught by the supervisor
private def sendPushNotification(noti: MobileNotifications): Future[WSResponse] = {
val message = "Push notification message example""Push Notification >> $message to users " + noti.users)
PushClient.sendNotification(message, noti.users)
Hope it helped.