facebook app, notify the user - facebook

I'm pretty new to facebook app. I want to make a simple app for learning. I want to create an app that visits mysite.com/page.json and prints some pretty html. Then i'd like to scan the json for 'private_message' and notify the user (and not publicly post on his/her wall) about the pm and print the message in their notification area.
The later is mostly what i want to learn. Where can i find the API reference? I looked at fql/notification but it looks like its looking at the notifications when i want to post a notification.

Applications cannot send private messages to users. Here is the discussion about it on the facebook developers forums.
Applications only have read-only access to the message inbox with the read_mailbox permissions.

I've gone through as much documentation on this topic as I can find on the Facebook's developer portal, and all I can find are ways to read notifications (the world icon at the top of the page) and mark notifications as unread, but I can't find any way create them. The best documentation I found on this topic was here:
Anyone have better information about this?


Alternative for Facebook request for non-canvas app?

I have an app where a user creates some object and invites people to interact with it. It's not a game and it's not a canvas app.
I tried to get requests to work probably and couldn't
After reading a bit, I understood that these don't work for non-canvas apps anymore.
1) Does anyone know if this is going to stick? It's extremely painful that stupid games like candy crush are allowed to create requests, while apps that might actually provide users real value can't. If there's anyone from FB here, I'd really like to understand why this discrimination is taking place?
2) Are there any alternatives? Sending a message or feed post are possible but, I need to either a) generate a unique link per invitee or b) get the list of people the user sent the link to. Both don't seem to be an option with messages and feed dialog.
3) Is is ok to just embed my web app in the canvas as is?
Facebook policy indicates that you should not use app requests to send users to an external website. However, an embedded web canvas app is fine. It will let you use the apprequests function to render the Request Dialog and provide a user invite experience similar to the most popular Facebook games.

How to build a Facebook Presence application

There are some solutions that use RFID readers to do some actions on behalf of user (post, like). I read that it is so called "Facebook Presence", which was presented on the F8 conference in 2011.
There is a site you use to register a chip token (http://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=presence) but I can't find a word about it at Facebook Developers.
Do you know anything about this? Some API? How to build an application with this?
An article on the topic.
“Facebook Presence” will not become one of the countless Facebook applications in the ever-growing site library. The project was simply showing off their cool new “places” feature which allows users the option to share their current location.
Not sure if this still holds true – but since there is nothing about it anywhere in the docs, I’d say it most likely does.

SMS notification when selected friends are online

I have an idea to develop a Facebook app which notifies the user through SMS when his/her friends come online. The user can pre-select the friends he/she wanted to get SMS notifications of.
This is my first attempt at developing for Facebook so I have zero experience and knowledge about the platform. I just want to know if my idea for such an app is possible? Does Facebook have an API for SMSes? Or do they let 3rd party messaging APIs (such as this one I came across) to work with them.
Thank you.
A Facebook app is actually ran off of your server and you can do anything that you want as long as you stay inside the limits of what you requested as far as information the app needs. As far and getting the information it is relatively easy. I made a extremely complicated app in 3 days. Once you read and get how to pull certain information, the rest is cake walk

Facebook app - implementing notifications

I'm writing a Facebook app which needs to send reminders to users at set dates in the future. When searching for how to implement these notifications I find a lot of talk about how Facebook removed app notifications and you now either have to use counters or send the user emails. Emails I understand, but there's nothing about "counters" in the graph API docs or the PHP SDK. Could someone point me in the right direction?
The old Facebook rest api had a method called "notifications.send" which is what I think you are referring to but that has been completely removed and you won't see any documentation on it from Facebook's end. You can view the old documentation through the wayback machine. There currently is no other good alternative to this old method besides email/Facebook messaging unfortunately.

Chat Board functionality in Iphone app

I'm looking for away to allow users of my app to chat with each other. Doesn't have to be almost realtime chat say like on an instant messenger. Also i don't want a forum where people write long posts and have topics.
So maybe a chat wall would be an accurate description.
Users would not be authenticated or anything.
Only 1 chat wall, no private messaging or any other functionality besides writing to the wall.
I have available to me a pretty basic hosting server where I can throw up some files, it has MySQL DB and php available to me. I dnt know Php, but is there maybe something that php could do to inject messages into the database and maybe it could return all the messages that were added to the database in the last say for sake of argument, a week.
Another method could be to setup a Twitter account and then have users posting to the twitter page and then reading back all the tweets and writing them to the chat wall in the app. It would seem this could be the simplest solution.
What do you guys think? Any ideas of how this could be handled?
Simplest solution might be to create a simple PHP script that writes to a text or HTML file (Google for examples of that...http://tinyurl.com/6ajjt4r). That file could then be read by your app and either parsed or displayed in a UIWebView.