OpenOffice, listen socket (Windows XP) - sockets

How can I make OpenOffice 3.2.1 to listen a socket (Windows XP)?
I used
soffice "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=12345;urp;"
soffice "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=12345;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager"
Have tryed different ports..
OOo starts, but netstat doesn't show any connection with such port number.
I thought it's because of some turned off win services on my machine
, so I tryed the same thing on another computer - no results
Searching google etc. it seems that I'm the only one with such a problem %) It looks strange..

You need to give netstat -a flag to see listening ports.


Opening a telnet connection as pseudotty

I am trying to create a number of connections to a cyclades server. This is done by using telnet to an IP address (IP_ADDR) and a port number (PORT). It works fine when I create one active connection but I need to run a script to map these connections to /dev/PSEUDO_TTY_PORT, which another program needs to access. I am running CentOS so the cyclades-server-client modules are not available and rtelnet isn't available either.
I believe the command should look something like this:
But that doesn't work, does anyone know how to properly map it?
Thank you.
Thanks #0andriy, managed to do so using
socat PTY, link=/dev/PSEUDO_TTY_PORT,raw,echo=0 TCP4:IP_ADDR:PORT

How to list currently running servers that are listening to localhost ports in vscode

I am using VS Code for development. After running the server as usually using npm start command (which was set up to run nodemon and the main 'app' file) I closed the terminal.
I thought that when terminal is shut down nodemon get shut down along with the terminal. Evidently this is not so as when I attempt to run npm start in the new terminal it throws an error that the port I set up my server to listen to is already in use.
Is it possible to see what servers are running currently and which ports they are listening to?
If there is no such command to list the currently running servers is there any way to shut down the running servers on the local machine without shutting down the laptop I am working on?
By the way everything mentioned above is being done on local machine and no remote server is used. Thank you in advance.
If you are on a Linux box you can run this to get the PID of any process running on that port:
netstat -tnlp | grep {{PORT}}
This will likely find multiple lines since the number of the {{PORT}} value might show up in a PID, IP address, etc., so look through the list to find what you're looking for. The PID and process name will show up on the far right column of the result.
Example for Linux:
# netstat -tnlp | grep 443
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 14384/nginx: master
The column on the right (14384/nginx: master) is the PID of that process, and the process name. Once you have the PID you could do a kill {{PID}} to kill that process.
The Mac version of netstat is different, and doesn't display the PID (at least not that I can tell), and I'm not sure if there's a way to do the same thing on a Windows box.

port forwarding in raspberry pi on debian

I want to forward incomings from to on raspberry pi debian installed . I do not want to make a bridge between two networks. How can I achieve this?
You can use ssh:
ssh -L -N localhost
this assumes that your server is the machine at if not, you're going to need to give me the IPs of all the machines involved and tell me which is which.
You'll need sshd running but you should already have that with Raspbian.
After you run it, you'll need to authenticate. No forwarding will occur until then.
Once you've logged in, it will look like it's hung, but it's not; it just doesn't have any output to show you.
At this point the forwarding is active.
You can kill it with ctrl-c when you're done.
If you'd rather keep it running in the background instead of having an empty window sitting around, you can use ctrl-z (which will pause its execution) followed by bg which will resume the process in the background.
To stop the forwarding from a backgrounded job, you're going to have to find the pid in ps and kill it.
Run netstat -ano --tcp |grep 5007 to see your server listening for connections on, remote computers making connections to, and new connections from your server to

how to start jboss for my local network

First question is: it seems like magic that one I run ./, I can turn off the computer, turn it back on again and still it knows about //localhost:8080/jmx-console/. I looked in the start up programs and I don't see any hint of it. How does it remember?
Never mind, the real question is I want the host to be my local LAN and not just localhost. I found I could do and that would indeed shutdown the server such that //localhost:8080/jmx-console/ would no longer work. That is good, now the next step is to confine it to my LAN. I know I can use ./ -b but that opens it to the world. My computer is at so I tried ./ -b which I would take to mean take addresses in the range 192.168.1.XXX. The server "started" but I can't get it to answer any calls and I couldn't get to do anything.
I started ./ again and it hooked up to the localhost. I don't know if it still has a memory of my ./ -b or not. If so, I'd like to get rid of it. In any case I'd like to know what the correct command should be.
Which version of jboss?
I use -b on jboss 4

Wireshark. How to route traffic from iPhone

I'm trying to capture packets from my iPhone app. It does not use HTTP to communicate, but a custom protocol to connect with my server. I can not use Paros to monitor the packets sent.
Is it possible to proxy the date through wireshark just like you can with Paros for http?
You can't proxy the data through Wireshark, per se; the problem is to have Wireshark running somewhere where it can see the traffic passing by. (If you had command line only, you could run tcpdump and capture packets, and then load the dump file into Wireshark somewhere else that had a UI.)
Are you on a Mac? If so, plug your mac into ethernet so that it has an internet connection (or connection to your server, anyway). Then share your Mac's internet connection over its wifi. Connect to this wifi point using your iPhone. Run Wireshark on the Mac (promiscuous mode enabled), then use your iPhone app and watch Wireshark. No need to mess around with servers or forwarding X11 connections! You could do something very similar with a Windows PC too.
The best solution that works:
Connect your device thru USB and type these commands:
rvictl -s UDID (UDID = id of device, 32 chars, you can locate it in iTunes or 'Devices & Simulators' in Xcode)
sudo launchctl list
sudo tcpdump -n -t -i rvi0 -q tcp
OR just sudo tcpdump -i rvi0 -n
If rvictl is not working install Xcode (or see -bash : rvictl: command not found, Mac book pro OS X 10.7.5 & Xcode 4.6)
For more info:
Remote Virtual Interface
Run wireshark on the server - you'll see the traffic there.