Move / backup Netbeans FTP profiles - netbeans

Trying to figure out how to transfer / back remote connections in netbeans. I have over 100 that I would like to move to a backup computer. Recreating every one of them would be extremely time intensive. I cannot find any way to export the remote profiles and I haven't been able to find the profiles in the .netbeans directory on the local computer.
Is there a file, or any method that would allow moving or backing up the FTP profiles.

The location changed in Netbeans 7.2. The path is the same except AppData\Roaming instead of AppData\Local.
If you are setting up a new windows machine to run Netbeans, you need to first create a dummy remote ftp connection so Netbeans will create the last folder in this file path. Place the .properties files here and then restart Netbeans.

The path on Windows would be:

For Windows 10:
C:\Users\ (username) \AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\ (netbeans_version) \config\Preferences\org\netbeans\modules\php\project\RemoteConnections


Netbeans: How do I copy remote connections from one computer to another?

I work on 2 different Windows 10 PC's. I have my Netbeans projects set up on my NAS so I can share all the projects. However, how do I copy my remote connections from one machine to the other so I don't have to set up SFTP/FTP for each and every project on my 2nd machine?
Is there a config file somewhere I can copy over?
Ensure Hidden Folders/files are set to visible

Netbeans Remote Synchronize doesn't list files when a subdirectory is used as upload directory

I've setup several sites previously to use Netbeans Remote Synchronization so I can edit files on the server from my machine and it has worked perfectly.
The problem I'm having right now is that when my FTP configuration in Netbeans uses the root folder it lists everything correctly but when I use a sub directory for example as the upload directory or as the FTP initial directory the sync results come up blank - doesn't list anything at all on the remote side except directories in that sub directory.
My PC is a windows 7 64 bit machine, and the server is a standard shared hosting account running CPanel.
Also, I have been able to run the subdir synchronization on a different pc, could it be the firewall on this one? If so, why does it list the root folder properly?
Has anyone else had this issue? Any suggestions on how to fix it?
found the problem. The FTP path on this PC required the /public_html before the subfolder paths. i.e. essentially
This wasn't the case on my laptop as I used the subfolder path right after the domain i.e. and it worked fine, different versions of netbeans perhaps.

Recovering netbeans local history

I had a Virtual Machine inside which I had my PHP project. The project was developed using Netbeans, and I used its local history extensively.
My VM Ubuntu installation got corrupted, so I ended up creating a new VM. I was able to copy over most of the files from the VDI (I attached it to the new VM), but I can't figure out where netbeans' local history is saved. I copied over the Netbeans project folder, but the history doesn't seem to be saved here.
Does anybody know how I can recover the Netbeans history?
Local History is kept in the .netbeans settings folder. On my Windows 7 machine that is located at <HOME>/.netbeans/<NB_VERSION>/var/filehistory where HOME is my user home and NB_VERSION is the version of NetBeans (e.g. 7.0).
Unfortunately this is an all or nothing thing. There is no way, that I can tell, to find specific projects. So, if you have local history for projects on your host machine you run the risk of overwriting these.
If you're looking for it on a Mac, the file local history is located at /Library/Application Support/Netbeans//var/filehistory.

Deleting files on remote server

I have a PHP project in NetBeans with remote files (over sftp). When I create, modify anything these changes happening both locally and on my web server. However when I'm trying to delete a file or a folder it gets erased only locally. What could be the problem?
Permissions seems to be ok, all files belong to the user I'm using to access the server.
I'm using Netbeans 6.9.1, default configuration, all updates installed.
Netbeans does not have a synchronization function. It is limited to downloading and uploading files. What you can do is to use some external tool, for example WinSCP is capable of synchronizing local and remote directories.
I read what you wrote... but I think it could be a permissions problem.
I also use NetBeans and when I delete a file from the project window it first erase it locally and then syncs with my server.
I login through sftp (using vsftp) as root, which is a bad thing, but you could try this too to be sure if it's a permission issue.
You mistakenly turned off the settings. Please follow these steps:
Right click on the project name
Select properties
From the list of the left select 'Run configuration'
On the left almost down, look for the setting 'Upload files:'
Make sure you set that to 'On Save'
All the best man

Can I access remote files on a different OS from Eclipse?

I remember i could remotely open files that are on my server via Notepad++. Can I do that with Eclipse so that I can edit files on my computer and when I save it saves on that file directly on the server.
I am using Windows 7 and my server is CentOS (I think).
The Remote Systems Explorer lets you do this. Open "Help > Install new software...", select the "Galileo Update Site", find the Remote Systems Explorer and install it.
Once you've got it installed, open the "Remote Systems" view and add a connection to your favourite server. I use it all the time; works like a charm.
Eclipse normally needs files to be in a project, but if you are able to map the network drive, you can add the remote folder into a project as a linked resource, then it can be modified as if it is on the local machine (except for additional latency).
To maintain portability, you can specify a path variable for the remote file system and define a relative path from that variable. See this answer for details of setting up linked resources.
If mapping the drive is not an option, there is the Remote System Explorer architecture. I've not used it myself so I can't say how well it works, but this blog describes how to use RSE to browse remote files.