mvc editorfor -

Is it possible to get the EditorFor method also render the label and validation for a property like the EditorForModel method does ?
Now When I use the EditorFor method for a property (for example a string), it renders only the textbox.
Arnis I tried it out and there some problems:
The extension method should be bound on the generic HtmlHelper class. Also returning string from the helper was causing encoded html.
So I modified your code
public static MvcHtmlString EditorWithLabel<T>(this HtmlHelper<T> h,Expression<Func<T, object>> p)
return new MvcHtmlString(string.Format("{0}: {1}", h.LabelFor(p), h.EditorFor(p)));
But the main problem is it works only with if the propert is of type string.
When the property is Decimal,Int,DateTime an excetion will be thrown.
Templates can be used only with field access, property access, single-dimension array index, or single-parameter custom indexer expressions.

I would create custom html helper (code is untested):
public string EditorWithLabel<T>(this HtmlHelper h,
Expression<Func<T, object>> p){
return string.Format("{0}: {1}",h.LabelFor(p),h.EditorFor(p));
This can be achieved with templates too, but I think custom helper fits better.


Interface query parameter parsing?

I believe this is not possible, but I just wanted to verify.
I would like to do something like...
public class MyRestResource {
public void coolQuery(#QueryParam("user") User) {
// ...
public interface User {
String name();
Address address();
(Please don't comment on the example... it's completely made-up and not my use case.)
I imagine this is not possible because Jersey/JAX-RS generally requires a static method public static T valueOf(String input) which obviously is not possible with interfaces.
That said, is there any work-around for this to have a query parameter be an interface? And if so, how do you specify the parser / parsing logic?
According to the documentation there are more ways than just the static valueOf method:
Be a primitive type;
Have a constructor that accepts a single String argument;
Have a static method named valueOf or fromString that accepts a single String argument (see, for example, Integer.valueOf(String) and java.util.UUID.fromString(String));
Have a registered implementation of JAX-RS extension SPI that returns a instance capable of a "from string" conversion for the type. or
Be List<T>, Set<T> or SortedSet<T>, where T satisfies 2 or 3 above. The resulting collection is read-only.
The solution using a ParamConverterProvider should work in this case.

Spring MVC form:checkbox not working

I am having an issue with the Spring form:checkbox tag.
I currently have a JSP page with a form:checkbox tag bound to a Java boolean field. When I put a tick in the checkbox and submit the form the value is false.
Here is the checkbox on my JSP:
<form:checkbox id="field_termsandconditions" path="agreeTermsAndConditions" />
My GET controller:
#RequestMapping(value = "/page1.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getPage(HttpServletRequest request, ModelMap model) {
model.addAttribute("MyObject", new MyObject());
return getURL(request);
My POST controller:
#RequestMapping(value = "/page1.htm", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String processPage(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
ModelMap model,
MyObject myObject,
BindingResult bindingResult) {
myObject.isAgreeTermsAndConditions is always false when it hits the POST controllers even when checked!
Any ideas?
This might be a little late to answer, but maybe it will help some other person.
When you auto-generate getter and setters for boolean values it is very often generated without 'is' prefix.
For instance, in the case mentioned above the generated setter for 'isAgreeTermsAndConditions' property might be the following: 'setAgreeTermsAndConditions()', note there is no 'is' prefix in the method. The same true for the getters as well.
Since property getter and setters names are used find and bind to the model property, the checkbox might be not shown on the UI or not working properly if there are property name and getters/setters mismatch.
Make sure the property 'isAgreeTermsAndConditions' has the following getters/setters method names: getIsAgreeTermsAndConditions()/setIsAgreeTermsAndConditions(...)

use GwtCreateResource to provide text programatically

I would like my uiBinder to use a ClientBundle which will provide some runtime customized labels. Kind of a TextResource but not from a text file !
I tried with GwtCreateResource but from the DevGuide it seems like it's not possible. Am I right ? (create() and name() are the only methods available)
What I would like to achieve is something like this:
client bundle:
public interface MyWidgetResources extends ClientBundle {
GwtCreateResource<WidgetLabels> labels();
CssResource style();
labels class:
public final class MyWidgetLabels {
public String title() {
return load("mywidget-title");
public String banner() {
return load("mywidget-banner");
private String load(String key) {
// load from external..
<ui:with type="com.package.MyWidgetResources" field="res"/>
<gwt:Label text="{res.labels.title}"></gwt:Label>
<gwt:Label text="{res.labels.banner}"></gwt:Label>
My code looks like this already but res.label.title does not work because GwtCreateResource can only serve as class instantiator (res.labels.create().title()).
Is there a solution for me ? Maybe with a custom ResourceGenerator ?
As long as MyWidgetLabels can be created by GWT.create, you can put anything you want into that type, and you can make it behave however you'd like. You will need the create reference in your uibinder as you suggested at the end of the post to actually build the object, so your lines will look about like this:
<gwt:Label text="{res.labels.create.title}"></gwt:Label>
Each . separated piece (except the first, which is a ui:field/#UiField) is a no-arg method to be called - you declared labels() in MyWidgetResources, create() already existed in GwtCreateResource, and you created title() in your own MyWidgetLabels type.
Since that first piece is a ui:field/#UiField, you could have another that references res.labels.create as something like labels so that later you could instead say:
<gwt:Label text="{labels.title}"></gwt:Label>
Finally, yes, you could build your own ResourceGenerator which would enable you to do whatever you wanted to emit the type in question, as long as you extended the ResourcePrototype type and had a getName() method.

TYPO3 extension "news": Custom fields on Fluid Template

I am using the extension News System, "news", and while changing the templates, I've noticed that while I can use things like {newsItem.datetime} or {newsItem.uid}, I cant use this with the custom fields i have created when extending the table tx_news_domain_model_news, like {newsItem.mycustomfield}
Edit: I have been pointed to this url and I've followed the instructions, but it's not working. This is my code
class Tx_WedoExtendnews_Domain_Model_News extends Tx_News_Domain_Model_News {
* #var string
protected $txWedoextendnewsLocation;
public function getTxWedoextendnewsLocation() {
return "this";
return $this->txWedoextendnewsLocation;
public function getWedoextendnewsLocation() {
return "that";
return $this->txWedoextendnewsLocation;
Since I wasn't getting anything, I changed the returning values to string literals, to see if the problem was in the class and method names, or the property. Im still not getting anything. I think the underscored might be playing tricks on my code.
My extension key is wedo_extendnews and the new field is tx_wedoextendnews_location. Any ideas where the error lies?
Yes. To be able to access an object in fluid, you need the according setters in your model and maybe (not sure right now) an entry in the TCA.
If you want to access {newsItem.mycustomfield} you need an according setter in the model, like public function getMycustomfield() (note the get in get<Myfuncname>, it is mandatory).

Can I get to the containing Model of a property in an MVC2 Html Helper

I have an Html helper with the following signature:
public static MvcHtmlString UiAutoCompleteForWithId<TModel, TProperty>(this htmlHelper<TModel> helper, Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression, object htmlAttributes)
I understand how to get my hands on the value of the passed in member and it's metadata, but is there anyway to access the containing Model, or more specifically the value of a particular sibling member (a property) of the passed in member by name?
Edit: OK I think I can do this using the ModelMetadata.FromStringExpression method (sometimes it takes asking before you see it eh?), but I is this the best way to go about this?
If you need to access the value of a sibling member it means that you assume that the view model has this sibling member. This means that your html helper no longer needs to be generic. You could do this:
public static MvcHtmlString UiAutoCompleteForWithId<TProperty>(
this HtmlHelper<MyViewModel> helper,
Expression<Func<MyViewModel, TProperty>> expression,
object htmlAttributes
MyViewModel model = helper.ViewData.Model;
var value = model.SomeOtherSiblingProperty;
// TODO: do something with this property
Or if your view models implement some common base interface that contains the sibling member in question you could specify a generic constraint:
public static MvcHtmlString UiAutoCompleteForWithId<TModel, TProperty>(
this HtmlHelper<TModel> helper,
Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression,
object htmlAttributes
) where TModel: ISomeInterface
ISomeInterface model = helper.ViewData.Model;
var value = model.SomeOtherSiblingProperty;
// TODO: do something with this property