Editing Records with MVVM/MVVM-Light - mvvm

I have created a very simple wpf app with mvvm light.
I have rows in a list view, these are templated representations of Book objects.
I can click a row, then click an edit button, this button loads a new window and sends the new window the book to edit (using mvvm-light's Messenger).
The issue I have is when I edit the record in my new window the data on the main form is updated. The text boxes are bound to the object received via the Messenger.
I know this is because I have essentially passed a reference to the same Book object around the place, therefore I update in one place.. and voilĂ  it updates on the main page too.
What I would like to know is.. is there a standard way/method/concept to achieve what I am trying to do? i.e. create an "edit" page/screen with the option of discarding the edits?

Could you make your entity implement ICloneable and create a clone for editing?


Microsoft Access New Tab button in Form

What I'm trying to do is create a form where people input data. They're basically going to be tracking what they've done on a computer.
I'd like to have one main form that starts off with a brief intro and then a tab where they're going to be entering the information.
I'd like them to have the option of adding new tabs, so they can track their actions with multiple computers at once.
What would I need to have the button do in order to open a new tab next to the existing one?

Should I provide new GWT place?

I have a general question for GWT Activity and Places paradigm realization
For example, I have a place "productList" and appropriate view ProductListView. A have a table with some Product entity in each row. I wanna to double click on row and got popup window which allow me to edit Product in doubleclicked row. How to implement it? Should I provide new place "editProduct" for this activity?
A popup dialog is not a place - users would not expect to see it when they press the back button. So there is no need to create a special EditProduct place.
You can think of "places" as something that users may want to see when they click on Back or Forward buttons, or something they want to bookmark.

Microsoft Access How to refresh the parent form from the subform

I know this question has been ask thousands of time, but I couldn't find a direct answer for this problem.
I am a programmer, but I never bothered learning VBA since this is only a small project I am doing on the side. I would prefer only using macro's.
I currently have a parent form inside a navigation menu, which has a datasheet table which display all the information about all the customers.
In this parent form, I have a button to allow the user to add a new customer which opens a pop up form.
I want the save button in this pop up form to update the parent form onClose. I know the record is working since if I switch off to a different tab and come back to it. I can see the new record added to the table.
Put this on the form frm_addNewCustomer on close event
Private Sub Form_Close()
End Sub

Predefined Add Dialog not working as expected in Lightswitch 2012

I've created a query to use in an AutoCompleteBox and it works as expected when the user select the AutoCompleteBox in the grid as shown in the picture below
However if the user click the plus button to add a new record using the predefined Add Dialog then the query and the AutoCompleteBox's format doesn't work as shown in the picture below
Why is this happening and how I can fix that?
I haven't yet found a way to edit the default Add New dialog.
Instead, make a new screen, select the "New Data Screen" template, and link it to your entity data. You can customize the screen to fit your needs, even make it a Modal Window by changing the Control Type in the screen properties. Once you have the screen set up the way you want, go back to your grid screen, and double click on the Add... command in the Command Bar of your grid, to edit the AddAndEditNew_Execute code. In that method, call your custom screen.
So, as I got to thinking about this some more, I came back to the thought I had when I tried to do this a few months ago. There has to be a better way, so I Googled it again.
This time, I found something. He's using an old version of Lightswitch, but I've successfully applied his technique in my application built in Lightswitch 2012.

How to get the present object in an Eclipse RCP view?

I'm starting with the coding of an Eclipse RCP and be relatively new to the RCP-World.
Currently i have one perspective with two views. One is a list with a tableViewer which shows a few names of workers.
The second view is a "single view" with a few textboxes. I use the ISelectionListener to notify when i have selected another entry in the list, so i can set the text boxes in the "single view" wiht the current selected worker objetc.
I didn't wrote the code on my own, and i used this page (Vogella) to learn all the stuff behind RCP.
My question is: How can i get the current Object showed by the active view? I mean, i have it
because of the SelectionListener, but i want to click on my own "save"
button to update changes to the object.
I want the object in the single view, so do i need another change listener, or is the object stored in the view and can i get it with the ISelection Interface?
Can someone tell me in one or two sentences how it works? Or is it
just too simple, because i couldn't find anything elsewhere.
This can be done, but is not very easy, because the behaviour is not very standard. You are treating the two views as one usually deals with linked controls of a dialog or window. That's not necessarily wrong, but i smells bad (I cannot recall an example in the Eclipse IDE). Are you sure you are not confusing the roles of Views and Viewers? A View, in Eclipse, is a "Part" of a Workbench (you have basically Views and Editors), each view shows information and/or performs actions, but they are typically quite decoupled, you should be able open and close freely and independently each View, they rarely interact with each other directly (they typically display information or modify objects in the workspace). Further, you should not have a "Save" button in a View (again, look at the Eclipse IDE as an example), changes done throught a view should be direct.
It is very doubtful for me that your design here in sound, perhaps you should instead use a single View, or a dialog. I suggest you to read more about Views.