Overlaying a UIView on a UIViewController - iphone

I have an application with 6 view controllers all working fine and switching between each other. However, I want to overlay one of them with a UIView of graphics (Histogram or Line Chart, etc) which has a transparent background. How do I do this? Or, alternatively how do I switch from a UIViewController to a UIView and back. There is no interaction from the graphic (UIView) so I could use a modalview. What's the best way to achieve either?

Let's say your overlay view is in overlayView variable. Simply put this line in your view controller ...
[self.view addSubview:overlayView];
... and do not forget to set frame or proper autoresizing mask.


How to set this Layout in iPhone need Some help

I have Implement Some paint like application. For that the Layout is like as below:
Here, there is One View and two buttons. In My application i am selecting the colour from Button2 and then doing drawing on View.
But the Problem is while i am selecting the Colour and if i do the Paint on the View, all works file but if that paint come over the Button1, it also paint on that button1. I want set as like that the selection colour Should not be paint on the Button1 and only paint on the View.
So for that What Should i have to do ?
I want to set the Button1 in front of the View and do not allow to paint on it.
please Guide me proper regarding this mater.
You have to make sure your buttons are not subviews of the view you are drawing in.
The simplest way to do this is to organize your buttons and your view in interface builder so that you have a UIView within your window as well as your buttons which must be on a higher layer than your UIView but cannot be inside your UIView. I would post pictures if the site would let me. You will then need to make a UIView IBOutlet to attatch to the UIView in Interface Builder and to draw to in your code.
To do this programmatically, after you have created your buttons, create a UIView and add it as a subview to your viewController's view by using (if myView is your UIView)
[self.view addSubview:myView]
and then use
[self.view send SubviewToBack:myView]
to make sure it is behind your other subviews (your buttons). Draw to myView and it should appear behind the buttons.

Why is my window subview showing, but not handling any touches?

I have my UIWindow structured in Interface Builder as:
drawingView (custom UIView)
toolbar (UIToolbar)
Where the drawingView handles touches using touchesBegan etc. However, when I try and add 'someView' (a custom UIView) which has UIButtons on it as a subview of window, the buttons don't receive any of the touches.
I create 'someView' with:
[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] addSubview:someView];
'someView' displays fine on top of the drawingView, but the touches don't seem to register at all, and get passed through to drawingView. Why is that?
Another odd thing is that the backgroundColor of someView always seems to be clear, even if I set it to something else programatically or in IB.
Also, when I create someView using
[[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:someView];
it works fine, handling touches and all. The reason I want to add it as a subview is because I want a more general way of adding someView, that is works on the iphone as well.
Make sure the userInteractionEnabled flag is set on all parents of the view that needs to receive touches.
I've figured out a fix (in a hackish kind of way).
I had to add 'someView' as a subview of drawingView, which appears on top of drawView when shown, and allows me to programatically set up someView with UIButtons, which receives touches.
I think it's because drawView is an OpenGL view, that overrides layerClass which does something funky with how the views are arranged to obtain touches. I think.

iPhone: In a custom view, how to draw something on top of everything else in the view?

So I made a UIView subclass let's called it 'MyView' that simply draws a line inside the DrawRect method.
I then drag a UIImageView in interface builder and put it inside MyView. But now when I run the program it's obscuring the line that I'm drawing. I'm wondering, is there a way for me to draw the line on top of the image that I have dragged into my View?
No, you'll have to reorganise the view hierarchy. CoreGraphics uses a painters model so views behind will always be drawn over by views infront. To solve this you could use a container view that holds your image view and has a transparent view (line drawing view) that sits over the image view.
Another option is to draw the image using core graphics calls in your drawRect method and then draw the line over it.
One way is to have whatever adds MyView to add your UIImageView on top of MyView. It's not ideal (you probably have good reasons for keeping MyView and the UIImageView in a single class) but definitely solves your problem (I recently did this, only, I added it to the keyWindow =)
I would use a CAShapeLayer that has a path representing the line, and insert that layer ahead of the built-in view layer. Then it should draw on top.

UIView Subview Does not autoresize on orientation change

In my iPhone app, I have a view controller with two views (essentially, a front & back view). The front view is the main UIView, and the back view is a secondary UIView which is added as a subview using [self.view addSubview:backView] when showing the back and [backView removeFromSuperview] when hiding it. However, when the orientation changes, I have the following issue: the main UIView (frontView) rotates & all of its elements resize properly, but the secondary/subview UIView (backView) does not rotate & all of its elements do not resize properly. Does anyone have suggestions on how to make the secondary UIView autoresize properly according to the rules I have set in Interface Builder?
In the end, the solution I found was simply to separate my UIViews into separate UIViewControllers, and make sure that any views that I wanted to be able to rotate only had one UIView.
If I understand correctly, at the time of rotation 'backView' has been removed from it's superview, yeah? If so, that's the cause of the problem. The autoresize property determines how the view resizes relative to it's superview. If it doesn't have a superview it won't resize.
Perhaps using [backView setHidden:YES] instead of [backView removeFromSuperview] will be sufficient for your needs.
I had the same problem, here is how I fixed it based on imaginaryboy's
suggestions (thanks!)
Add the backview to the viewcontroller at viewDidLoad and hide it at the same time. Show it when needed, Hide it again. Set the resizing of the backview to UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth in IB (or code I guess, I used IB)
Not that this is the same problem, but I found a similar problem when adding 2 subviews in my application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method. Since your reference above is using [self.view addSubview:view], I would understand that to mean that self is not your UIWindow. When adding an additional view controller to your App Delegate window (UIWindow), the second view controller will NOT receive any rotation events and will never rotate. Only the first view controller added to UIWindow will rotate. See:Technical Q&A QA1688 I believe this also affects views added after the first view where the first view is later removed from the superview.
I ended up following the suggestion I read elsewhere to use separate views for each orientation, thereby eliminating the need to worry about resizing behavior. As always, YMMV.
Or; if you want to avoid an additional controller, you can achieve the same effect by setting view.frame in willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:: like so
if(UIInterfaceOrientationIsLandscape([[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation])) ;//set stubborn view.frame for landscape orientation
else ; //set stubborn view.frame for portrait orientation
Although it feels like a hack; it's simple.

Where to write method drawRect: for UIViewController and UITableViewCell in iPhone SDK

I have a UIViewController in which I want to draw a square. So do I need to create a UIView for that and add the created view to my viewControllers view.
Like Is there any way to do that or can I override the drawRect: method for my controllers view to draw that square.
Draw rect draws the rectangle which becomes the views frame, you can draw the Square in viewDidLoad tho
A view controller owns, but is not, a view. Add a view to the self.view of the view controller. Add your view in or after viewDidLoad is called in the controller.
For the specific case of a filled square or rectangle there is no need to draw anything. Just set the background color and frame of the new view.