Using Actors to exploit cores - scala

I'm new to Scala in general and Actors in particular and my problem is so basic, the online resources I have found don't cover it.
I have a CPU-intensive, easily parallelized algorithm that will be run on an n-core machine (I don't know n). How do I implement this in Actors so that all available cores address the problem?
The first way I thought of was to simple break the problem into m pieces (where m is some medium number like 10,000) and create m Actors, one for each piece, give each Actor its little piece and let 'em go.
Somehow, this struck me as inefficient. Zillions of Actors just hanging around, waiting for some CPU love, pointlessly switching contexts...
Then I thought, make some smaller number of Actors, and feed each one several pieces. The problem was, there's no reason to expect the pieces are the same size, so one core might get bogged down, with many of its tasks still queued, while other cores are idle.
I noodled around with a Supervisor that knew which Actors were busy, and eventually realized that this has to be a solved problem. There must be a standard pattern (maybe even a standard library) for dealing with this very generic issue. Any suggestions?

Take a look at the Akka library, which includes an implementaton of actors. The Dispatchers Module gives you more options for limiting actors to cpu threads (HawtDispatch-based event-driven) and/or balancing the workload (Work-stealing event-based).

Generally, there're 2 kinds of actors: those that are tied to threads (one thread per actor), and those that share 1+ thread, working behind a scheduler/dispatcher that allocates resources (= possibility to execute a task/handle incoming message against controlled thread-pool or a single thread).
I assume, you use second type of actors - event-driven actors, because you mention that you run 10k of them. No matter how many event-driven actors you have (thousands or millions), all of them will be fighting for the small thread pool to handle the message. Therefore, you will even have a worse performance dividing your task queue into that huge number of portions - scheduler will either try to handle messages sent to 10k actors against a fixed thread pool (which is slow), or will allocate new threads in the pool (if the pool is not bounded), which is dangerous (in the worst case, there will be started 10k threads to handle messages).
Event-driven actors are good for short-time (ideally, non-blocking) tasks. If you're dealing with CPU-intensive tasks I'd limit number of threads in the scheduler/dispatcher pool (when you use event-driven actors) or actors themselves (when you use thread-based actors) to the number of cores to achieve the best performance.
If you want this to be done automatically (adjust number of threads in dispatcher pool to the number of cores), you should use HawtDisaptch (or it's Akka implementation), as it was proposed earlier:
The 'HawtDispatcher' uses the
HawtDispatch threading library which
is a Java clone of libdispatch. All
actors with this type of dispatcher
are executed on a single system wide
fixed sized thread pool. The number of
of threads will match the number of
cores available on your system. The
dispatcher delivers messages to the
actors in the order that they were
producer at the sender.

You should look into Futures I think. In fact, you probably need a threadpool which simply queues threads when a max number of threads has been reached.
Here is a small example involving futures:
I would also suggest that you don't pay too much attention to the context switching since you really can't do anything but rely on the underlying implementation. Of course a rule of thumb would be to keep the active threads around the number of physical cores, but as I noted above this could be handled by a threadpool with a fifo-queue.
NOTE that I don't know if Actors in general or futures are implemented with this kind of pool.
For thread pools, look at this:
and maybe this:
Good luck
Check out this piece of code using futures:
import scala.actors.Futures._
object FibFut {
def fib(i: Int): Int = if (i < 2) 1 else fib(i - 1) + fib(i - 2)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val fibs = for (i <- 0 to 42) yield future { fib(i) }
for (future <- fibs) println(future())
It showcases a very good point about futures, namely that you decide in which order to receive the results (as opposed to the normal mailbox-system which employs a fifo-system i.e. the fastest actor sends his result first).

For any significant project, I generally have a supervisor actor, a collection of worker actors each of which can do any work necessary, and a large number of pieces of work to do. Even though I do this fairly often, I've never put it in a (personal) library because the operations end up being so different each time, and the overhead is pretty small compared to the whole coding project.

Be aware of actor starvation if you end up utilizing the general actor threadpool. I ended up simply using my own algorithm-task-owned threadpool to handle the parallelization of a long-running, concurrent task.

The upcoming Scala 2.9 is expected to include parallel data structures which should automatically handle this for some uses. While it does not use Actors, it may be something to consider for your problem.
While this feature was originally slated for 2.8, it has been postponed until the next major release.
A presentation from the last ScalaDays is here:


How heavy are akka actors?

I am aware this is a very imprecise question and might be deemed inappropriate for stackoverflow. Unfortunately smaller applications (in terms of the number of actors) and 'tutorial-like' ones don't help me develop intuition about the overhead of message dispatch and a swift spot for granularity between a 'scala object' and a 'CORBA object'.
While almost certainly keeping a state of conversation with a client for example deserves an actor, in most real use cases it would involve conditional/parallel/alternative interactions modeled by many classes. This leaves the choice between treating actors as facades to quite complex services, similar to the justly retired EJB, or akin to smalltalk objects, firing messages between each other willy-nilly whenever communication can possibly be implemented in an asynchronous manner.
Apart from the overhead of message passing itself, there will also be overhead involved with lifecycle management, and I am wary of potential problems caused by chained-restarts of whole subtrees of actors due to exceptions or other errors in their root.
For the sake of this question we may assume that vast majority of the communication happens within a single machine and network crossing is insignificant.
I am not sure what you mean by an "overhead of message passing itself".
When network/serialisation is not involved then the overhead is negligible: one side pushes a message in a queue, another reads it from it.
Akka claims that it can go as fast as 50 millions messages per second on a single machine. This means that you wouldn't use actors just as façade for complex subsystems. You would rather model them as mush smaller "working units". They can be more complex compare to smalltalk objects when convenient. You could have, say, KafkaConsumerActor which would utilise internally other "normal" classes such as Connection, Configuration, etc., these don't have to be akka actors. But it is still small enough to be a simple working unit doing one simple thing (consuming a message and sending it somewhere).
50 millions a second is really a lot.
A memory footprint is also extremely small. Akka itself claims that you can have ~2.5 millions actors for just 1GB of heap. Compare to what a typical system does it is, indeed, nothing.
As for lifecycle, creating an actor is not much heavier than creating an class instance and a mailbox so I don't really expect it to be that significant.
Saying that, typically you don't have many actors in your system that would handle one message and die. Normally you spawn actors which live much longer. Like, an actor that calculates your mortgage repayments based on parameters you provide doesn't have any reason to die at all.
Also Akka makes it very simple to use actor pools (different kinds of them).
So performance here is very tweakable.
Last point is that you should compare Akka overhead in a context. For example, if your system is doing database queries, or serving/performing HTTP requests, or even doing significant IO of some sort, then probably overhead of these activities makes overhead of Akka so insignificant so you wouldn't even bother thinking about it. Like a roundtrip to the DB for 50 millis would be an equivalent of an overhead from ~2.5 millions akka messages. Does it matter?
So can you find an edge case scenario where Akka would force you to pay performance penalties? Probably. Akka is not a golden hammer (and nothing is).
But with all the above in mind you should think if it is Akka that is a performance bottleneck in your specific context or you are wasting time in micro-optimisation.

Should Akka Actors do real processing tasks?

I'm writing an application that reads relatively large text files, validates and transforms the data (every line in a text file is an own item, there are around 100M items/file) and creates some kind of output. There already exists a multihreaded Java application (using BlockingQueue between Reading/Processing/Persisting Tasks), but I want to implement a Scala application that does the same thing.
Akka seems to be a very popular choice for building concurrent applications. Unfortunately, due to the asynchronous nature of actors, I still don't understand what a single actor can or can't do, e.g. if I can use actors as traditional workers that do some sort of calculation.
Several documentations say that Actors should never block and I understand why. But the given examples for blocking code always only mention such things as blocking file/network IO.. things that make the actor waiting for a short period of time which is of course a bad thing.
But what if the actor is "blocking" because it actually does something useful instead of waiting? In my case, the processing and transformation of a single line/item of text takes 80ms which is quite a long time (pure processing, no IO involved). Can this work be done by an actor directly or should I use a Future instead (but then, If I have to use Futures anyway, why use Akka in the first place..)?.
The Akka docs and examples show that work can be done directly by actors. But it seems that the authors only do very simplistic work (such as calling filter on a String or incrementing a counter and that's it). I don't know if they do this to keep the docs simple and concise or because you really should not do more that within an actor.
How would you design an Akka-based application for my use case (reading text file, processing every line which takes quite some time, eventually persisting the result)? Or is this some kind of problem that does not suit to Akka?
It all depends on the type of an actor.
I use this rule of thumb: if you don't need to talk to this actor and this actor does not have any other responsibilities, then it's ok to block in it doing actual work. You can treat it as a Future and this is what I would call a "worker".
If you block in an actor that is not a leaf node (worker), i.e. work distributor then the whole system will slow down.
There are a few patterns that involve work pulling/pushing or actor per request model. Either of those could be a fit for your application. You can have a manager that creates an actor for each piece of work and when the work is finished actor sends result back to manager and dies. You can also keep an actor alive and ask for more work from that actor. You can also combine actors and Futures.
Sometimes you want to be able to talk to a worker if your processing is more complex and involves multiple stages. In that case a worker can delegate work yet to another actor or to a future.
To sum-up don't block in manager/work distribution actors. It's ok to block in workers if that does not slow your system down.
disclaimer: by blocking I mean doing actual work, not just busy waiting which is never ok.
Doing computations that take 100ms is fine in an actor. However, you need to make sure to properly deal with backpressure. One way would be to use the work-pulling pattern, where your CPU bound actors request new work whenever they are ready instead of receiving new work items in a message.
That said, your problem description sounds like a processing pipeline that might benefit from using a higher level abstraction such as akka streams. Basically, produce a stream of file names to be processed and then use transformations such as map to get the desired result. I have something like this in production that sounds pretty similar to your problem description, and it works very well provided the data used by the individual processing chunks is not too large.
Of course, a stream will also be materialized to a number of actors. But the high level interface will be more type-safe and easier to reason about.

Concurrency, how to create an efficient actor setup?

Alright so I have never done intense concurrent operations like this before, theres three main parts to this algorithm.
This all starts with a Vector of around 1 Million items.
Each item gets processed in 3 main stages.
Task 1: Make an HTTP Request, Convert received data into a map of around 50 entries.
Task 2: Receive the map and do some computations to generate a class instance based off the info found in the map.
Task 3: Receive the class and generate/add to multiple output files.
I initially started out by concurrently running task 1 with 64K entries across 64 threads (1024 entries per thread.). Generating threads in a for loop.
This worked well and was relatively fast, but I keep hearing about actors and how they are heaps better than basic Java threads/Thread pools. I've created a few actors etc. But don't know where to go from here.
1. Are actors the right way to achieve fast concurrency for this specific set of tasks. Or is there another way I should go about it.
2. How do you know how many threads/actors are too many, specifically in task one, how do you know what the limit is on number of simultaneous connections is (Im on mac). Is there a golden rue to follow? How many threads vs how large per thread pool? And the actor equivalents?
3. Is there any code I can look at that implements actors for a similar fashion? All the code Im seeing is either getting an actor to print hello world, or super complex stuff.
1) Actors are a good choice to design complex interactions between components since they resemble "real life" a lot. You can see them as different people sending each other requests, it is very natural to model interactions. However, they are most powerful when you want to manage changing state in your application, which does not seem to be the case for you. You can achieve fast concurrency without actors. Up to you.
2) If none of your operations is blocking the best rule is amount of threads = amount of CPUs. If you use a non blocking HTTP client, and NIO when writing your output files then you should be fully non-blocking on IOs and can just safely set the thread count for your app to the CPU count on your machine.
3) The documentation on is very very good and comprehensive. If you have no clue how to use the actor model I would recommend getting a book - not necessarily about Akka.
1) It sounds like most of your steps aren't stateful, in which case actors add complication for no real benefit. If you need to coordinate multiple tasks in a mutable way (e.g. for generating the output files) then actors are a good fit for that piece. But the HTTP fetches should probably just be calls to some nonblocking HTTP library (e.g. spray-client - which will in fact use actors "under the hood", but in a way that doesn't expose the statefulness to you).
2) With blocking threads you pretty much have to experiment and see how many you can run without consuming too many resources. Worry about how many simultaneous connections the remote system can handle rather than hitting any "connection limits" on your own machine (it's possible you'll hit the file descriptor limit but if so best practice is just to increase it). Once you figure that out, there's no value in having more threads than the number of simultaneous connections you want to make.
As others have said, with nonblocking everything you should probably just have a number of threads similar to the number of CPU cores (I've also heard "2x number of CPUs + 1", on the grounds that that ensures there will always be a thread available whenever a CPU is idle).
With actors I wouldn't worry about having too many. They're very lightweight.
If you have really no expierience in Akka try to start with something simple like doing a one-to-one actor-thread rewriting of your code. This will be easier to grasp how things work in akka.
Spin two actors at the begining one for receiving requests and one for writting to the output file. Then when request is received create an actor in request-receiver actor that will do the computation and send the result to the writting actor.

Process work in parallel with non-threadsafe function in scala

I have a lot of work (thousands of jobs) for a Scala application to process. Each piece of work is the file name of a 100 MB file. To process each file, I need to use an extractor object that is not thread safe (I can have multiple copies, but copies are expensive, and I should not make one per job). What is the best way to complete this work in parallel in Scala?
You can wrap your extractor in an Actor and send each file name to the actor as a message. Since an instance of an actor will process only one message at a time, thread safety won't be an issue. If you want to use multiple extractors, just start multiple instances of the actor and balance between them (you could write another actor to act as a load balancer).
The extractor actor(s) can then send extracted files to other actors to do the rest of the processing in parallel.
Don't make 1000 jobs, but make 4x250 jobs (targeting 4 threads) and give one extractor to each batch. Inside each batch, work sequentially. This might not be optimal parallel-wise, since one batch might finish earlier but it is very easy to implement.
Probably the correct (but more complicated) solution would be to make a pool of extractors, where jobs take extractors from and put them back after finishing.
I would make a thread pool, where each thread has an instance of the extractor class, and instantiate just as many of these threads as it takes to saturate the system (based on CPU usage, IO bandwidth, memory bandwidth, network bandwidth, contention for other shared resources, etc.). Then use a thread-safe work queue that these threads can pull tasks from, process them, and iterate until the container is empty.
Mind you, there should be one or several libraries in just about any modern language that implements exactly this. In C++, it would be Intel's Threading Building Blocks. In Objective-C, it would be Grand Central Dispatch.
It depends: what's the relative amount of CPU consumed by the extractor for each job ?
If it is very small, you have a classic single-producer/multiple-consumer problem for which you can find lots of solution in different languages. For Scala, if you are reluctant to start using actors, you can still use the Java API (Runnable, Executors and BlockingQueue, are quite good).
If it is a substantial amount (more than 10%), you app will never scale with a multithread model (see Amdhal law). You may prefer to run several process (several JVM) to obtain thread safety, and thus eliminate the non-sequential part.
First question: how quick does the work need to be completed?
Second question: would this work be isolated to a single physical box or what are your upper bounds on computational resource.
Third question: does the work that needs doing to each individual "job" require blocking and is it serialised or could be partitioned into parallel packets of work?
Maybe think about a distributed model whereby you scale through designing with a mind to pushing out across multiple nodes from the first instance, actors, remoteref all that crap first...try and keep your logic simple and easy - so serialised. Don't just think in terms of a single box.
Most answers here seem to dwell on the intricacies of spawning thread pools and executors and all that stuff - which is fine, but be sure you have a handle on the real problem first, before you start complicating your life with lots of thinking around how you manage the synchronisation logic.
If a problem can be decomposed, then decompose it. Don't overcomplicate it for the sake of doing so - it leads to better engineered code and less sleepless nights.

How to limit concurrency when using actors in Scala?

I'm coming from Java, where I'd submit Runnables to an ExecutorService backed by a thread pool. It's very clear in Java how to set limits to the size of the thread pool.
I'm interested in using Scala actors, but I'm unclear on how to limit concurrency.
Let's just say, hypothetically, that I'm creating a web service which accepts "jobs". A job is submitted with POST requests, and I want my service to enqueue the job then immediately return 202 Accepted — i.e. the jobs are handled asynchronously.
If I'm using actors to process the jobs in the queue, how can I limit the number of simultaneous jobs that are processed?
I can think of a few different ways to approach this; I'm wondering if there's a community best practice, or at least, some clearly established approaches that are somewhat standard in the Scala world.
One approach I've thought of is having a single coordinator actor which would manage the job queue and the job-processing actors; I suppose it could use a simple int field to track how many jobs are currently being processed. I'm sure there'd be some gotchyas with that approach, however, such as making sure to track when an error occurs so as to decrement the number. That's why I'm wondering if Scala already provides a simpler or more encapsulated approach to this.
BTW I tried to ask this question a while ago but I asked it badly.
I'd really encourage you to have a look at Akka, an alternative Actor implementation for Scala.
Akka already has a JAX-RS[1] integration and you could use that in concert with a LoadBalancer[2] to throttle how many actions can be done in parallell:
You can override the system properties actors.maxPoolSize and actors.corePoolSize which limit the size of the actor thread pool and then throw as many jobs at the pool as your actors can handle. Why do you think you need to throttle your reactions?
You really have two problems here.
The first is keeping the thread pool used by actors under control. That can be done by setting the system property actors.maxPoolSize.
The second is runaway growth in the number of tasks that have been submitted to the pool. You may or may not be concerned with this one, however it is fully possible to trigger failure conditions such as out of memory errors and in some cases potentially more subtle problems by generating too many tasks too fast.
Each worker thread maintains a dequeue of tasks. The dequeue is implemented as an array that the worker thread will dynamically enlarge up to some maximum size. In 2.7.x the queue can grow itself quite large and I've seen that trigger out of memory errors when combined with lots of concurrent threads. The max dequeue size is smaller 2.8. The dequeue can also fill up.
Addressing this problem requires you control how many tasks you generate, which probably means some sort of coordinator as you've outlined. I've encountered this problem when the actors that initiate a kind of data processing pipeline are much faster than ones later in the pipeline. In order control the process I usually have the actors later in the chain ping back actors earlier in the chain every X messages, and have the ones earlier in the chain stop after X messages and wait for the ping back. You could also do it with a more centralized coordinator.