Should Akka Actors do real processing tasks? - scala

I'm writing an application that reads relatively large text files, validates and transforms the data (every line in a text file is an own item, there are around 100M items/file) and creates some kind of output. There already exists a multihreaded Java application (using BlockingQueue between Reading/Processing/Persisting Tasks), but I want to implement a Scala application that does the same thing.
Akka seems to be a very popular choice for building concurrent applications. Unfortunately, due to the asynchronous nature of actors, I still don't understand what a single actor can or can't do, e.g. if I can use actors as traditional workers that do some sort of calculation.
Several documentations say that Actors should never block and I understand why. But the given examples for blocking code always only mention such things as blocking file/network IO.. things that make the actor waiting for a short period of time which is of course a bad thing.
But what if the actor is "blocking" because it actually does something useful instead of waiting? In my case, the processing and transformation of a single line/item of text takes 80ms which is quite a long time (pure processing, no IO involved). Can this work be done by an actor directly or should I use a Future instead (but then, If I have to use Futures anyway, why use Akka in the first place..)?.
The Akka docs and examples show that work can be done directly by actors. But it seems that the authors only do very simplistic work (such as calling filter on a String or incrementing a counter and that's it). I don't know if they do this to keep the docs simple and concise or because you really should not do more that within an actor.
How would you design an Akka-based application for my use case (reading text file, processing every line which takes quite some time, eventually persisting the result)? Or is this some kind of problem that does not suit to Akka?

It all depends on the type of an actor.
I use this rule of thumb: if you don't need to talk to this actor and this actor does not have any other responsibilities, then it's ok to block in it doing actual work. You can treat it as a Future and this is what I would call a "worker".
If you block in an actor that is not a leaf node (worker), i.e. work distributor then the whole system will slow down.
There are a few patterns that involve work pulling/pushing or actor per request model. Either of those could be a fit for your application. You can have a manager that creates an actor for each piece of work and when the work is finished actor sends result back to manager and dies. You can also keep an actor alive and ask for more work from that actor. You can also combine actors and Futures.
Sometimes you want to be able to talk to a worker if your processing is more complex and involves multiple stages. In that case a worker can delegate work yet to another actor or to a future.
To sum-up don't block in manager/work distribution actors. It's ok to block in workers if that does not slow your system down.
disclaimer: by blocking I mean doing actual work, not just busy waiting which is never ok.

Doing computations that take 100ms is fine in an actor. However, you need to make sure to properly deal with backpressure. One way would be to use the work-pulling pattern, where your CPU bound actors request new work whenever they are ready instead of receiving new work items in a message.
That said, your problem description sounds like a processing pipeline that might benefit from using a higher level abstraction such as akka streams. Basically, produce a stream of file names to be processed and then use transformations such as map to get the desired result. I have something like this in production that sounds pretty similar to your problem description, and it works very well provided the data used by the individual processing chunks is not too large.
Of course, a stream will also be materialized to a number of actors. But the high level interface will be more type-safe and easier to reason about.


Asynchronous blocking thread magic

I've been learning play, and I'm getting most of the major concepts, but I'm struggling with what magic the platform is doing to enable all of these things.
In particular, let's say I have a controller that does something time-intensive. Now I understand how using Futures and asynchronous processing I can make these things appear not to block, but if it's something resource intensive, of course in the end it must block somewhere. Per the documentation:
You can’t magically turn synchronous IO into asynchronous by wrapping it in a Future. If you can’t change the application’s architecture to avoid blocking operations, at some point that operation will have to be executed, and that thread is going to block. So in addition to enclosing the operation in a Future, it’s necessary to configure it to run in a separate execution context that has been configured with enough threads to deal with the expected concurrency.
This bit I'm not understanding: if some task that I'm doing via a Future is possibly being handled in a separate thread pool, how/what magic is Scala/Play doing in the framework to coordinate these threads such that whichever thread is listening to the HTTP socket blocks long enough to do all of the complex processing (DB loads, serialization to JSON, etc. etc.) -- in separate threads, and yet somehow returning to the original blocking thread that has to send something back to the client for that request?
Disclaimer: this is a simplified answer for the general problem, I don't want to make this even more complex by going inside Play and Akka internals.
One method is to have a thread listening to the socket, but not writing to it, let's call it A. A spans a Future that contains, on itself, all the data needed for the computation. It is important that you don't confuse the thread that does the processing with the data that is being processed, as the data (memory) is shared by all threads (and sometimes needs explicit synchronization). The future will be processed (eventually), by a thread B.
Now, do I need for A to block until B is done? It could (and in many general cases that might be the right solution), but in this case, we hardly want to stop listening to our socket. So no, we don't, A forgets everything about the message and carries on with its life.
So when B is done, the Future might be mapped or have a listener that sends the proper response. B itself can send it given the information that it has on the original message! You just need to be careful synchronizing access to the socket, to avoid colliding with a possible thread C that might have been processing a previous or later message in parallel.
Things can obviously get more complex by having threads spawning even more threads, queues where some threads write data and other read data, etc. (Play, being based in Akka, certainly includes a lot of message queues). But I hope to have convinced you that while this statement is correct:
You can’t magically turn synchronous IO into asynchronous by wrapping
it in a Future. If you can’t change the application’s architecture to
avoid blocking operations
Such a change in application's architecture is certainly possible in many (most?) cases, and certainly has been done inside Play.

Concurrency, how to create an efficient actor setup?

Alright so I have never done intense concurrent operations like this before, theres three main parts to this algorithm.
This all starts with a Vector of around 1 Million items.
Each item gets processed in 3 main stages.
Task 1: Make an HTTP Request, Convert received data into a map of around 50 entries.
Task 2: Receive the map and do some computations to generate a class instance based off the info found in the map.
Task 3: Receive the class and generate/add to multiple output files.
I initially started out by concurrently running task 1 with 64K entries across 64 threads (1024 entries per thread.). Generating threads in a for loop.
This worked well and was relatively fast, but I keep hearing about actors and how they are heaps better than basic Java threads/Thread pools. I've created a few actors etc. But don't know where to go from here.
1. Are actors the right way to achieve fast concurrency for this specific set of tasks. Or is there another way I should go about it.
2. How do you know how many threads/actors are too many, specifically in task one, how do you know what the limit is on number of simultaneous connections is (Im on mac). Is there a golden rue to follow? How many threads vs how large per thread pool? And the actor equivalents?
3. Is there any code I can look at that implements actors for a similar fashion? All the code Im seeing is either getting an actor to print hello world, or super complex stuff.
1) Actors are a good choice to design complex interactions between components since they resemble "real life" a lot. You can see them as different people sending each other requests, it is very natural to model interactions. However, they are most powerful when you want to manage changing state in your application, which does not seem to be the case for you. You can achieve fast concurrency without actors. Up to you.
2) If none of your operations is blocking the best rule is amount of threads = amount of CPUs. If you use a non blocking HTTP client, and NIO when writing your output files then you should be fully non-blocking on IOs and can just safely set the thread count for your app to the CPU count on your machine.
3) The documentation on is very very good and comprehensive. If you have no clue how to use the actor model I would recommend getting a book - not necessarily about Akka.
1) It sounds like most of your steps aren't stateful, in which case actors add complication for no real benefit. If you need to coordinate multiple tasks in a mutable way (e.g. for generating the output files) then actors are a good fit for that piece. But the HTTP fetches should probably just be calls to some nonblocking HTTP library (e.g. spray-client - which will in fact use actors "under the hood", but in a way that doesn't expose the statefulness to you).
2) With blocking threads you pretty much have to experiment and see how many you can run without consuming too many resources. Worry about how many simultaneous connections the remote system can handle rather than hitting any "connection limits" on your own machine (it's possible you'll hit the file descriptor limit but if so best practice is just to increase it). Once you figure that out, there's no value in having more threads than the number of simultaneous connections you want to make.
As others have said, with nonblocking everything you should probably just have a number of threads similar to the number of CPU cores (I've also heard "2x number of CPUs + 1", on the grounds that that ensures there will always be a thread available whenever a CPU is idle).
With actors I wouldn't worry about having too many. They're very lightweight.
If you have really no expierience in Akka try to start with something simple like doing a one-to-one actor-thread rewriting of your code. This will be easier to grasp how things work in akka.
Spin two actors at the begining one for receiving requests and one for writting to the output file. Then when request is received create an actor in request-receiver actor that will do the computation and send the result to the writting actor.

Is Scala's actors similar to Go's coroutines?

If I wanted to port a Go library that uses Goroutines, would Scala be a good choice because its inbox/akka framework is similar in nature to coroutines?
Nope, they're not. Goroutines are based on the theory of Communicating Sequential Processes, as specified by Tony Hoare in 1978. The idea is that there can be two processes or threads that act independently of one another but share a "channel," which one process/thread puts data into and the other process/thread consumes. The most prominent implementations you'll find are Go's channels and Clojure's core.async, but at this time they are limited to the current runtime and cannot be distributed, even between two runtimes on the same physical box.
CSP evolved to include a static, formal process algebra for proving the existence of deadlocks in code. This is a really nice feature, but neither Goroutines nor core.async currently support it. If and when they do, it will be extremely nice to know before running your code whether or not a deadlock is possible. However, CSP does not support fault tolerance in a meaningful way, so you as the developer have to figure out how to handle failure that can occur on both sides of channels, and such logic ends up getting strewn about all over the application.
Actors, as specified by Carl Hewitt in 1973, involve entities that have their own mailbox. They are asynchronous by nature, and have location transparency that spans runtimes and machines - if you have a reference (Akka) or PID (Erlang) of an actor, you can message it. This is also where some people find fault in Actor-based implementations, in that you have to have a reference to the other actor in order to send it a message, thus coupling the sender and receiver directly. In the CSP model, the channel is shared, and can be shared by multiple producers and consumers. In my experience, this has not been much of an issue. I like the idea of proxy references that mean my code is not littered with implementation details of how to send the message - I just send one, and wherever the actor is located, it receives it. If that node goes down and the actor is reincarnated elsewhere, it's theoretically transparent to me.
Actors have another very nice feature - fault tolerance. By organizing actors into a supervision hierarchy per the OTP specification devised in Erlang, you can build a domain of failure into your application. Just like value classes/DTOs/whatever you want to call them, you can model failure, how it should be handled and at what level of the hierarchy. This is very powerful, as you have very little failure handling capabilities inside of CSP.
Actors are also a concurrency paradigm, where the actor can have mutable state inside of it and a guarantee of no multithreaded access to the state, unless the developer building an actor-based system accidentally introduces it, for example by registering the Actor as a listener for a callback, or going asynchronous inside the actor via Futures.
Shameless plug - I'm writing a new book with the head of the Akka team, Roland Kuhn, called Reactive Design Patterns where we discuss all of this and more. Green threads, CSP, event loops, Iteratees, Reactive Extensions, Actors, Futures/Promises, etc. Expect to see a MEAP on Manning by early next month.
There are two questions here:
Is Scala a good choice to port goroutines?
This is an easy question, since Scala is a general purpose language, which is no worse or better than many others you can choose to "port goroutines".
There are of course many opinions on why Scala is better or worse as a language (e.g. here is mine), but these are just opinions, and don't let them stop you.
Since Scala is general purpose, it "pretty much" comes down to: everything you can do in language X, you can do in Scala. If it sounds too broad.. how about continuations in Java :)
Are Scala actors similar to goroutines?
The only similarity (aside the nitpicking) is they both have to do with concurrency and message passing. But that is where the similarity ends.
Since Jamie's answer gave a good overview of Scala actors, I'll focus more on Goroutines/core.async, but with some actor model intro.
Actors help things to be "worry free distributed"
Where a "worry free" piece is usually associated with terms such as: fault tolerance, resiliency, availability, etc..
Without going into grave details how actors work, in two simple terms actors have to do with:
Locality: each actor has an address/reference that other actors can use to send messages to
Behavior: a function that gets applied/called when the message arrives to an actor
Think "talking processes" where each process has a reference and a function that gets called when a message arrives.
There is much more to it of course (e.g. check out Erlang OTP, or akka docs), but the above two is a good start.
Where it gets interesting with actors is.. implementation. Two big ones, at the moment, are Erlang OTP and Scala AKKA. While they both aim to solve the same thing, there are some differences. Let's look at a couple:
I intentionally do not use lingo such as "referential transparency", "idempotence", etc.. they do no good besides causing confusion, so let's just talk about immutability [a can't change that concept]. Erlang as a language is opinionated, and it leans towards strong immutability, while in Scala it is too easy to make actors that change/mutate their state when a message is received. It is not recommended, but mutability in Scala is right there in front of you, and people do use it.
Another interesting point that Joe Armstrong talks about is the fact that Scala/AKKA is limited by the JVM which just wasn't really designed with "being distributed" in mind, while Erlang VM was. It has to do with many things such as: process isolation, per process vs. the whole VM garbage collection, class loading, process scheduling and others.
The point of the above is not to say that one is better than the other, but it's to show that purity of the actor model as a concept depends on its implementation.
Now to goroutines..
Goroutines help to reason about concurrency sequentially
As other answers already mentioned, goroutines take roots in Communicating Sequential Processes, which is a "formal language for describing patterns of interaction in concurrent systems", which by definition can mean pretty much anything :)
I am going to give examples based on core.async, since I know internals of it better than Goroutines. But core.async was built after the Goroutines/CSP model, so there should not be too many differences conceptually.
The main concurrency primitive in core.async/Goroutine is a channel. Think about a channel as a "queue on rocks". This channel is used to "pass" messages. Any process that would like to "participate in a game" creates or gets a reference to a channel and puts/takes (e.g. sends/receives) messages to/from it.
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Most of work that is done on channels usually happens inside a "Goroutine" or "go block", which "takes its body and examines it for any channel operations. It will turn the body into a state machine. Upon reaching any blocking operation, the state machine will be 'parked' and the actual thread of control will be released. This approach is similar to that used in C# async. When the blocking operation completes, the code will be resumed (on a thread-pool thread, or the sole thread in a JS VM)" (source).
It is a lot easier to convey with a visual. Here is what a blocking IO execution looks like:
You can see that threads mostly spend time waiting for work. Here is the same work but done via "Goroutine"/"go block" approach:
Here 2 threads did all the work, that 4 threads did in a blocking approach, while taking the same amount of time.
The kicker in above description is: "threads are parked" when they have no work, which means, their state gets "offloaded" to a state machine, and the actual live JVM thread is free to do other work (source for a great visual)
note: in core.async, channel can be used outside of "go block"s, which will be backed by a JVM thread without parking ability: e.g. if it blocks, it blocks the real thread.
Power of a Go Channel
Another huge thing in "Goroutines"/"go blocks" is operations that can be performed on a channel. For example, a timeout channel can be created, which will close in X milliseconds. Or select/alt! function that, when used in conjunction with many channels, works like a "are you ready" polling mechanism across different channels. Think about it as a socket selector in non blocking IO. Here is an example of using timeout channel and alt! together:
(defn race [q]
(searching [])
(let [t (timeout timeout-ms)
start (now)]
(GET (str "/yahoo?q=" q)) ([v] (winner v (took start)))
(GET (str "/bing?q=" q)) ([v] (winner v (took start)))
(GET (str "/google?q=" q)) ([v] (winner v (took start)))
t ([v] (show-timeout timeout-ms))))))
This code snippet is taken from wracer, where it sends the same request to all three: Yahoo, Bing and Google, and returns a result from the fastest one, or times out (returns a timeout message) if none returned within a given time. Clojure may not be your first language, but you can't disagree on how sequential this implementation of concurrency looks and feels.
You can also merge/fan-in/fan-out data from/to many channels, map/reduce/filter/... channels data and more. Channels are also first class citizens: you can pass a channel to a channel..
Go UI Go!
Since core.async "go blocks" has this ability to "park" execution state, and have a very sequential "look and feel" when dealing with concurrency, how about JavaScript? There is no concurrency in JavaScript, since there is only one thread, right? And the way concurrency is mimicked is via 1024 callbacks.
But it does not have to be this way. The above example from wracer is in fact written in ClojureScript that compiles down to JavaScript. Yes, it will work on the server with many threads and/or in a browser: the code can stay the same.
Goroutines vs. core.async
Again, a couple of implementation differences [there are more] to underline the fact that theoretical concept is not exactly one to one in practice:
In Go, a channel is typed, in core.async it is not: e.g. in core.async you can put messages of any type on the same channel.
In Go, you can put mutable things on a channel. It is not recommended, but you can. In core.async, by Clojure design, all data structures are immutable, hence data inside channels feels a lot safer for its wellbeing.
So what's the verdict?
I hope the above shed some light on differences between the actor model and CSP.
Not to cause a flame war, but to give you yet another perspective of let's say Rich Hickey:
"I remain unenthusiastic about actors. They still couple the producer with the consumer. Yes, one can emulate or implement certain kinds of queues with actors (and, notably, people often do), but since any actor mechanism already incorporates a queue, it seems evident that queues are more primitive. It should be noted that Clojure's mechanisms for concurrent use of state remain viable, and channels are oriented towards the flow aspects of a system."(source)
However, in practice, Whatsapp is based on Erlang OTP, and it seemed to sell pretty well.
Another interesting quote is from Rob Pike:
"Buffered sends are not confirmed to the sender and can take arbitrarily long. Buffered channels and goroutines are very close to the actor model.
The real difference between the actor model and Go is that channels are first-class citizens. Also important: they are indirect, like file descriptors rather than file names, permitting styles of concurrency that are not as easily expressed in the actor model. There are also cases in which the reverse is true; I am not making a value judgement. In theory the models are equivalent."(source)
Moving some of my comments to an answer. It was getting too long :D (Not to take away from jamie and tolitius's posts; they're both very useful answers.)
It isn't quite true that you could do the exact same things that you do with goroutines in Akka. Go channels are often used as synchronization points. You cannot reproduce that directly in Akka. In Akka, post-sync processing has to be moved into a separate handler ("strewn" in jamie's words :D). I'd say the design patterns are different. You can kick off a goroutine with a chan, do some stuff, and then <- to wait for it to finish before moving on. Akka has a less-powerful form of this with ask, but ask isn't really the Akka way IMO.
Chans are also typed, while mailboxes are not. That's a big deal IMO, and it's pretty shocking for a Scala-based system. I understand that become is hard to implement with typed messages, but maybe that indicates that become isn't very Scala-like. I could say that about Akka generally. It often feels like its own thing that happens to run on Scala. Goroutines are a key reason Go exists.
Don't get me wrong; I like the actor model a lot, and I generally like Akka and find it pleasant to work in. I also generally like Go (I find Scala beautiful, while I find Go merely useful; but it is quite useful).
But fault tolerance is really the point of Akka IMO. You happen to get concurrency with that. Concurrency is the heart of goroutines. Fault-tolerance is a separate thing in Go, delegated to defer and recover, which can be used to implement quite a bit of fault tolerance. Akka's fault tolerance is more formal and feature-rich, but it can also be a bit more complicated.
All said, despite having some passing similarities, Akka is not a superset of Go, and they have significant divergence in features. Akka and Go are quite different in how they encourage you to approach problems, and things that are easy in one, are awkward, impractical, or at least non-idiomatic in the other. And that's the key differentiators in any system.
So bringing it back to your actual question: I would strongly recommend rethinking the Go interface before bringing it to Scala or Akka (which are also quite different things IMO). Make sure you're doing it the way your target environment means to do things. A straight port of a complicated Go library is likely to not fit in well with either environment.
These are all great and thorough answers. But for a simple way to look at it, here is my view. Goroutines are a simple abstraction of Actors. Actors are just a more specific use-case of Goroutines.
You could implement Actors using Goroutines by creating the Goroutine aside a Channel. By deciding that the channel is 'owned' by that Goroutine you're saying that only that Goroutine will consume from it. Your Goroutine simply runs an inbox-message-matching loop on that Channel. You can then simply pass the Channel around as the 'address' of your "Actor" (Goroutine).
But as Goroutines are an abstraction, a more general design than actors, Goroutines can be used for far more tasks and designs than Actors.
A trade-off though, is that since Actors are a more specific case, implementations of actors like Erlang can optimize them better (rail recursion on the inbox loop) and can provide other built-in features more easily (multi process and machine actors).
can we say that in Actor Model, the addressable entity is the Actor, the recipient of message. whereas in Go channels, the addressable entity is the channel, the pipe in which message flows.
in Go channel, you send message to the channel, and any number of recipients can be listening, and one of them will receive the message.
in Actor only one actor to whose actor-ref you send the message, will receive the message.

How to handle concurrent access to a Scala collection?

I have an Actor that - in its very essence - maintains a list of objects. It has three basic operations, an add, update and a remove (where sometimes the remove is called from the add method, but that aside), and works with a single collection. Obviously, that backing list is accessed concurrently, with add and remove calls interleaving each other constantly.
My first version used a ListBuffer, but I read somewhere it's not meant for concurrent access. I haven't gotten concurrent access exceptions, but I did note that finding & removing objects from it does not always work, possibly due to concurrency.
I was halfway rewriting it to use a var List, but removing items from Scala's default immutable List is a bit of a pain - and I doubt it's suitable for concurrent access.
So, basic question: What collection type should I use in a concurrent access situation, and how is it used?
(Perhaps secondary: Is an Actor actually a multithreaded entity, or is that just my wrong conception and does it process messages one at a time in a single thread?)
(Tertiary: In Scala, what collection type is best for inserts and random access (delete / update)?)
Edit: To the kind responders: Excuse my late reply, I'm making a nasty habit out of dumping a question on SO or mailing lists, then moving on to the next problem, forgetting the original one for the moment.
Take a look at the scala.collection.mutable.Synchronized* traits/classes.
The idea is that you mixin the Synchronized traits into regular mutable collections to get synchronized versions of them.
For example:
import scala.collection.mutable._
val syncSet = new HashSet[Int] with SynchronizedSet[Int]
val syncArray = new ArrayBuffer[Int] with SynchronizedBuffer[Int]
You don't need to synchronize the state of the actors. The aim of the actors is to avoid tricky, error prone and hard to debug concurrent programming.
Actor model will ensure that the actor will consume messages one by one and that you will never have two thread consuming message for the same Actor.
Scala's immutable collections are suitable for concurrent usage.
As for actors, a couple of things are guaranteed as explained here the Akka documentation.
the actor send rule: where the send of the message to an actor happens before the receive of the same actor.
the actor subsequent processing rule: where processing of one message happens before processing of the next message by the same actor.
You are not guaranteed that the same thread processes the next message, but you are guaranteed that the current message will finish processing before the next one starts, and also that at any given time, only one thread is executing the receive method.
So that takes care of a given Actor's persistent state. With regard to shared data, the best approach as I understand it is to use immutable data structures and lean on the Actor model as much as possible. That is, "do not communicate by sharing memory; share memory by communicating."
What collection type should I use in a concurrent access situation, and how is it used?
See #hbatista's answer.
Is an Actor actually a multithreaded entity, or is that just my wrong conception and does it process messages one at a time in a single thread
The second (though the thread on which messages are processed may change, so don't store anything in thread-local data). That's how the actor can maintain invariants on its state.

Process work in parallel with non-threadsafe function in scala

I have a lot of work (thousands of jobs) for a Scala application to process. Each piece of work is the file name of a 100 MB file. To process each file, I need to use an extractor object that is not thread safe (I can have multiple copies, but copies are expensive, and I should not make one per job). What is the best way to complete this work in parallel in Scala?
You can wrap your extractor in an Actor and send each file name to the actor as a message. Since an instance of an actor will process only one message at a time, thread safety won't be an issue. If you want to use multiple extractors, just start multiple instances of the actor and balance between them (you could write another actor to act as a load balancer).
The extractor actor(s) can then send extracted files to other actors to do the rest of the processing in parallel.
Don't make 1000 jobs, but make 4x250 jobs (targeting 4 threads) and give one extractor to each batch. Inside each batch, work sequentially. This might not be optimal parallel-wise, since one batch might finish earlier but it is very easy to implement.
Probably the correct (but more complicated) solution would be to make a pool of extractors, where jobs take extractors from and put them back after finishing.
I would make a thread pool, where each thread has an instance of the extractor class, and instantiate just as many of these threads as it takes to saturate the system (based on CPU usage, IO bandwidth, memory bandwidth, network bandwidth, contention for other shared resources, etc.). Then use a thread-safe work queue that these threads can pull tasks from, process them, and iterate until the container is empty.
Mind you, there should be one or several libraries in just about any modern language that implements exactly this. In C++, it would be Intel's Threading Building Blocks. In Objective-C, it would be Grand Central Dispatch.
It depends: what's the relative amount of CPU consumed by the extractor for each job ?
If it is very small, you have a classic single-producer/multiple-consumer problem for which you can find lots of solution in different languages. For Scala, if you are reluctant to start using actors, you can still use the Java API (Runnable, Executors and BlockingQueue, are quite good).
If it is a substantial amount (more than 10%), you app will never scale with a multithread model (see Amdhal law). You may prefer to run several process (several JVM) to obtain thread safety, and thus eliminate the non-sequential part.
First question: how quick does the work need to be completed?
Second question: would this work be isolated to a single physical box or what are your upper bounds on computational resource.
Third question: does the work that needs doing to each individual "job" require blocking and is it serialised or could be partitioned into parallel packets of work?
Maybe think about a distributed model whereby you scale through designing with a mind to pushing out across multiple nodes from the first instance, actors, remoteref all that crap first...try and keep your logic simple and easy - so serialised. Don't just think in terms of a single box.
Most answers here seem to dwell on the intricacies of spawning thread pools and executors and all that stuff - which is fine, but be sure you have a handle on the real problem first, before you start complicating your life with lots of thinking around how you manage the synchronisation logic.
If a problem can be decomposed, then decompose it. Don't overcomplicate it for the sake of doing so - it leads to better engineered code and less sleepless nights.