How to launch Native App from Web app in iPhone? - iphone

I want to access TTS (Text-To-Speech) and STT (Speech-To-Text) functionality of iOS from web app. Since web app dont access ios device functions, is it possible to launch Native app from Web app?
e.g. When user wants to access TTS (e.g. Dragon Dictation), web page will launch Native app, take recording and send the recorded text to web app again.
Or we can access TTS/STT functionality right from web app?

The only native apps you can access from web apps are those with custom URL schemes set up, and the built-in ones e.g. SMS (sms://), phone (tel://), iTunes (itms://) and YouTube (
If the apps you mention don't have their own custom URL schemes which you can use to get to them, there's no other way you can do this.

I can answer one part of your question - using the functionality of an IOS native app from a web-app;
Apps can be developed such that they respond to custom URL schemes - like, for example, the mail app responds to mailto:// and youtube responds to youtube://. Calling a URL with one of these schemes will start the IOS app - but it's entirely on the developer to code this into their application.
You could therefore in theory develop an app to get triggered from a web-app, perform an action then return to a web app after! Probably not something I would try and do though.


How to make ios App Store link with parameters?

The new "smart app banners" have a method where you can pass parameters to yor app so that it can know, for examples what page on your site the user was on before they bought your app. This is useful, for example, with a news site where you ant to show them the article you were previously displaying.
The way to do this with he smart app banners is:
<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=311507490, app-argument=http://bookID/1234"/>
Is there a way to make a general link that does this, instead of a smart app banner?
The advantage of smart app banners is that the iOS detects if the app is installed or not. If it is installed on the device the banner opens the app directly. Otherwise it takes you to the app store.
A disadvantage is that they only show up in mobile safari and they require iOS 6.
As an alternative you could use custom URL schemes. The application has to implement this scheme. The URL would look like this: myapp://bookID/1234.
You can also check if this link works (app is installed) using javascript.

Will mobile web apps ever gain bookmark distribution inside of the Facebook native iOS app?

I think bookmark distribution inside the Facebook native iOS app is a great opportunity. However, based on the table at, it appears that option is only available to native iOS apps. Does anyone know if there are future plans to make web app bookmarks available inside the native app?
It's possible that the bookmark feature within the native iOS Facebook app violates Apple's policies regarding content on their platform, i.e. a web app bookmarked within the Facebook native app would represent a different user experience from the one that was cleared by Apple when they let the Facebook app onto the App Store.
If this is the case, there will be no bookmarks available in the native app unless Apple changes their policy, or grants Facebook a waiver.

How do you get your app to appear on the Facebook Mobile Application? (specifically iPhone)

We have a popular Facebook Application and a version of our App for the iPhone. I was wondering how we can make our Application appear in the "Apps" Section on the new Facebook iPhone app. On my iPhone I currently see links to the App store for Pixable, Badoo, Airbnb, Foursquare and WhoisNear iPhone Application.
I have filled out the Native iOS App settings in the Developer section on Facebook (including adding the Bundle ID and the iPhone app store ID) several weeks ago thinking it took a while to update, but still nothing shows up on my iPhone app.
Any help would be appreciated.
Screenshot of where we want our app to show up:
Edit your Application Settings and on the Basic Settings specify a Mobile Web URL for your Mobile Web integration. You should be able to set the URL to your app's iTunes URL.
Fill out the iOS information within the admin settings of your application, which also means they are using the same application id. You also have to have granted at least the basic permissions via connect on the app, and have the app installed on the phone.

How to group iphone apps under one main iphone app?

My requirement is to click one main iphone apps and the next page shows a listing of apps that provide different services. Eg. My main apps is called Company Name apps and when user clicks it open up others app like leave application apps, claim application apps etc. How do I implement that? When send to iphone app store, I only send the main apps and when user download, all the apps like leave, claim apps are also downloaded?
Once application package works as a Single Atomic Application. .
You can add and combine functionality of all application as classes with in one application but like .NET or Jave you can not call other applications from with in one application.
You can further add functionality with in main application which type of user has access to which feature might be some sort of profile services on your server which saves user information.
You can launch other your applications from main if you will specify in other applications URL schemes on which applications will response. For example if you will type skype://ddhhdj in your mobile Safari, than Skype will be launched.

Customized installation of iPhone or Android application

I want to develop native mobile application in which user will send invitation to his friend to install another companion native application via a link to the application. But in order for this to work I need to pass a custom token or parameters in the link so that when the companion application is installed by the user's friend, this token is parsed by the companion application to display personalized message ( much like query string parameters are passed in the URL for normal web applications). Is this possible for iPhone and Android native applications?
It is not possible on stock iPhone/iOS devices. App installation on iOS devices can only be done through the App Store app or iTunes, which do not accept any additional parameters other than the app identifier in the URLs they handle.