How do I set the default linestyle for plots in MATLAB? - matlab

I have an array of data that I would like to plot
How can I set the line style to automatically change to the next style once the line colours have been through one cycle?
For this example I would like the 8-10th lines to have a different line style. I can do it manually but I'd like Matlab to do it for me if I can set a default option somewhere.

Your first inclination might be to just change the 'LineStyleOrder' property of the axes before plotting your data. Unfortunately, high-level plotting functions like PLOT will reset the 'LineStyleOrder' property of the axes to it's default value '-'before plotting. One solution is to change the default value used by all axes objects at the root level. For example:
Will first use a solid line, then a dotted line, and then repeat again if necessary for each plot. Note that you could also use a custom 'ColorOrder' property with high-level plotting functions by changing the default value at the root as well. The following example will change it so PLOT cycles between only red, green, and blue:
set(0,'DefaultAxesColorOrder',[1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1]);
Instead of worrying about different line styles, another solution to your problem would be to set the default color order to have more than just 7 colors.
Once default property values on the root are set, they will stay that way until MATLAB is closed. When reopened, the default property values will be set back to their factory-defined values. Commands like CLEAR won't set default properties back to their factory-defined values. Instead, you should set the default property value to 'remove' to undo user-defined values, like so:
set(0,'DefaultAxesLineStyleOrder','remove'); %# Sets the default back to '-'
As another alternative to changing the default properties used by all axes objects, if you change the NextPlot property of an individual axes to anything except 'replace' you can then change the 'LineStyleOrder' or 'ColorOrder' properties to whatever you want and PLOT will not reset them to their defaults. For example, this should do what you want as well:


How does Holoviews know which colours to assign to each scatterplot in an overlay?

In the bokeh Holoviews gallery, there is an example called 'Scatter economic'.
In this plot, notice how one of the options for Scatter is (color=Cycle('Category20')). The last line of the plot is gdp_unem_scatter.overlay('Country').
My question is: How does Holoviews know to connect each Scatter to a particular color in Cycle('Category20')? Is this just a property of Cycle()? Is there some way that the Overlay interacts with the Scatter and with the Cycle automatically?
A slightly related confusion is that if I use the .opts method instead of the cell magic as in the example, it still works. For example, if I use the .opts method with this cycle color on the Scatter (i.e., second to the last line in the above example), and then do an .overlay('Country'), somehow Holoviews knows to assign each Scatter to a particular color based on the Country.
I want to make sure that I am properly plotting what I intend to.
Thank you!
It is now possible to map categories in an NdOverlay (as is used in the example above) by using a so called dim expression and then define an expression to do the mapping:
dim_expr = hv.dim('category').categorize({'A': 'red', 'B': 'green', 'C': 'blue'})
overlay = hv.NdOverlay({chr(65+i): hv.Scatter(np.random.rand(10, 2)) for i in range(3)}, 'category')
In this example we created a dim expression which points to the 'category' dimension and then maps each category ('A', 'B' and 'C') to a color ('red', 'green', 'blue'). We then just assign that to the color option.
How does Holoviews know to connect each Scatter to a particular color in Cycle('Category20')? Is this just a property of Cycle()? Is there some way that the Overlay interacts with the Scatter and with the Cycle automatically?
You are correct that Cycle and Overlay are designed to interact in this way automatically. More explicitly, each color in the Cycle gets assigned to a 'layer' of the overlay until the cycle runs out of colors and it loops.
For example, if I use the .opts method with this cycle color on the Scatter (i.e., second to the last line in the above example), and then do an .overlay('Country'), somehow Holoviews knows to assign each Scatter to a particular color based on the Country.
This is because your call to opts customizes the options on the elements of the data structure before you call the overlay method on (this data structure is a HoloMap). The options set there are propagated to the Scatter elements in the HoloMap which will now have the chosen Cycle specified. This means that when these elements get put into an overlay, HoloViews can look up the Cycle appropriately and apply it correctly to the overlay.
Hope that makes sense!

How to change Font Size in Simulink Scope?

I'm trying to change font size of axes, legend and title of a scope used in simulink. I've seen lots of answers for changing font size in a plot made from workspace, like using 'setgca' and 'fontsize' property, but couldn't find anything about changing font size within a simulink scope.
I have tried couple methods, but there's no direct way to implement this. However, we could adjust the font size of titles and x/y labels inside the Figure associated with scope
Directing to scope to figure
After you run the scope, click the scope. In the task bar, select
File > Print to Figure
This will bring you to a figure where we can edit figure's fonts.
Edit font inside the figure
Edit > Figure Properties
In the pop-up window, edit the font.
In simulink is possible to change the font style and size using going to:
Diagram > Format > Font Styles for Model
There you can change the font style and size for blocks, lines and annotations.
There isn't any functionality to change these from a pulldown menu, however, they can all be changed using code.
The primary thing to note is that a Simulink Scope is just a MATLAB Figure Window in disguise, and hence it can be manipulated using standard Handle Graphics commands once you have the handle to the scope block you want to manipulate.
For instance to change the size of the legend you'd do:
% Get the Name of the block you want to change
scope_name = get_param(gcb,'Name');
% Get the handle of the figure window used for the scope
hs = findall(0,'Tag','SIMULINK_SIMSCOPE_FIGURE','Name',scope_name);
% Get the handle to the axes on the scope
% (For simplicity, here we'll assume there is only one axis on the scope.
% If there are multiple axes, then you'll need to select which one to manipulate.)
ha = findall(hs,'Type','Axes');
% Get the handle to the legend
hl = get(ha,'Legend');
% Change the font size
Given any of the above handles you can manipulate it using set and get just like any Handle Graphics object.
I am not sure how to access the scope object from MATLAB, however, I managed to change the legend and titles text sizes by simply resizing the scope window. I know it's not exactly the right way to do this but it works.

Change label of data tips on bode nichols diagram

When we plot a bode/nichols locus, the name of workspace variable is used
will use 'tmp' as label.
When using more complex data, matlab is using 'untitled1','untitled2',...
tmp={ss(1,1,1,0) , ss(1.2,1,1,0)};
How can I change this label programmatically?
Ideally, I'd like a solution working with Matlab 6.5.1, but I'm also interested in solutions restricted to newer versions.
You can modify the labels programmatically via their graphics handles. It looks like the values you want to change are the DisplayName property of some of the children of the current axis. So in your first example, I can change the display name like this:
ch = get(gca,'Children');
In general, I'm not sure how to predict which children of the current axis are the ones you need to change. For the second example you give, the two curves appear to be the second and third children when I run your code.

Using handles returned with findobj [duplicate]

I already have the functions required to drag and drop a single box in a figure in MATLAB. The code I wrote fills the figure with several boxes. With another loop I filled the figure with more boxes (which hold different information in string form).
These two sets of boxes are related by the numbers I placed in their UserData (corresponding numbers; for each box, there's another with the same UserData content). By finding boxes containing the same UserData (and thus relating them) I want to be able to relocate a member of the first set of boxes to the same position relative to the corresponding member of the second set of boxes, by means of right clicking on the box I just dragged (uicontextmenu).
function recallfcn(hObject,eventdata)
for ydx=1:2
diag_detail=get(gco,'UserData'); % This line should be in the drag fcn
diag_pos=get(gco,'Position'); % So should this one (for current objects)
detail=[diag_detail ydx];
set(findobj('UserData',detail),'Position',[xvar+(ydx-1.5) yvar+0.5 0.8 0.8]);
% ydx is only there to add another level of detail as I'm actually looking to move
% two boxes of the 'first kind', each of which have 2 numbers in user data, the first
% number being the same, and the second number distinguishing the first box from the
% second. The premise is the same.
I usually use findall instead of findobj, in case the handles of the objects are not visible from the outside. Other than that I don't see why your code wouldn't work.
Here's an example:
%# make a figure with two buttons, same userData
uicontrol('userdata',[2 3],'parent',fh)
uicontrol('userData',[2 3],'units','normalized','position',[0.5 0.5,0.1 0.1],'parent',fh)
%# change color to red
set(findall(fh,'userData',[2 3]),'backgroundcolor','r')
%# move to the same position
set(findall(fh,'userData',[2 3]),'position',[0.3,0.3,0.1,0.1])
As Jonas alludes to, the 'HandleVisibility' property of an object will determine if the object shows up in its parent's list of children, and thus if it will be returned by functions like FINDOBJ. The standard fix is to use the function FINDALL instead.
However, the 'HandleVisibility' property also comes into play in determining whether or not an object can become the current object (i.e. returnable by the function GCO). If it is set to 'off', then that object can't become the current object. Additionally, if the 'HandleVisibility' property of the parent figure of an object is set to 'off' then none of its children (including said object) can become the current object.
If 'HandleVisibility' is set to 'on' or 'callback' for all your objects and figures, then I think everything should work fine.
you should inverse the ordre of x and y vector, and you can use just one loop, the changment in your code is :
x2=x(end:-1:1); % invers the ordre
for i=1:length(x)
set(hLine,'xdata',x(i),'ydata',y(i)); % move the point using set
% to change the cooridinates.

Moving multiple boxes in figure?

I already have the functions required to drag and drop a single box in a figure in MATLAB. The code I wrote fills the figure with several boxes. With another loop I filled the figure with more boxes (which hold different information in string form).
These two sets of boxes are related by the numbers I placed in their UserData (corresponding numbers; for each box, there's another with the same UserData content). By finding boxes containing the same UserData (and thus relating them) I want to be able to relocate a member of the first set of boxes to the same position relative to the corresponding member of the second set of boxes, by means of right clicking on the box I just dragged (uicontextmenu).
function recallfcn(hObject,eventdata)
for ydx=1:2
diag_detail=get(gco,'UserData'); % This line should be in the drag fcn
diag_pos=get(gco,'Position'); % So should this one (for current objects)
detail=[diag_detail ydx];
set(findobj('UserData',detail),'Position',[xvar+(ydx-1.5) yvar+0.5 0.8 0.8]);
% ydx is only there to add another level of detail as I'm actually looking to move
% two boxes of the 'first kind', each of which have 2 numbers in user data, the first
% number being the same, and the second number distinguishing the first box from the
% second. The premise is the same.
I usually use findall instead of findobj, in case the handles of the objects are not visible from the outside. Other than that I don't see why your code wouldn't work.
Here's an example:
%# make a figure with two buttons, same userData
uicontrol('userdata',[2 3],'parent',fh)
uicontrol('userData',[2 3],'units','normalized','position',[0.5 0.5,0.1 0.1],'parent',fh)
%# change color to red
set(findall(fh,'userData',[2 3]),'backgroundcolor','r')
%# move to the same position
set(findall(fh,'userData',[2 3]),'position',[0.3,0.3,0.1,0.1])
As Jonas alludes to, the 'HandleVisibility' property of an object will determine if the object shows up in its parent's list of children, and thus if it will be returned by functions like FINDOBJ. The standard fix is to use the function FINDALL instead.
However, the 'HandleVisibility' property also comes into play in determining whether or not an object can become the current object (i.e. returnable by the function GCO). If it is set to 'off', then that object can't become the current object. Additionally, if the 'HandleVisibility' property of the parent figure of an object is set to 'off' then none of its children (including said object) can become the current object.
If 'HandleVisibility' is set to 'on' or 'callback' for all your objects and figures, then I think everything should work fine.
you should inverse the ordre of x and y vector, and you can use just one loop, the changment in your code is :
x2=x(end:-1:1); % invers the ordre
for i=1:length(x)
set(hLine,'xdata',x(i),'ydata',y(i)); % move the point using set
% to change the cooridinates.