How to change Font Size in Simulink Scope? - matlab

I'm trying to change font size of axes, legend and title of a scope used in simulink. I've seen lots of answers for changing font size in a plot made from workspace, like using 'setgca' and 'fontsize' property, but couldn't find anything about changing font size within a simulink scope.

I have tried couple methods, but there's no direct way to implement this. However, we could adjust the font size of titles and x/y labels inside the Figure associated with scope
Directing to scope to figure
After you run the scope, click the scope. In the task bar, select
File > Print to Figure
This will bring you to a figure where we can edit figure's fonts.
Edit font inside the figure
Edit > Figure Properties
In the pop-up window, edit the font.

In simulink is possible to change the font style and size using going to:
Diagram > Format > Font Styles for Model
There you can change the font style and size for blocks, lines and annotations.

There isn't any functionality to change these from a pulldown menu, however, they can all be changed using code.
The primary thing to note is that a Simulink Scope is just a MATLAB Figure Window in disguise, and hence it can be manipulated using standard Handle Graphics commands once you have the handle to the scope block you want to manipulate.
For instance to change the size of the legend you'd do:
% Get the Name of the block you want to change
scope_name = get_param(gcb,'Name');
% Get the handle of the figure window used for the scope
hs = findall(0,'Tag','SIMULINK_SIMSCOPE_FIGURE','Name',scope_name);
% Get the handle to the axes on the scope
% (For simplicity, here we'll assume there is only one axis on the scope.
% If there are multiple axes, then you'll need to select which one to manipulate.)
ha = findall(hs,'Type','Axes');
% Get the handle to the legend
hl = get(ha,'Legend');
% Change the font size
Given any of the above handles you can manipulate it using set and get just like any Handle Graphics object.

I am not sure how to access the scope object from MATLAB, however, I managed to change the legend and titles text sizes by simply resizing the scope window. I know it's not exactly the right way to do this but it works.


how to position Matlab GUI window at top of screen?

I used Matlab GUIDE to create a GUI.
It is displayed mid-screen.
How can I position it at the top of the screen; so that the top edge of the GUI window is at top of screen.
It will be used on different Windows 7 computers with different screen resolutions.
I tried to set hObject.Position(2) but it doesn't do what I want.
I think the simplest way would be to use movegui in the OpeningFcn of your GUI with the appropriate argument, i.e. using either 'north', 'northeast' or 'northwest'.
The calling syntax is quite simple, using the handles to the figure created. In GUIDE, the default name for figures is "figure1", so in your case the code would look like this (unless you changed the figure's name):
movegui(handles.figure1,'northwest') %// or whatever
Note that movegui calls the following 3 functions to get the screen size and monitor positions/units:
screensize = get(0, 'ScreenSize');
monitors = get(0,'MonitorPositions');
old0units = get(0, 'Units');
So you could do the same to make the calculations yourself in order to place the figure precisely where you want if the above solution is not sufficient for you.

Matlab figure contents lost while saving as eps/pdf

I have tried most of the usually used options (print(figr, '-depsc', 'cross_corr.eps');) to save a matlab figure as eps/pdf but each time I do it, the figure contents are saved partially and perhaps one quarter of it is lost.
I have shared the figure here:
Using the options such as the following save it completely but I prefer it save it directly inti eps/pdf:
print(figr, '-dpng', 'cross_corr.png');
The problem seems to be that you have very small values in the 'PaperPosition' property of the figure. Try changing them to the default ones,
set(figr, 'PaperPosition', [0.634517 6.34517 20.3046 15.2284])
and then apply your print(figr, '-depsc', 'cross_corr.eps').
I attach results on my computer without and with 'PaperPosition' correction (using GSview with bounding box showed):
Also, consider reducing font size to avoid overlapped text:
set(findobj('type','text'), 'Fontsize', 5)
If I first enlarge the figure size (by using the middle button on the top right), and then save it as eps, I get this:
The quality is very nice as compared to all other options and the content are also ok.
Its not possible to automate it through script?...

Dynamic grid of images in MATLAB

I'm working on creating a GUI in matlab using GUIDE. However, i'm not exactly sure how to do the following, and was looking for some tips/advice.
I want to open a directory and display all the images in that directory in the GUI interface when if it's selected. However, since I will never know exactly how many images there are I am not entirely sure how to do this in the GUI.
Essentially, I want to open the directory and all the images to be displayed in a grid on the GUI similar to that in iphoto.
Current code
Currently, I can open a directory fine, and get all the required information as follows:
directory = uigetdir(pwd, 'Directory Selector');
files = dir(fullfile(directory, '*.jpg'));
strcat(strcat(directory, '/') , %outputs each file's location
I'm just not sure how to translate this information into the GUI without writing numerous handles.axes1. I understand that since I know this info I could loop over them, but would I not have to create the axes to begin with?
You probably don't want to do this with individual controls - the reason is that MATLAB will have to render each and every one, which will be slow if the directory has a lot of images. Clearly, you can only display a certain number of images on screen at once. You would also have to write your own scrolling code (or some kind of pagination control).
If you have MATLAB > R2008, you can put images in uitable cells using HTML:
% Example for a control with a 'String' property
set(handles.myControl, 'String', '<html><b>Logo</b>: <img src=""/></html>');
See also this post and this Undocumented MATLAB page.
A different option would be to use the Windows common controls ListView.
A simpler way of doing this would be to have a single image and a listbox of files; an example is here
You can add components to a GUI pprogrammatically. There's more information here.
Each new axes can be added with something like this:
ah = axes('Parent',hObject,'Position',[left bottom width height]);
where left, bottom, width and height define the size and position of the axes. You'll need to change the position for each axes you create and keep track of the axes handles.

Change label of data tips on bode nichols diagram

When we plot a bode/nichols locus, the name of workspace variable is used
will use 'tmp' as label.
When using more complex data, matlab is using 'untitled1','untitled2',...
tmp={ss(1,1,1,0) , ss(1.2,1,1,0)};
How can I change this label programmatically?
Ideally, I'd like a solution working with Matlab 6.5.1, but I'm also interested in solutions restricted to newer versions.
You can modify the labels programmatically via their graphics handles. It looks like the values you want to change are the DisplayName property of some of the children of the current axis. So in your first example, I can change the display name like this:
ch = get(gca,'Children');
In general, I'm not sure how to predict which children of the current axis are the ones you need to change. For the second example you give, the two curves appear to be the second and third children when I run your code.

How do I use TeX/LaTeX formatting for custom data tips in MATLAB?

I'm trying to annotate a polar plot with data tips labelled with 'R:...,Theta:...' where theta is actually the Greek symbol, rather than the word spelled out. I'm familiar with string formatting using '\theta' resulting in the symbol, but it doesn't work in this case. Is there a way to apply the LaTeX interpreter to data tips? Here's what I have so far:
dcm_obj = datacursormode(f1);
info_struct = getCursorInfo(dcm_obj);
datacursormode on
where polarlabel is defined as follows:
function txt = polarlabel(empt,event_obj)
pos = get(event_obj,'Position');
txt = {['R: ',num2str(r)],...
['\Theta: ',num2str(th*180/pi)]};
Update: This solution is primarily applicable to versions R2014a and older, since it appears to fail for newer versions, specifically R2014b and newer using the new handle graphics system. For newer versions using the new handle graphics system, a solution can be found here.
For some odd reason, the data cursor tool in MATLAB forcibly sets the data tip text to be displayed literally instead of with TeX/LaTeX interpreting (even if the default MATLAB settings say to do so). There also appears to be no way of directly setting text properties via the data cursor mode object properties.
However, I've figured out one workaround. If you add the following to the end of your polarlabel function, the text should display properly:
set(0,'ShowHiddenHandles','on'); % Show hidden handles
hText = findobj('Type','text','Tag','DataTipMarker'); % Find the data tip text
set(0,'ShowHiddenHandles','off'); % Hide handles again
set(hText,'Interpreter','tex'); % Change the interpreter
Every graphics object created in the figure has to have a handle. Objects sometimes have their 'HandleVisibility' property set to 'off', so their handles won't show up in the list of child objects for their parent object, thus making them harder to find. One way around this is to set the 'ShowHiddenHandles' property of the root object to 'on'. This will then allow you to use findobj to find the handles of graphics objects with certain properties. (Note: You could also use findall and not worry about the 'ShowHiddenHandles' setting)
Turning on data cursor mode and clicking the plot creates an hggroup object, one child of which is the text object for the text that is displayed. The above code finds this text object and changes the 'Interpreter' property to 'tex' so that the theta symbol is correctly displayed.
Technically, the above code only has to be called once, not every time polarlabel is called. However, the text object doesn't exist until the first time you click on the plot to bring up the data tip (i.e. the first time polarlabel gets called), so the code has to go in the UpdateFcn for the data cursor mode object so that the first data tip displayed has the right text formatting.