MATLAB weak references to handle class objects - matlab

While thinking about the possibility of a handle class based ORM in MATLAB, the issue of caching instances came up. I could not immediately think of a way to make weak references or a weak map, though I'm guessing that something could be contrived with event listeners. Any ideas?
More Info
In MATLAB, a handle class (as opposed to a value class) has reference semantics. An example included with MATLAB is the containers.Map class. If you instantiate one and pass it to a function, any modifications the function makes to the object will be visible via the original reference. That is, it works like a Java or Python object reference.
Like Java and Python, MATLAB keeps track in one way or another of how many things are referencing each object of a handle class. When there aren't any more, MATLAB knows it is safe to delete the object.
A weak reference is one that refers to the object but does not count as a reference for purposes of garbage collection. So if the only remaining references to the object are weak, then it can be thrown away. Generally an event or callback can be supplied to the weak reference - when the object is thrown away, the weak references to it will be notified, allowing cleanup code to run.
For instance, a weak value map is like a normal map, except that the values (as opposed to the keys) are implemented as weak references. The weak map class can arrange a callback or event on each of these weak references so that when the referenced object is deleted, the key/value entry in the map is removed, keeping the map nice and tidy.

These special reference types are really a language-level feature, something you need the VM and GC to do. Trying to implement it in user code will likely end in tears, especially if you lean on undocumented behavior. (Sorry to be a stick in the mud.)
There's a couple ways you could do something similar. These are just ideas, not endorsements; I haven't actually done them.
Perhaps instead of caching Matlab object instances per se, you could cache expensive computational results using a real Java weak ref map in the JVM embedded inside Matlab. If you can convert your Matlab values to and from Java relatively quickly, this could be a win. If it's relatively flat numeric data, primitives like double[] or double[][] convert quickly using Matlab's implicit conversion.
Or you could make a regular LRU object cache in the Matlab level (maybe using a containers.Map keyed by hashcodes) that explicitly removes the objects inside it when new ones are added. Either use it directly, or add an onCleanup() behavior to your objects that has them automatically add a copy of themselves to a global "recently deleted objects" LRU cache of fixed size, keyed by an externally meaningful id, and mark the instances in the cache so your onCleanup() method doesn't try to re-add them when they're deleted due to expiration from the cache. Then you could have a factory method or other lookup method "resurrect" instances from the cache instead of constructing brand new ones the expensive way. This sounds like a lot of work, though, and really not idiomatic Matlab.

This is not an answer to your question but just my 2 cents.
Weak reference is a feature of garbage collector. In Java and .NET garbage collector is being called when the pressure on memory is high and is therefore indeterministic.
This MATLAB Digest post says that MATLAB is not using a (indeterministic) garbage collector. In MATLAB references are being deleted from memory (deterministically) on each stack pop i.e. on leaving each function.
Thus I do not think that weak references belongs to the MATLAB reference handling concept. But MATLAB has always had tons of undocumented features so I can not exclude that it is buried somewhere.
In this SO post I asked about MATLAB garbage collector implementation and got no real answer. One MathWorks stuff member instead of answering my question has accused me of trying to construct a Python vs. MATLAB argument. Another MathWorks stuff member wrote something looking reasonable but in substance a clever deception - purposeful distraction from the problem I asked about. And the best answer has been:
if you ask this question then MATLAB
is not the right language for you!


what exactly is the phytree object in matlab?

This question has bothered me for a while, so I post it here just in case someone else has the similar issue. After debugging the code to ask it print out the variables, I understand that the phytree object is a struct array with three fields, i.e., tree, dist and names. Here, tree is a matrix with the size the number of branches times 2. But because the data is large, I cannot quite figure out what exactly is the matrix tree. Can someone help? Thanks in advance.
The output of seqneighjoin is not a struct array with the fields tree dist and names, it's a phytree object that has some internal properties called tree, dist and names. Since you're already taking a look at the code with the debugger, take a look at the line right at the end of phytree.m - you'll see that it specifies that the output tr is an object of class phytree, not a struct.
I'm not sure if you have much background using object-oriented programming in MATLAB, but it's a bigger topic than I can discuss here - I'll just say that an "object" is something that has properties that store information in the same way that a struct has fields that store information; but an object also has methods that are functions stored as part of the object and that act on it. For the phytree object, these methods are functions such as prune for removing branches, getnewickstr for getting a Newick-formatted string, and so on.
You can find out more about MATLAB OO programming in the documentation. Unfortunately, there's a bit of an issue with that - in R2008a, MATLAB introduced a new form of OO, and all the current documentation is based on that style of OO. phytree is implemented using the old style of OO, so you may need to look at the doc for an old version of MATLAB to find out its syntax.
You shouldn't be trying to access the internal tree property directly. If you want to get it, use get(tr, 'Pointers'). It's an array listing which branches are connected to which other branches/leaves.

Querying Python runtime for all objects in existence

I'm working on a C++ Python wrapper the attempts to encapsulate the awkwardness of reference counting, retaining, releasing.
It has a set of unit tests.
However I want to ensure that after each test, everything has been cleared away properly. i.e. every object created during that test has had its reference count taken down to 0, and has consequently been removed.
Is there any way of querying the Python runtime for this information?
If I could just get the number of objects being stored, that would do. I could then sure it doesn't change between tests.
EDIT: I believe it is possible to compile Python with a special flag producing a binary that has functions for monitoring reference counting. But this is as much as I know. Maybe more...
That depends on which implementation you use. I'm assuming you're using cpython. Since you're fiddling with the reference counting mechanism, I will further assume that using the garbage collector to find the remaining objects won't be sufficiently reliable for your purpose. (Elsewise, see here.)
The build flag you were thinking about is this one:
It is best to define these options in the EXTRA_CFLAGS make variable:
Py_REF_DEBUG introduced in 1.4
named REF_DEBUG before 1.4
Turn on aggregate reference counting. This arranges that extern
_Py_RefTotal hold a count of all references, the sum of ob_refcnt across
all objects. [..]
Special gimmicks:
Return current total of all refcounts.
(Source: Python git, SpecialBuilds.txt, Debugging builds from the C API reference.)
If you need a list of all pointers to live objects, use Py_TRACE_REFS, directly below that one in the SpecialBuilds file.

pass by refernce method in matlab

I'm developing a robotics application in Matlab for my thesis. I'm experienced in C#, PHP, js, etc etc.
I would love if objects I create could somehow be passed by reference. I heard that there are things called "handle objects" and others called "value objects". I can't find any specific documentation on how to create a "handle object" and it seems they are usually graphics objects.
I have a few design patterns that are easy to implement when passing by reference is possible. I would like certain objects to share 'simulation spaces', without making each space a global variable. I would like to avoid passing IDs around everywhere, in an effort to keep objects synchronized. I would like to share environmental objects between robots, without worrying about the fact that passing this object actually copies it. (this will lead to bugs over time)
I'm starting to feel like my only solution will be to have a weird global 'object broker' that has the latest copy of many common system objects. I hope to avoid this sort of thing!
Any advice would be amazing!
Handle objects are created by the following syntax
classdef myClass < handle
% properties here
% methods here
A good place to start looking in the documentation is the classes start page. Note that value and handle classes have only been implemented in R2008a, and are reasonably bug-free since R2009a (though more recent releases have improved performance quite a bit).
If you're coming from other languages, this section about the differences between Matlab and other languages OOP can be useful.
Your classes should inherit from the handle abstract class
classdef MyHandleClass < handle
% // class stuff
Class with this semantics can be passed by reference in a java like way.
Consider also this section of the guide.

Why retain/release rather than new/delete?

I'm newbie to objective-C, I feel comportable in C++.
My question is:
Why language designer of obj-c proper to use retain/release rather then use new/delete(=alloc/dealloc) only?
Maybe my brain is fit to new/delete only memory management, I can not understand why I should manage reference counts, I think I know when object have to be alloc/dealloc with my C++ experence.
(Yes, I spend 4 hours to debug reference count problem, it is resolved by 1 line "release")
Can anyone explain me what is better when we use reference counter? (in programming language respects) I think I can manage lifecycle of object by new/delete, but I can't with reference counting.
I need long article that explains why reference counter is useful, if you have link.
P.S: I heard about Compile-time Automatic Reference Counting at WWDC 2011, it is really awesome, it can be reason of use of reference counter, for example.
The short answer is that it is a way to manage object lifetimes without requiring "ownership" as one does with C++.
When creating an object using new in C++, something has to know when to delete that object later. Often this is straightforward, but it can be difficult when an object can be passed around and shared by many different "owners" with differing lifetimes.
With reference counting, as long as any other object refers to the object, it stays alive. When all other objects remove their references, it disappears. There are drawbacks to this approach (the debugging of retain/release and reference cycles being the most obvious), but it is a useful alternative to fully automatic garbage collection.
Objective-C is not the only language to use reference counting. In C++, it is common to use std::shared_ptr, which is the standard reference-counted smart pointer template. Windows Component Object Model programming requires it. Many languages use automated reference-counting behind the scenes as a garbage-collection strategy.
The Wikipedia article is a good place to start looking for more information:

How to make Scala's immutable collections hold immutable objects

I'm evaluating Scala and am having a problem with its immutable collections.
I want to make immutable collections, which are completely immutable, right down through all the contained objects, the objects they reference, ad infinitum.
Is there a simple way to do this?
The code on illustrates what I'm trying to achieve, and a nasty work around (ImmutablePoint).
The problem with the workaround is that every time I want to change an object I have to manually make a new copy. I understand that the runtime will have to implement copy-on-write, but can this be made transparent to the developer?
I suppose I'm looking to make Immutable Objects, where methods change the current object state, but all other 'val' (and all immutable container) references to the object retain the 'old' state.
This is not possible out-of-the-box with scala via some specific language construct unless you have followed the idiom that all of your objects are immutable, in which case this behaviour comes for free!
With 2.8, named parameters have made "copy constructors" quite nice to use, from a readability perspective. But you are correct, this works as copy-on-write. The behaviour you are asking for, where the "current" object is the only one mutated goes completely against the way the JVM works, unfortunately (for you)!
Actually the phrase "the current object" makes no sense; really you mean "the current reference"! All other references (outside the current lexical scope) which point to the same object, erm, point to the same object! There is only one object!
Hence it's just not possible for this object to appear to be mutable from the perspective of the current lexical scope but immutable for others
If you're interested in some more general theory on how to handle updates to immutable data structures efficiently,
might prove interesting.